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Words/ Phrases Paraphrased Meaning

To address (v) To tackle = To mitigate Giải quyết

= To alleviate = To curb
To position (v) Định vị
Cohesion and coherence (n) Sự trôi chảy, mạch lạc
Lexical resource (n) Từ vựng
Collocation (n) Từ theo cụm
Boring (adj) Tedious
To make (v) To render
First world Western countries
New world
Third world Poor countries
Wealthy (adj) Well-off = Affluent = Developed
Underpriviliged (adj) Needy = Impoverished
= Poverty-stricken
= less-developed
~ to live under the poverty line
Reasons (n) Causes = Factors = Roots
Health (n) Well-being (tinh thần và thể chất)
Busy (adj) To lead a hectic life
Inordinate (adj) Dư thừa, nhiều hơn cần thiết
To run a risk of (v) Có nguy cơ
To suffer from (v) To contract Mắc bệnh
Hyper tension (n) High blood pressure
Cardio vascular diseases (n) Bệnh về tim
Transport (n) Vận tải
Transportation Vận chuyển
Disease (n) Problem = Melody
Asthma (n) Hen suyễn
Chronic asthma Hen suyễn mãn tính

Các cấu trúc phức tạp:

1. Modal
2. Passive voice
3. Relative clause
4. Comparisons
5. Conditional
6. Dummy subject
7. Noun/ Adj phrase
Could Option
Would Opinion
Should Morality
Might Negative possibility

Despite huge improvements in healthcare, the overall standard of physical health

in many developed countries is now falling. What could be reasons for this trend,
and what could be done to reverse it?
1.lead a hectic life
->be snowed under with words
->fail to have time/ prepare home-cooked meals/ familial members/ children
->fast foods/ become/ options
Contain an inordinate amount of fat
->Children/ run a higher risk of/ suffer from

2.There is a high level of air pollution

Exhaust fumes/ from personal vehicles
Be more likely to suffer from respiratory problems/ chronic asthma/ lung cancer


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