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Game Design Document

Project name : …..

Team Members :

Game Design Document Version Control

Version Date author Change description

1.0 Nov/5 Document created

Table of contents
Game description

● Design goals
● Influences & sources
● Target market

Functional specification

Game mechanics
● Core game play
● Game flow
● Characters / units
● Game play Elements
● Game physics and statistics
Game Description
Version 1 :
The game we intend to create is a puzzle platformer made for the mobile platform , taking
place in a fictional realm that takes inspiration from the real word , where the playable
character who is made of fire/electricity has to traverse levels by throwing a pieces of itself
to a suitable location for him to “conduct” himself to the next location. Our character is an
element and he can swap between fire or electricity on demand so he would ensure the best
target so fire can conduct to (wood, paper, hay, oil ..) and electricity can conduct to (wires,
lights, puddles of water , metal objects) the game’s pace is related to how fast you can solve
the pathing puzzle , one of the games tools to enforce the theme of duality is that our
“conduct” mechanic also has “alteration” effect so players don't feel bad when they don't find
the answer straight away , the fire and electric conduct ability is a projectile that varies in
speed and arc if they do hit a conductible target they move on to the new vessel if they dont
they still have an ability to change the environment, fire can push levers and buttons on the
other hand electricity can manipulate the magnetic field of objects to make them attract and
repulse ,and with that mecanic puzzle difficulty can gradually increase with player knowledge
Version 2:
The game we intend to create is a platform runner made for the mobile platform taking place
in a fictional realm that takes inspiration from the real word , where the playable character
who is made of fire/electricity has to run levels by jumping into surfaces that are friendly to
his element the game is a runner with a somewhat fast pace

Design goals

The game aims to achieve the following goals :

1. Establish the [game name] universe and formalize players with the main
character and the events of the game
2. Develop a fun gameplay based on :

A. advancement - the playable character will be able to advance in levels

B. Challenge - this game presents challenge in levels that are tough to

3. Have art and design that can represent the game mechanics clearly.

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