UAS ELT Pak Muhkisin

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Members : Amelia Dwi Anggraeni (1810231015)

Refsa Ina Irianti (1810231017)

Kusnul Hotimah (1810231024)

Materials : Asking and Giving Permission (Speaking)

Purpose : Asking permission to use something that belongs to someone else politely

Target : Junior High School Grade 8

In everyday English conversation the expression asking for permission really needs
to be understood. The skill of using the expression asking for permission can be very helpful
in situations where you have to ask permission to do or not do something.

The expression asking for permission is an expression to ask permission to do

something. To ask permission in English, the expressions used vary widely. However, even
though it varies widely, the expressions used must be polite. That's why use the word 'please'
at the beginning or end of a sentence to get a more polite impression.

The expected objectives in this study are students can make sentences based on
pictures and situations, say and respond to the word ask for and give permission in English,
repeat the pronunciation of words / sentences in asking and giving permission in English, and
can respond to questions about asking permission in English.

Several kinds of learning materials that can be used are Grammar Practice. In
Grammar Practice the teacher can provide explanations and exercises related to asking and
giving permission in English. The second is Communication Practice, the teacher can provide
pictures and questions about asking and giving permission in English. The third is
Pronunciation, in the pronunciation activity, the thing that can be done is to emphasize speech
on syllables and word scripts and pronunciation in asking and giving permission in English.
The fourth is Developing Oral Skills, which is doing conversations and exercises based on
pictures about asking and giving permission in English. The last one is Recalling Vocabulary,
which is having conversations and answering pictorial questions about asking and giving
permission in English.
The learning method that can be used in this material is Genre Based Approach.
Genre-based approach is an approach which is also known as text based instruction. The
context decides the purpose of a text, an overall structure of a text in terms of language
features and text features often in the form of linguistic conventions (Hammond and
Derewianka, 2001; Hyon, 1996).

Here are some expressions asking for permission:

- Can i go home now, please?
- May i turn off the lamp, please?
- Please, can i take back my bag?
- Please, can i taste the noodle?
- Would you mind if i ask you something?
- Would it be alright if i borrowed your painting brushes?
When asking for permission, there is the possibility to be approved or not approved.
Likewise, to answer the above expression, there are two types of responses that can be used.
The response used can either approve or reject. The following are expressions you can use for
giving permission:

- Yes please 
- Sure, go ahead
- Sure 
- No problem
- Please feel free
- Of course you can

Learning English is the development of English language skills in accordance with the
context and conditions and daily situations of students. In learning English, there are 4 basic
language skills namely listening, writing, speaking and reading. Our group chose the
speaking aspect, and for the learning material we chose asking and giving permission. We
chose that material because the material is interesting to discuss. In addition, these materials
can be very helpful in situations where we have to ask permission to do or not do something.

As we know asking and giving permission is general subject matter in english

indirectly, this material content is widely used and found in everyday life. Asking and giving
permissions or requests and granting permission for someone to use or borrow private
property when someone needs it.By learning to use English sentences to express requests and
giving permissions or asking and giving permissions, it is hoped that students can speak
politely to others. Both asking or giving permission have different expression.

The expression of giving permissions in english sentence indicates giving permission

or asking for permission from others. It’s like yes, sure, go ahead, absolutely sure , of course;
alright , no problem, please feel free nand etc. So expression of giving expression used as an
expression of agreeing or permitting something that happened.

Meanwhile, if we asking permission to others usually we use some phrases such as,
can I; may I; do you mind if; would you mind if; it is okay if; and would it be alright if. These
phrases aim to apply something or property from the others in politely.

To sum up, there are some basic skills in English and we chose speaking aspect in
which used in our daily life. In addition, if we want to asking and giving permission to other
people. We must be use some expressions above that have been mentioned before. Lastly,
you can also choose other expressions except those already stated based on your creative
thinking ways.

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