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The YMCA Bench Press Test

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ASSESSMENT TYPE The phases of the YMCA bench press test are depicted in
he YMCA bench press test is a multiple joint assessment Figure 1.

T of upper body muscular endurance (1).


The required equipment includes a training bench with safety
rack supports, a barbell with lightweight safety collars, weight
The YMCA bench press test is relatively easy to administer, avoids plates, and a metronome (a metronome app also is sufficient).
the use of maximal loads, is safe, is responsive to changes in fitness
over time, and can be used for predicting one-repetition maximum PRIMARY MUSCLES ASSESSED
(1RM) bench press strength in novice and recreationally trained
The YMCA bench press test assesses the local endurance of the
men and women (2–4).
pectoralis major, anterior deltoid, serratus anterior, pectoralis
minor, coracobrachialis, latissimus dorsi, and triceps brachii (7,
INTRODUCTION 15). Figure 2 depicts the primary muscles assessed during the
The bench press, a multi-joint pushing exercise used for devel- YMCA bench press test.
oping strength, power, and endurance in chest, anterior shoul-
der, and elbow extensor muscles, is also one of the three lifts TESTING PROCEDURE
performed in the sport of competitive powerlifting (5–7). The Use an 80-pound or a 35-pound bar with weightless safety col-
1RM test is considered a valid assessment of maximal bench lars for men and women, respectively. Set the metronome at
press strength and requires the lifter to push a maximally loaded 60 clicks per minute. Subjects should lie supine on the bench
barbell off their chest from a pause to a fully extended elbow po- with their head, shoulders, and hips supported firmly on the
sition at approximately eyebrow level (5–7). The 1RM test re- bench and their feet resting at shoulder width on the floor. This
quires multiple trials interspersed with relatively long rest and position should be maintained throughout the test. They should
recovery periods between lifting trials (typically between 3 and not arch their back, lift their head off the bench, or bounce the
5 minutes) to determine maximal strength (6). A number of bar off their chest. A pronated, slightly wider than shoulder-
field-based tests have been validated as surrogate or proxy mea- width grip should be used. The spotter assists the client with
sures for predicting 1RM bench press strength from the perfor- the liftoff and uses an alternating grip so that the bar rests above
mance of multiple repetitions with submaximal loads for the client at eyebrow level. The bar is lowered to the rhythm of
multiple populations with varying training histories (3–6,8–14). the metronome until it touches the chest. Begin the test with the
The use of single trials and the avoidance of maximal weight bar resting on the chest with elbows flexed and hands spread
loads make the YMCA bench press test time efficient and easy slightly wider than shoulder width. Repetitions are counted after
to administer. the bar has been successfully lifted through the full range of mo-
The YMCA bench press test is a standardized, field-based as- tion from the chest. Up and down movements must be com-
sessment of local upper body muscular endurance and can be an pleted in time to the 60 click per minute cadence (corresponds
alternative to the push-up test for individuals interested in using to a rate of 30 lifts per minute). The test is terminated when
free weights during their workouts. Males and females perform proper lifting technique, full range of motion, or cadence cannot
as many bench press repetitions as possible at a standardized be maintained or if the client requests to stop (1). The number of
cadence of 30 repetitions per minute with 80 pounds and 35 successful repetitions is compared with the age cohort–related
pounds, respectively. A metronome is set at 60 clicks per minute norms (1). Clients are encouraged to exhale during the pushing
to ensure that the bar is either completing the downward or up- or upward phase of each repetition.
ward phases of each repetition on a click (two clicks equal one
repetition cycle). Results of the test are compared with norm ta- SPOTTING AND SAFETY TIPS
bles designed by the YMCA for individuals 18 years and older To enhance safety and effective learning, lifters unfamiliar with
(1). The fixed weights and barbell favor larger, stronger individ- performing the barbell bench press should use either unloaded
uals and might disadvantage older deconditioned clients (1). Re- or lightly loaded bars to learn how to balance the bar and de-
sults of the YMCA bench press test can help guide program velop the right body position and proper exercise technique. Cli-
design and help monitor improvements in fitness over time. ents should be screened for and free of musculoskeletal injuries
Volume 24 | Number 6 33

