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The six principles in developing materials

5. Material should require and Facilitate to learner self- investment

The material, even the media, must allow students to do a lot of activities in a learner-centered
classroom. Example of the procedure text topic "how to create an email". schools should facilitate
computers, network connections and ICT-capable teachers in that topic so that students can easily
learn these procedure text.

6. Learners must be ready to acquire the point being taught

readiness to receive points from the material that the teacher teaches can be influenced by
indicator indicators that students must achieve before the lesson begins. the indicator can be clue
before the content starts. The teacher can first give students an overview of what will be discussed
in this material by describing what is familiar in the environment and around the student. An
example is in the material of historical places, the teacher must first give an idea of what a historical
place looks like by exemplifying historical places around which students know, then the teacher tells
about historical places in other places.

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