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Vampire: The Dark Ages
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Vampire: the Dark Ages

Clan Guide: Lasombra

legant and inhuman predators, the
Lasombra are firm believers in the worthy
ruling and the unworthy serving. The Clan
of Shadows sees itself as the superior
Clan in a world governed by ruthlessness.
The Lasombra understand that the Low Clans
struggle under the weight of Caine's curse, while
the High Clans — led by Clan Lasombra — have
taken control of the night through the power they
have inherited. They are the embodiment of Divine
Right and the absolute epitome of Cainite
existence. As a result, the Lasombra accept no
other Cainites as equals, although they readily
admit that each Clan has its place. That place
simply lies beneath the Lasombra.

ST Warnings
Vampire: The Masquerade was first published in 1991. Since then it has gone through five
editions and three editions for Dark Ages. That makes for a generous depth of lore and
conflicting information. You are not expected to read or sort through all of that. The information
in this document and others like it make up the totality of official lore for this chronicle, unless
otherwise shared through an official source, like a plot kit.

There are many ways to tell a story about history. We are telling fiction. Stories about culture are
to be explored in a way that avoids stereotyping and respects the wishes of modern
descendants of past groups in their depiction. Although some events are inspired by real ones,
the​ ​Content and Consent Policy​ applies and is expected to be followed at all times. Topics of
racism, sexism and discrimination are not Standard Content and are not to be in play except

with the clear consent of all players, staff and observers involved in the scene. Failure to abide
by this policy will lead to strict disciplinary measures.

Religion and Heresy:​ The Lasombra are typically intertwined with major religious groups, but
often they exemplify the darkest aspects and nature of those organizations. While this might be
a cause for compelling roleplay, it is essential that storytellers and players alike remain sensitive
to the faith of fellow players, and endeavor to treat these topics with care and respect.

Inhumanity: ​The Lasombra’s morality often takes them down many dark Roads. However, they
also adhere to the tenets of self control, and strict adherence to their chosen path. It is
sometimes easy to revel in the inhumanity of these Roads, and this can have an impact on
other players.

The Shadowed One came from nothing; from darkness. Shadows clung to him even within the
First City, whose bloody nights were as active as any daylit hour. When the Great Flood came,
he found himself plunged into a greater darkness. The sea took him, but unlike many who sail
upon its surface, the Shadowed One walked its depths.

When the Shadowed One’s feet once again fell upon dry earth, his kin had settled in the Second
City. His siblings did not rule with Caine’s wisdom or strength, instead plotting against one
another and eventually rising in rebellion. The Dark Father was angered by their actions and
sent them scurrying with the admonition that they should learn to rule with wisdom and strength.
Never at home in the Second City, the Shadowed One returned to the sea.

The Antediluvian’s people were the Sea People: seafaring nomads who raided and settled all
along the Mediterranean. They controlled trade through their military strength, conquering the
Nile delta and crumbling the strongholds of the Hellas. At their heart was one given the name
Lau-Som-Bhea, or Lasombra, meaning “profiting by knowledge” or “profiting together through
domination”. The eruption of Thera during the Baali Wars devastated Lasombra’s people and
sent him wandering. It was in this time of wandering that he embraced Childer in the most
distant lands.

As Rome rose to prominence on the Mediterranean, the Childer of Lasombra gravitated to the
heart of that republic. From Rome itself the Clan spread again, manipulating governors and
generals, and recemented their control over the coastal lands. Lasombra himself came to Rome
and built his Castle of Shadows in Sicily. From there, he oversaw the creation of the Amici
Noctis, or Friends of the Night, that the Clan could better self govern and promote the worthy.

As the new faith of Christianity arose, the Lasombra wrapped their tendrils around it, creating
heresies even before Emperor Constantine adopted the faith. By the time the Ventrue and
Malkavians realized their Roman Empire was crumbling, the Lasombra already controlled the
church that replaced it.

A second faith has come to rival Christianity, and the Lasombra were at the forefront of guiding
it; at least they intended to. Rather than the Lasombra subverting Islam, The Prophet converted
the Lasombra who tried. This led to the creation of the Ashirra: a faction of Cainites all
dedicated to Islam. This is not to say that some do not manage to control aspects of the faith.
But where the Lasombra can rightly claim to guide the Christians, the relationship is less clear
for the Muslims.