Copyright © 2020 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

Figure 1. A–E, Phases of the YMCA bench press test.

before performing the YMCA bench press test and demonstrate of the bar until it is racked. (Please refer to Supplemental Digital
proper technique and control before performing it. During the Video Content 1,
bench press test, the spotter should maintain an upright stance
and be very close to the head of the bench without distracting SCORING AND INTERPRETATION
the client. They should place their feet shoulder-width apart
The normative tables for the YMCA bench press test are orga-
with their knees slightly flexed while grasping the bar with a
nized into six age-ranged cohorts, which include 18 to 25, 26 to
closed, alternated grip inside the client’s grip. The spotter should
35, 36 to 45, 46 to 55, 56 to 65, and 66 years and older for males
assist with moving the bar off the supports at their client’s signal
and 16 to 25, 26 to 35, 36 to 45, 46 to 55, 56 to 65, and 65 years
and guide the bar to a position over their client’s chest and re-
and older for females (1). An electronic scoring calculator based
lease the bar smoothly. Full attention should be given to the cli-
on the norms for the YMCA bench press test is available (2)
ent during each repetition and through the entire set. The
spotter should keep the hands close to the bar with an alternated
Common errors include lifting the buttocks and head off the
grip (one forearm pronated and the other supinated) without
bench, failure to fully extend the elbows, holding of breath, and
touching it and follow the bar path during both the lowering
inability to maintain the proper lifting cadence (not keeping up
and the upward pushing phases by keeping the torso rigid and
with the metronome) (1).
upright and by flexing and extending the hips and knees, respec-
tively. The test should be terminated immediately if clients experi-
ence pain, discomfort, or sudden weakness in the upper extremity. PREDICTING 1RM
Weightless safety collars should be used. When finished, the client Equations for predicting 1RM bench press strength from the re-
will signal for assistance in racking (safely returning to the safety sults of the YMCA bench press test have been developed for
rack or supports) the bar. The spotter should maintain their grip novice, college-aged males and females 22 to 32 years old (3).
34 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® November/December 2020

Copyright © 2020 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
Figure 2. A and B, Primary muscles assessed during the YMCA bench press test.

Volume 24 | Number 6 35

Copyright © 2020 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

SUMMARY 12. Mayhew JL, Johnson BD, LaMonte MJ, Lauber D, Kemmler W. Accuracy of
prediction equations for determining one repetition maximum bench press in
The YMCA bench press test is a time-efficient, safe assessment women before and after resistance training. J Strength Cond Res. 2008;22(5):
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14. Rontu JP, Hannula MI, Leskinen S, Linnamo V, Salmi JA. One-repetition maximum
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editor. 4th ed. Champaign (IL): Human Kinetics; 2000. J Strength Cond Res. 2010;24(8):2018–25.
2. Exercise Prescription on the Net. [cited 2020 June 16]. Available from: http:// 15. Floyd RT. Manual of Structural Kinesiology. 20th ed. New York (NY): McGraw Hill; 2018. 379 p.
3. Kim PS, Mayhew JL, Peterson DF. A modified YMCA bench press test as a
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2002;16(3):440–5. Recommended Reading
4. Rose K, Ball TE. A field test for predicting maximal bench press lift of college
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Peter Ronai, M.S., FACSM, ACSM-CEP,
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7. West DJ, Cunningham DJ, Crewther BT, Cook CJ, Kilduff LP. Influence of ballistic professor of exercise science in the Depart-
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10. Macht JW, Abel MG, Mullineaux DR, Yates JW. Development of 1RM prediction Health and Fitness Journal®. He also is a past president of the
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36 ACSM’s Health & Fitness Journal ® November/December 2020

Copyright © 2020 American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.

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