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VOL. 4.

Wall street octopus reaches a ten- which the rjeocle can fence it in Can 3 Go Into 1 ?
KANSAS AGITATOR. tacle fuYther west or south, and with appropriate legislation. American Nonconformist.

But first DEMONETIZE GOLD I How are the banks going to pay
Devoted to the interests of drags in a congressman, an influen-
W. H. M. $3,734,000,000, the amount deposit-
THE MASSES. tial newspaper or a board of trade.
ed in the national and savings banks
a Fearless, Aggressive, Progressive Every day, "loss of confidence,
Justice vs. Barbarism. of the country (see N. Y. World
Advocate of All Ketorms. caused by silver purchases," is din- The Flaming Sword, Chicago. almanac for 1893, pages 143-4- 4)
ned in the ears of the people till The Borden trial disclosed the con with $1,593,000,000, the entire
LOSS OF CONFIDENCE. they are stunned beyond the capa spiracy of detectives and officers of amount of money in circulation ?
The primary cause of the present bility of reasoning, and content the state to convict an innocent per
of secretary of the treas-
i themselves with the thought that son, failing to find a guilty one. (See report
demoralized condition of business, Disclosures coming from Home ury for July). There is no way
the financiers tell us, is "loss ol Wall street's nefarious scheme can stead reveal conspiracy between de- known to Populists to pay $2.30
confidence." That has always been never be accomplished but it will tectives and accomplices to convict with $1. Yet this is all the banks
ii the cry when capital was devising a be. never the less. What does it Dempsey and other labor leaders of have got to pay with, counting that
mean when a convention of poiboning n men, in order
scheme to rob the masses. When
gold-hoarde- non-unio-

within their vaultp every

meet in New York city to divert attention from the outrage they have
the question is put, "Who has lost committed by the Carnegie works dollar in the United States. We
confidence ?" we are told, "Capital and resolve that "funds must be in constituting imported ruffians know that they don't have all the
has," and that it will be necessary RAISED TO MEET AND
state militia. Gallagher, the money, for individuals have millions
to legislate o few millions out of the silver men"? That means whole- wretch who swore that Dempsey, of dollars, and the state and private
pockets of the people and into the sale purchase of press, legislators, district master workman of the banks have as much on hand as the
boards of trade and every one who Knights of Labor, paid him to poison
vaults of capital before it will get enemies of the strikers, now swears national banks have.
calm and confident again and quit occupies a conspicuous public posi No, if every depositor should want
that the detectives filled him for
raising financial hell over the whole tion, if cash in hand or political pre more than a month with liquor, kept his money at once, the banks could
country. ferment will do the work. This is him away from his friends, threaten- not pay over 25 cents on the dollar.
Capital "lost confidence" during the deepest, the blackest and most ed to hang him for murder, and to
do other dreadful things if he did
You must have confidence, though,
the war, and had to be paid 100 per unholy of all conspiracies against
not implicate Dempsey as chief of and believe they can pay dollar for
cent, profit on every dollar furnished the common people. It is also the
the poisoning plot. He admits that dollar. As we write, the Indianapo
the country that had rendered it boldest and mo6t impudent in its there was no poison used and none lis banks are thronged with anxious
possible for capital to exist. devilish demands. All rights and suggested. Dempsey has been serv depositors, eager to draw out their
Capital "lost confidence" before every interest are ignored except ing a prison sentence for the crime money before it is too late, and two
act was those of the millionaires, bankers his convictor says he did not com
the Credit-strengtheni-

mit. Chicago Herald. of them, one a United States depos-

demanded, and by which several and speculators in money and bonds.
The Borden trial, like every other itory, have placards upon the doors
millions were stolen from the people When capital contemplates a steal "suspended."
trial of the state against a suspect,
and appropriated by capital. off the people, it gets up a financial
discloses the disgraceful aspect ol
Capital "lost confidence" before flurry in Wall street, and the secre-
justice. It is geucrally Systematized and persistent mis
silver was demonetized, and before tary of the treasury, a servant of supposed that a state's attorney oc representation is the stock in trade
Bill McKinley revised the tariff, and the people, immediately sneaks away cupies his position by virtue of his of such papers as the Toledo Blade,
now, when it desires to stop coin- and consults the robbers to ascertain legal ability ; and to sustain his rep- of which the following is a fair
age, issue interest bearing bonds what he can do to help along the utation as a lawyer he must convict, sample, and in which the denizens
and force on the country a single steal. Did you ever hear of his at all hazards, whether innocent or of the great west can easily point
gold standard, thereby nearly doub- consulting with a body of promi
guilty, the unfortunate person who out a number of clearly-expresse- d

ling its gains at the ex- nent farmers who gave him his posi- may fall into his merciless hands. falsehoods. Mark them, ye tillers
pense of every property holder in tion, to know what he could do to Our criminal jurisprudnce is one of the soil How many of you got
the nation, it raises the same old cry prevent the steal ? I think not.
of the most barbarous and disgrace- $1, or one-ha-
lt of it, in 1892? And
of "loss of confidence," and declares The doom of silver is sealed. ful things of civilization, so on to the end of the list :
nothing can restore it but legislat- Gold is to be the tyrant that will hold and so far as the attitude of the 1892
ive changes that will make every every industry . in its villainous state toward its euspects is concern
hoarded gold dollar worth twice its grasp, and crush life aud hope out Grandfather's big hat,
ed requires an overhauling no less Wheat $1 per bushel.
face ; or, what is equivalent, depre- of the common people with its in This
radical than a revolution. Wool 20 cents per pound.
ciate values till one dollar will buy satiable demands. The only remedy charge must receive its impulse Homestead labor, $6 to $18 per
as much as two will now. The is to DEMONETIZE GOLD ! from outside the socalled courts of day, and striking for more.
people need not delude themselves Clip the tentacles of the remorse- 1893
with the hope that the scheme will less devil-fis- and render him as
G rover's big collar,
fail. Capital never failb except harmless as a half-grow- n
clam. The Deuver Road insists on the Wheat 60 cents per bushel,
when revolution takes it by the If capital has "lost confidence" demonetization of gold in the event Wool 10 cents per pound,
throat and demands that the people on account of silver, let it know that of the demonetisation of silver. Labor out of a job.
have their own. the people have lost confidence on We're wid yez, Brother George. Which did you vote for last
The silver men talk bravely ; the Make it a com- The demonetization-of-gol- idea is fall?
account of cold. d

Populists oppose it to a man ; the modity, and it will cut no more fig- rapidly gainiug ground, too.
Western and Southern press de- ure in the financial world than dia- Don't fail to read the Great Quad-
nounced it with laudable unanimity, monds. Give us Legal tender paper Order "The Golden Bottle" thro' rangular Debate, then hand it to
but 'tis in vain. Every day the that will "ham-string- " capital, after the Agitator Price, 50 cts. your neighbor.

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