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Learn the following words and expressions, find them in the chapter and use them in sentences of your own.
to be dripping wet to pant
to turn sulky to beg sb's pardon
with an important air to lose one's temper
to titter to hold one's tongue
on various pretexts to assemble

1. Answer the following questions.

1. What can cause a person to be dripping wet? What do you do when you are dripping wet?
2. Why can a person pant? Demonstrate the action.
3. Are you easy to offend? When do you turn sulky?
4. What pretexts do you usually find when you want to miss a lecture?
5. What do we usually say when we beg someone's pardon?
6. Are you a well-balanced person? What can make you lose your temper?
7. On what occasions do all the students of our faculty assemble in the hall?
8. What impression does a person who speaks with an important air produce?

2. Pick out the correct definition for each word.

a) to bring or gather sth together;
b) to send a message telling sb to come;
c) to come together;
a) to take air into the lungs and send it out again;
b) to breathe sth out;
c) to breathe with short quick breaths;
a) a reason given for doing sth that is not the real reason;
b) a reason given to explain or defend one's behaviour;
c) a justification for sth;
a) having or showing a tendency to be silent or unsociable as a result of bad temper or resentment;
b) feeling bitter, indignant or angry about sth;
c) speaking or acting in a way that hurts the feelings of others;

3. Which is the odd word out?

1. assemble, gather, bring together, invite.
2. titter, giggle, joke, laugh.
3. forgiveness, apologize, mercy, pardon.
4. excuse, beg, ask, plead.
5. temper, mood, character, calmness.

4. Replace the words underlined with an expression from the text based on the words given in brackets. Make any necessary grammatical changes.
Example: He suddenly started to laugh. (burst)
He burst out laughing.
1. We were all wet to the skin and were shivering with cold. (wet)
2. At last he got offended and said he didn't want to talk to me any longer. (sulky)
3. His opinion was respected by everybody. (authority)
4. He thought it was necessary to make a break. (found)
5. She said sadly: "I am so lonely here." (melancholy)
6. He bent down his head as he didn't want anybody to see his smile. (hide)
7. No one wanted to take part in the discussion. (inclined)
8. He couldn't answer this question without thinking it over. (deal)
9. We ask you to accept this present. ( acceptance)
10. This announcement made the people panic. (caused)
11. She wanted to offer her help, but then she thought better of it. (useful)
12. Soon the ship wasn't seen in the distance. (sight).
13. This air is bad for my throat. (suit)
14. Soon she heard his voice again. (while)

5. Fill in the gaps with suitable words.

1. He was … heavily as he ran.
2. The test was very difficult and we were all … from the effort.
3. He came to see me on the … of asking my advice when he really wanted to borrow money.
4. It’s no good shouting at people like that. You should try to control your …
5. The whole school … in the main hall.
6. The bookcase can easily be … with a screwdriver.
7. Realizing that they should somehow react to the joke the audience … politely.
8. He has … because he has been left out of the team.
9. He … her for forgiveness.
10. Just look at you ! You are … . Take off your clothes immediately and let me dry them.
6. Match the words and definitions.
1. Laugh a) to laugh quietly , especially because you are thinking about something that you find funny;
2. Titter b) to laugh loudly and unpleasantly in a high voice, like someone who is mad;
3. Giggle c) to laugh quietly, but a little unkindly at something embarrassing someone has said or done;
4. Cackle d) to laugh quietly and repeatedly like a child because of something funny or because you are nervous or embarrassed;
5. Chuckle e) to make the sounds and movements of the face and body that express lively amusement, joy, contempt, etc.

7. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the words in bold type.
1. When I said this, he started cackling like a madman.
2. With a horrible cackle the old lady picked up her bags and swept out of the room.
3. She blushed and giggled throughout the TV interview.
4. He ignored the giggling young man’s silly behaviour.
5. They looked at each other for the first time in ten years and both started giggling nervously.
6. There were a few smothered giggles from the girls sitting by the pool.
7. I splashed water on Jane who laughed and tried to splash me back.
8. “Look at the clowns,” said Chuck, laughing.
9. I couldn’t help laughing at Andrew’s silly jokes.
10. She always manages to laugh about things other people take perfectly seriously.
11. The door slammed and Josie heard a quiet laugh.
12. As the teacher read the poem someone tittered.
13. Although the audience applauded politely, Tess could hear a few people tittering here and there.
14. The woman shouted angrily at the traffic cop and a titter ran through the crowd.
15. What is she chuckling about ? I don’t see anything funny.
16. Ned read the review eagerly, chuckling with delight.

8. Fill in the articles where necessary.

1. It was really … strange-looking bird.
2. After … few minutes he was introduced to all … people in the hall.
3. He seemed to be … person of some authority among them.
4. He told … guests to stand in … large circle and ordered me to take … place in … middle.
5. I was afraid I would catch … bad cold if I didn’t get dry soon.
6. She spoke in such … melancholy tone that I couldn’t but feel … pity for her.
7. He bent down his head to hide … smile.
8. He told me in … offended tone that he could not insist on my going there with him.
9. When … competition was over it was … time to distribute … prizes.
10. He couldn’t answer this question without … great deal of … thought.
11. … rest of … class were sitting in … silence.
12. … chorus of … voices was heard from … next room.
13. Alice pulled … box of … comfits out of her pocket.
14. I thought that … whole story was untrue.
15. He said it in … whisper as he didn’t want … others to hear him.
16. He looked with … wonder at what she was holding in her hands.
17. What … pity you couldn’t come to … party !
18. This remark caused quite … sensation among … guests.

9. Explain the meaning of the following sentences.

1. He is a breath of fresh air.
2. To clear the air he told us a funny story.
3. My plans are still in the air.
4. That’s all hot air.
5. I am walking on air today!
6. Listen! He is on the air!
7. She gives herself airs.
8. The dog panted along beside me.
9. He panted out the message.
10. It’s no use flying into a temper!
11. Is that roof still dripping?
12. His letter was dripping with flattery.

10. Translate the sentences into English.

1. Придержи язык! Разве можно говорить взрослым такие вещи?
2. Никто не был готов к семинару, и под разными предлогами все студенты отказались отвечать.
3. С ней совершенно невозможно разговаривать. Каждый раз, когда я что-то говорю, она начинает глупо хихикать.
4. Ситуация становилась все опаснее и опаснее, и, чтобы как-то разрядить обстановку, он рассказал довольно старый анекдот.
5. Наконец-то я сдала экзамены и стала студенткой! Я просто на седьмом небе от счастья!
6. Это была просто шутка! Я не хотела его обидеть, но он все равно надулся.
7. Контрольная была очень сложная, и мы все просто пыхтели от усилия.
8. Это самый смешной человек из всех, кого я когда-либо знала. Даже о самых простых вещах он говорит с таким важным видом!
9. Когда он узнал об этом, он вышел из себя.
10. Мы все промокли до нитки и дрожали от холода.

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