This rift in religion presents the greatest challenge to the Clan in modern nights. Iberia is the
battlefield of blood and belief. Lasombra on both sides of the conflict look to the Ancients for
support and guidance, but the Ancients refuse to choose.

In-Chronicle Events
Check back in a year or two.

Clan Structure / Organization

Ashirra:​ Given that the Ashirra was founded by the Lasombra Suleiman ibn Abdullah, it should
come as no surprise that a significant minority of the Clan follows the Islamic faith and claims
membership in the Ashirra. The mortal wars between the faiths are close to the Ashirra
Lasombra, sparking a number of disputes with requests by Ashirra Lasombra to sanction the
killing of a Christian Lasombra and vice versa. Within this faction, the Lasombra are called
Qabilat al-Khayal, and they typically find places of honored leadership.

Cainite Heresy:​ Vampires have subverted Gnostic beliefs to create blood cults since the early
nights of Rome. These beliefs centered around vampires whose incorruptible bodies,
Disciplines, and freedom from earthly needs - such as food - made them beings of higher
spirituality in Gnosticism. With the rise of Christianity, many Cainites continued this practice of
anointing vampires as incorruptible flesh on earth. They subvert the true faith, directing the
worship to themselves and creating elaborate rituals and beliefs tied to their cults. The blood
cults of the Cainite Heresy are led by the Crimson Curia: a body of influential priests. These
Bishops of Nod, and the Heresy in general, count a large number of Lasombra within their
ranks. The Cainite Heresy has caused some division within the Clan between the Heretics and
true believers of the faith.

Sea of Shadows:​ The Mediteranean Sea has been host to the Clan since the days of Rome.
The Clan can call all its lands, save Egypt, home. The core of these Lasombra form the Sea of
Shadows, acknowledging Montano as their monarch when Lasombra himself is not awake. The
Sea of Shadows is also the home of the Amici Noctis. This territory includes the Italian states,
northern Iberia, Tunisia, and northern Dalmatia.

Ramanga:​ This group of Lasombra descend from Ramanga, a Methuselah who makes her
haven on an island off Africa's south-east coast. These Cainites typically maintain the facade of
a humble servant, gently guiding people and other Cainites. In the current nights, Ramanga
seeks to spread her brood northward, into Europe and the Middle East.

The Amici Noctis:​ Clan Lasombra is governed by a council called the Amici Noctis or Friends
of the Night. They ensure that the clan runs smoothly, essentially preserving the internal status
quo. Amici settle matters of local policy through debate with other Amici, rendering judgment
through Courts of Blood, enforcing the dictates of the Amici, and disciplining Lasombra who act
contrary to the Clan’s best interests. Amici only meet as a whole in times of crisis, but informal,
smaller regional meetings are relatively common.

Membership within this body is selected by the Amici Nocti itself. A worthy individual is abducted
and sealed below ground for up to a fortnight so they may come to terms with the darkness
within. Those who pass the test are offered a place within the Amici.

The Lasombra have no known (or admitted to) Bloodlines.

Traditions / Culture
Abyss Mysticism:​ For most Lasombra, Obtenebration is simply a tool; perhaps a manifestation
of their reflection. Some Lasombra go deeper, plumbing the depths of darkness to open a
window to the Abyss. The nature of the Abyss is a matter of debate for the mystics that study it.
It touches everything yet is nothing. It was present in the world before God made light. Its
hunger sparks a primordial dread within ghosts. Demons name it Hell, but do not understand it

The mystics that study the Abyss frequently discard their Humanity, instead chasing Roads of
Night, Sin, or Bones, and it is not unusual for things to slither across their psyche, driving them
towards madness. The Amici Noctis promotes a policy of actively ignoring the ravings of these
mystics unless a great need forces them.

The Embrace:​ Lasombra look for three things in their Childer, the most important of which is
excellence. Very few peasants can meet this standard, instead the ranks of the Clan typically fill
with clergy and nobility that will never inherit. This, of course, harmonizes with the second
requirement: nobility, though what constitutes nobility may be debated by some members. Is it
breeding, bearing, wealth, or something else? The final quality is ambition; all the excellence
and nobility in the world are meaningless without the drive to make something of it. There are no
lazy Lasombra, but there are many would be Popes and counselors who will steer the fates of

Courts of Blood:​ Issues between Lasombra and crimes against the Clan may be brought
before the Amici Noctis. If the petition is heard, a Court of Blood will be called. Normally only
three to five Amici sit as judges over a matter, but in the most serious situation, such as the
diaberlie of an elder, up to thirteen Amici hear the matter. Age and standing means nothing
between judges; a millenia old Amici will heed the wisdom of one with only decades. Decisions
are reached by debate, and are always final, given the same weight as a seventh Tradition
within the Clan.

