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Family Assessment Part B

Family Work in CYC

Nicole Perryman
December 7th ,2020
Carlee Kosciesza


1. Evan has not had proper parental roles to look up to or receive attention from. Both

Mike and Karin have very unhealthy discipline practices and when they do give Evan a

form of attention, it is extremely negative. This behavior can be linked to the Parental


 When Evan was caught stealing magic markers, Mike and Karin went straight to yelling

and throwing the markers at Evan with the intent for him to be hit.

 Evan was caught stealing cigarettes; Mike blew smoke in his face and mouth while

yelling at him to smoke the whole pack.

 There were little to no good examples of proper parental role models for ether Evan or

his younger sister Kimberly however, Kimberly was nurtured and shown more love and

affection from both parents, especially Mike.

2. In the Desjardin household the children were raised without explicit family rules, which

allows Evan to do what he pleases and Mike and Karin just give out rules and

punishments as they please which could be confusing and upsetting for him. Evan also

seems to have figured out that by breaking these rules he receives some form of

attention even if it is negative.

 When Evan was caught the last time for stealing cigarettes and smoking, Mike and Karin

decided that because the situation was so overwhelming, Evan is now responsible for

taking care of himself and will not be receiving any help from them.

 Karin and Mike placing locks on their bedroom door was a rule that was put into place

because they believed Evan could no longer be trusted to have access into their space.

 Karin brought up that Evan had abandonment issues from his father leaving and with

putting all these rules into place so inconsistently, especially with him being isolated and

left alone, seemed to have brought back some of those painful thoughts and feelings


3. When Evan would get into trouble, it would cause his parents to begin both yelling at

him, or at each other, which is the beginning of what is called Triangulation. This causes

emotional and, in most cases, verbal trauma which can be extremely harmful especially

to a child. Mike and Karin would pull whatever spouse was not involved in the original

argument to take over or attempt to de-escalate the situation.

 Mike began yelling at Evan in the TV room and was threatening he could kill him and

lock him in a cage. Karin responded back telling Mike to ignore him and walk away

which was a temporary fix to his yelling.

 Karin was yelling at Evan because she thought he was lying and was repeatedly telling

Mike she was going to hurt Evan for it, which caused Mike to back her up.

 Karin’s room key went missing and automatically started pointing fingers at Evan and

blaming him. Evan expressed to her many times that he did not do it, but she continued

screaming at him that he did. Karin then turned to Mike for support, so he then backed

Karin up and began telling Evan he was guilty.

Goals/ Treatment Plan

1. Overarching Goal: Evan and Mike to spend quality time together, so they can build a

proper relationship with each other.

Long-term Goal: Evan and Mike will form a healthy Father/ Son type relationship where they

are able to spend time with each other as well as properly communicate.

Short-term Goal: For Evan and Mike to start off building a friendship and making time for each

other. Doing this will hopefully help Evan receive some of his missing attention he’s been

needing, as well as give both Mike and him the father/son bonding they have both missed out


Activities: Spend the little moments together, for example if Mike needs a hand doing

something around the house for Evan to help, or if there’s a football game on to watch

together. Then gradually planning small fishing trips or other fun activities, the focus is to begin

with getting them communicating with other and simply having each other in their presence.

Who’s Responsible: Mike and Evan, The CYC involved with the support of Karin

Desired Outcome: Mike and Evan to have a stronger relationship/bond and can regularly

interact and understand each other better. This will hopefully reduce the fighting, stealing, and

feeling of abandonment.

2. Overarching Goal: For Mike and Karin to develop better communication patterns within

their relationship, which will result in developing a stronger relationship.

Long-term Goal: Mike and Karin do what’s best for their family and themselves, to become a

stronger and more united couple/family.

Short-term Goal: Mike and Karin to keep regular and steady communication with each other as

a couple, and not involving the children.

Activities: Make time for each other whether it be at home or going out once a week. It is also

suggested they participate in a couples counselling or support program.

Who’s Responsible: Mike, Karin, and the counselor they chose to go to.

Desired Outcome: Mike and Karin to fix not only the communication issues, but other ones that

may be happening so they can better focus on growing as a couple which will ultimately benefit

the family.

3. Overarching Goal: The Desjardin family to be closer, and more attentive of one another.

Long-term Goal: For the family to be more connected and understanding of each other flaws

and mistakes.

Short-term Goal: All the family members to speak up when they feel something and for them to

spend a night per week with each other for more quality time.

Activities: A good activity for a family is a gam night because there are usually many laughs and

memories shared, which could benefit them. The activities they choose is up to them, however

these should be done at least once a week.

Who’s Responsible: Mike, Karin, Evan and Kimberly.

Desired Outcome: For the family to enjoy spending time together and for them to continue and

want to do these activities. This will help open their dynamic at home for growth and change.

4. Overarching Goal: Karin and Mike to focus on bettering their relationship with Evan as

his parents and learning proper discipline techniques, which will hopefully build a

stronger relationship so trust can be earned back.

Long-term Goal: Karin and Mike will be able to trust Evan and not have to take such drastic

measures to punish him.

Short-term Goal: For Karin and Mike to communicate with Evan so they can better understand

what needs both are and aren’t being met, so Evan won’t need to do everything he has been to

receive attention from them.

Activities: For Mike and Karin to attend a parenting class so that they are able to learn and

understand proper and healthy techniques to communicate and enforce disciplinary actions if

needed. Mike, Karin and Evan will also have nightly check-ins with each other to see how their

day was, to keep engaged. (a good technique to use is a rose and a thorn).

People Responsible: Mike, Karin, Evan, the CYC involved, and the support group worker.

Desired Outcome: That Karin and Mike will have a better sense of trust with Evan so that they

can begin to remove the locks on the doors. This will also give Evan the opportunity to show his

parents how well behaved he can be, he just needs their assistance and effort to help.


In conclusion, I want Evan to be raised in a supportive and understanding household. The

current living situation is not appropriate or healthy enough to allow Evan and Kimberly to grow

into the people they are capable of being. It is important and crucial for Mike and Evan to begin

building a relationship with each other, for Mike and Karin to work on ongoing issues between

them in their relationship, for the entire Desjardin family to become closer, as well as for Mike

and Karin to learn how to build a trusting and nurturing relationship with Evan. If the issues

stated can’t be resolved, I believe that it would be in the best interest of the children to be

removed from the home.

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