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Class:  ________________________

8.5 Emphasis – cleft sentences and inversion

1 Complete the second sentence so it has a similar meaning to the first. Use the word in capitals, and use the
number of words in brackets. Contractions count as one word.
1 Sea creatures eat the plastic. HAPPENS (6 words)
What ______________________________ the plastic.
2 He invented a device that cleans up oceans. DID
(4 words)
What ______________________________ a device that cleans up the oceans.
3 We read about his invention in the newspaper. THAT
(3 words)
It’s ______________________________ we read about in the newspaper.
4 They mistake the plastic for jellyfish. IS (4 words)
What they ______________________________ the plastic for jellyfish.
5 It’s frightening how much garbage floats in the Pacific Ocean. IS (5 words)
What’s ______________________________ floats in the Pacific Ocean.
6 I’m saying that it’s a silly assumption to make. ALL
(5 words)
______________________________ it’s a silly assumption to make.
7 I find it hard to believe that they didn’t leave any fingerprints. WHAT (7 words)
______________________________ they didn’t leave any fingerprints.
8 His attitude annoys me the most. IT’S (4 words)
______________________________ annoys me the most.

2 Complete the second sentence using inversion.

1 I have never seen such poverty.
Never ____________________________ such poverty.
2 He wouldn’t admit that under any circumstances.
Under____________________________ admit that.
3 It could clean the ocean and also generate profit.
Not ____________________________, but it could also generate profit.
4 I have rarely come across such well-written articles.
Rarely ____________________________ such well-written articles.
5 She isn’t similar to her mum in any way.
In no ____________________________ her mum.

6 He didn’t thank me once!

Not ____________________________ me!
7 I’ll never buy one of their products again!
Never ____________________________ one of their products!


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