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I have 2 house rules what I play on this racetrack. If you want, you can use them, or you can use your
own rule sets.

1- Car drifting:

In the big corners (and only in the big corners, in the area between the special spaces), whenever
you roll a triangle symbol, your car drifts to the outer square just next to you. Even if it is your first
triangle symbol in your turn, you have to drift outer. If there is any car in the outer square where you
have to move, or you are in the most outer line already, you don't move outer, but crash to the
other car or the wall. If you crash to the wall (even you don't have a loss of control yet) you have to
draw a damage token. If you crash to a players car, both of you have to draw a damage token.
In the special area of the big corner tiles, you can never move your car to the inner line, so if you
want to take the corner in the most inner line, you have to get a position already, before the corner

2- Top speed:

To avoid the change to lower gear when you are in high speed, when you want you can use the dice
you haven’t use yet in this turn, convert them as the if they were another gear die, with some
a- firstly you have to use all your white dice
b- the gear dice you use like this will be converted to the same gear die as the gear die you used last.
c- The number of the black dice, you can convert like this is the number of black dice - white dice on
your tire card - dice you lost with the damage tokens.
- GT4 (4B, 3W....) can convert max 1 die. 3-4-W-W-W-(2 to 4)
- GT6 [PoB cards] (6B, 1W....) can convert max 5 dice. 4-W-5-(1 to 5) -6-(2 to 6) or 6-W-(1 to 6)-(2 to
6)-(3 to 6)-(4 to 6)-(5 to 6)
To avoid confusion of the dice I put a white sticker on 1 non triangle side of the black dice, and when
I use them on the planning I put them with the white side up. If you don’t want to use the stickers
you can create some tokens and use them instead of the dice when you plan your turn.

Here you can see an example (Car drifting rules work only between the two green lines)

1- Where the last turn ended.

2- Roll die 6 – No error
3- Roll white die – No error
4- Roll die 6 – Error- Moves outer
5- Roll die 6 – Error - Crash
6- Roll die 6 – No error
7- Roll die 6 – Loss of control
Turn ends here
8- Ignore move

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