Seafaring:​ Just as the sea called to Lasombra himself, so it calls to his brood. The inky depths
of the undersea abyss soothing the abyss of their souls. Many Lasombra escape to the sea, be
it to explore or revel in piracy. So universal is this pull that a sojourn to the sea is an almost
universal reason to excuse one from their duties to the Clan. For some it is a vocation rather
than a vacation, as many Lasombra take to raiding ships of the Ventrue and rival traders. Many
of these activities are quietly considered beneath the notices of the Amici Noctis, for whom
healthy competition is a net positive.

Power From The Shadows: ​The Lasombra naturally seek positions of power and authority. As
a result, they often find themselves taking the role of administrators and chatelains within their
local courts. That being said, The Lasombra frequently seek to embody their moniker of
"shadows". They do not stand in the limelight, preferring to manipulate others to their own ends
while doing as little as possible to make themselves a target.

This approach is reflected in how they maintain power over mortals. They do not control the
king, but rather the king’s advisors. They subsume religion that priests can instruct the masses
on their behalf.

Reflections:​ Universally, the Lasombra lack reflections. For a Clan that embraces based upon
excellence and nobility, this is a travesty. Many Lasombra obsess over their appearance,
employing Staff and Retainers that exist solely to garb and groom their master. For some the
obsession with their own appearance also manifests as an obsession over the servants that
maintain that appearance.

Religion:​ The Lasombra are heavily involved with the religious institutions of the dark medieval.
Wherever religion has formed major churches or organizations to lead the faithful, there too will
you find the Shadows. Their manipulation of these groups have brought them much influence
over the mortal world, but has also led to conflict between backers of different, opposing beliefs.
Never before has this been as pronounced as it is within the Reconquista.

Lasombra adherents to Christianity and Islam in Iberia have all but come to blows. Their actions
have sent armies against each other in the name of faith. Each side has petitioned the Castle of
Shadows to choose one side or the other in this conflict. Neither Lasombra nor Montano will
choose a side, citing the temporal nature of both the conflict and the religions. Younger
members do not have the perspective of millenia. For them the conflict is extremely personal.

Shadow Duels:​ One means of settling disputes between Lasombra is the Shadow Duel. A
non-violent goal is set, usually a puzzle of some sort, but other feats are just as feasible. The
contestants cannot touch each other directly or with their shadows. Both contestants wear
white, so as to provide contrasts with the darkness. Otherwise, they can only use themselves
and the gift of Obtenebration to achieve the goal. This contest stresses the creativity and skill
that one must possess as a Lasombra.

The Shadow Waqf:​ The waqf is a Muslim practice that allows a man to provide for his family
after he dies. Property designated as waqf becomes isolated from the state, usable only for
religious purposes. Those who manage these funds are called saraafin (singular saraaf). They
gain great religious and economic influence through their status. Islamic Lasombra shadow
these saraafin, studying them, so that they can subvert them and the wealth and power they
control, wielding that of the saraaf as their own.

The Shadow Reconquista and the Crusades

The divide between Christianity and Islam is mirrored in the divide between the Sea of
Shadows and the Ashirra. These conflicts play out in the Iberian Peninsula and, later, in the
Middle East. This has the potential for PvP and Lasombra sit on both sides of the conflict. The
Amici Noctis are preventing Lasombra from killing each other in this conflict, but some wiley
individuals may take to the idea of hiring hitmen to go after their rivals on the other side. Know
that the Amici Noctis are watching and do not take such actions lightly.

Badr (Lasombra 8th)​: The Sultan of Granada holds onto her city with a tightening fist and lays
plans for martial conquest to the north. She has only one problem: Her gender. It doesn’t matter
how much she has proven herself or how superior she is, the new faith and the younger
Cainites that come with it question her. Badr has taken to wearing a voluminous cloak that
obscures any feminine aspects of her figure.

Boukephos (Lasombra, 4th)​: One of the Eldest Lasombra, Boukephos was one of the tyrants
and philosophers of the Hellas. After his embrace he remained in the Aegean Sea until the rise
of Rome. Like many Lasombra, he gravitated to the decadent city and joined the Eternal
Senate. In these nights he is known most as a teacher, mentoring his Childer and their Childer
and even their Childer. The young who encounter him are often surprised at how in touch with
the modern world this master of Obtenebration is.

Cleobolus (Lasombra, 5th):​ The Grecian Cleobolus was a sage in life. As a teacher he did
more than pass on an education, he shaped and molded young minds in such a way that they
pass secrets on to him and do even greater favors. These manipulations earned him the
embrace. Cleobolus divides most of his time between the sea and teaching institutions, which in
this age means the church.

Khanom Mehr (Lasombra, 4th)​: Her name is either Indian or Thai in origin, and it is likely she
was embraced by Lasombra during his extensive travels. She acts as the guardian of the
Antediluvian, watching over her Sire while he rests in Torpor. She also, rather unofficially,
serves as the Chamberlain of the Castle of Shadows.

Lasombra (Lasombra, 3rd)​: The Shadowed One is both a contrast to and an example for his
Clan. Nothing is known of his life; it is inconsequential. Yet Clan tradition is very picky about the
traits one must have to earn the embrace. Rather than trying to find fault with his mortal life,
Clan members adjust the phrasing to suggest that it is what they do in undeath that truly
matters. Lasombra was once a great wanderer who took to the sea, but he now rests in the
Castle of Shadows, occasionally stirring to give direction to his brood.

Magdalena Castelucci Borcellino (Lasombra, 7th)​: As a mortal, Magdalena proved to be

everything a noble should and more. Beauty, needlepoint, music, and linguistics came easily for
her, but it was her powers of perception that aided her the most. From the periphery she learned
balance sheets and politics. This caught the eye of Narses, who saved her when she was
caught up in the internecine merchant house warfare of Venice. Now she serves as his envoy to
the Holy Land, both supporting the church and undermining Islamic rule.

Malaii (Lasombra, 5th)​: A Childe of Montano, the north African born Malaii impressed her Sire
with her ability to communicate with ghosts. It was not just this ability that captured Montano’s
attention, it was how she gained it. Her father was a shaman, and these abilities were the
province of the men of the tribe. Malaii learned the supernal art through perception and

Marcellus Rufus Ostiani (Lasombra, 5th)​: This Childe of Boukephos was embraced during his
Sire’s time in Rome. He was the son of a merchant who was sold into slavery by his enemies.
Marcellus did not bow. He did not allow his circumstances to crush him as they did so many
other slaves. The determination and cunning he showed in his survival earned him the
Embrace. Where most Lasombra are drawn to the darkness of the sea, Marcellus is drawn to
the darkness of the earth, returning repeatedly to the mines that birthed him. In the
Reconquista, Marcellus, a follower of Jupiter, refuses to take sides.

Lucius Aelius Sejanus (Lasombra, 5th)​: This Cainite’s mortal life began in Hispania at the
start of the first millennium CE. He served Rome as a soldier and rose through the ranks to
serve Emperor Tiberius, who made Lucius his proxy for when he was away. Eventually Tiberius
saw Lucius as a threat for the power he was accumulating and ordered him disposed of, but
Tiberius was not the only one who was watching. It is said that Lucius works from behind the
scenes against the Ventrue Fiefs of the Black Cross. It is also said that he works against his
fellow Lasombra in the church. Like his Sire, Sybil, he usually operates outside of the sanction
of the Amici Noctis.

Montano (Lasombra, 4th)​: The mortal Ontai of the Maasai of east Africa earned his embrace
through demonstration of absolute loyalty and brutality. Renamed Montano, he became
Lasombra’s fast companion, traveling with him and helping build the Castle of Shadows. Here
absolute loyalty reigns, as Montano directs the expansion and maintenance of the Sea of
Shadows on behalf of his sire.

Narses (Lasombra, 6th)​: As the Archbishop of Nod, Narses leads the Crimson Curia, and
consequently the Cainite Heresy. As the Prince of Venice, he holds a grip on secular authority.
He marshals these forces to a very vampiric end: vengeance. Since his mortal days, Narses has
nursed a grudge against Constantinople. This grudge transferred to the Toreador Michael and
his Trinity when he learned that his chief rival in life, Belisarius, was given the embrace by the
Ventrue. Narses has been building the Cainite Heresy and other forces for hundreds of years to
bring about Constantinople’s destruction. One day he’ll make them pay. He’ll make them all pay.

Silvester de Ruiz (Lasombra, 6th)​: As the spy master who gave the Christians their first victory
over encroaching Muslims in Iberia, Silverster would gain no mortal fame or nobility. At most, he
would receive coin for payment. Among the Lasombra though, he drew many eyes. The debate
of Embrace or death was deferred until he left the field, and his Sire, Cleobolus, got to him first.
Silvester quickly rose in rank, becoming the youngest to act as a judge for the Amici Noctis after
barely one hundred years. He remains active in Iberia, where nary a secret can escape him.

Suleiman ibn Abdullah (Lasombra, 7th)​: The founder of the Ashirra, Suleiman sought to cast
Muhammad as a pawn, but instead came away enlightened. Although he will not claim to have
been redeemed, he did see salvation and set upon a new course. Suleiman is concerned more
for the destiny of the Ashirra than he is of mortal kingdoms, but the radicalization among
Muslims worries him as he foresees a splintering.

Sybil (Lasombra, 4th)​: In all likelihood, Sybil's Embrace predates the birth of Christ, but very
few among Clan Lasombra are aware of her existence. She is rumored (by those few who do
know of her) to have been embraced during one of Lasombra’s wandering periods, without the
knowledge of the main body of the Clan. Rumors of a vastly powerful Methuselah master of
Obtenebration in Hispania at the start of the first century CE may be attributed to her. Her
existence is something of a consternation for the Clan as she ignores the Amici Noctis, leading
many who have heard of her to believe she is an alter ego of Khanom Mehr.

Tercio Bravo (Lasombra, 5th)​: One of El Cid’s most bloodthirsty warriors, Tercio continues to
wage the war his friend and commander began thanks to his Sire, Boukephos. Tercio spends
more time in the field than in court, which is surprising for one of his blood, but not his age. His
detractors argue that his actions are more erratic than strategic.

Yusuf ibn Rasheed (8th)​: This Iberian noble would have led a full but unremarkable existence
but for one thing: poetry. As a clerk and scribe, poetry was not his vocation, but he loved words
and used epic poetry as a form of self expression. This attracted his Sire who sought tutelage in
the creative form, and then simply decided that she preferred listening to his work. After earning
his embrace from her, Yusuf began managing her household and now manages most of

What About Gratiano?

Canonically, the Methuselah Gratiano isn’t embraced until the year 1130 CE. Many small but
significant factors in Cainite history led to his Embrace (which was itself a point of contention
between Montano and Lasombra). Changes to the medieval world may impact how, when, or
even if the future Diablarist of the Antediluvian ever becomes a Cainite.

Castel d'Ombro ("Castle of Shadows"):​ This castle resides on the coast of Sicily near
Syracuse. For centuries, the castle has been the center of Clan Lasombra, as well as the haven
of the Antediluvian himself and many of his descendants. Pilgrims of Clan Lasombra travel great
distances in order to gain an audience by their founder or one of his Childer.

Granada:​ The most secure Lasombra bastion of Islamic Iberia, Granada offers haven to
strategy sessions and fawning courtiers alike. Its current Sultan, Badr, grows infuriated with the
second guessing of her plans as those who fully embrace their faith’s values look down upon

The Vault:​ Under the Castle of Shadows, past the warehouse level and dungeon level, lies the
Founder's crypt. This is a sprawling labyrinth several times wider than the castle, built out of
caves whose caverns are so old that they might not have been entirely human. It is, of course,
pitch black.

The Black Pearl​: Whether an actual pearl, a sphere of obsidian, or something else, Lasombra
once traveled with this device. It was said to shroud him in shadows that even the sun could not
pierce. Reputedly it disappeared when Thera erupted.

The Ebon Stole​: Said to have been the creation of one of the first Lasombra to take up the
Catholic faith; this vestment looks, upon first glance, to be made of plain black cloth. Closer
inspection reveals that the stole is made entirely of woven shadow.

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