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Assignment Policies

Dear students,

I cannot applaud you enough for taking this school year head-on.
I am by your side as we all adjust however we must to learn,
grow, and challenge ourselves. As you make modifications to
your personal lives, I am constantly making modifications to our
math class. In this document, you will find methods of grading,
where to find grades, rubrics, due dates, grade weights, our
academic honesty policy and more. As always, I am open to
concerns and suggestions. You may refer to this document as
needed throughout the school year. Remember, we additionally
have a syllabus which reviews class rules and procedures. Keep
in mind that I’ve made the choices on the following slides based
on quarter 1, and I will continue to modify as we all adjust to this
new style of learning. This year is all about giving our best effort.
Let's keep working hard.

Ms. Canepa
● Where to find due dates: GOOGLE CLASSROOM (not
progress book)
● Where to find final grades: PROGRESS BOOK
● How to complete an assignment: always submit in google
classroom (don’t share with me)
● How to calculate your own grades: use the weights!
● Late Work- DON’T
-must reach out to me personally about concerns
-don’t turn in a late assignment and expect I’ll see it!

Grade Weights
Summative 40%

Formative 50%

Participation 10%

Summative- tests, quizzes, etc (test deeper depth of


Formative- homework assignments, (mayeb) edpuzzles and/or

other check-ins

Participation- notes (maybe) edpuzzles (items that students

must complete to learn but don’t assess a great depth of
Assignment Breakdowns
Big Ideas Assignments (10 points) (Formative)
80% and above 10 points

70-79.99% 9 points

60-69.99% 8 points

50-59.99% 7 points

25-50% 6 points

0-2 0 points

Written Problems (10 points) (Formative)

Completion of Entire Assignment 6 points

Randomly selected problem 2 points

Randomly selected problem 2 points

Personal Notes (10 points)


Thorough notes for CORRECT Extra point on quiz!


Interactive Slides (10 points)


Completion of Entire Assignment 6 points

Randomly selected slide 2 points

Randomly selected slides 2 points

Quizzes/Tests (Summative)
You get what you get (total points earned)
Academic honesty and personal integrity are fundamental components of a student’s education and
character development. Stow-Munroe Falls High School expects that principled students will not cheat,
lie, plagiarize, or commit other acts of academic dishonesty. The wellbeing of the entire school
community depends on the student accepting responsibility for personal conduct in both social and
academic endeavors.

Plagiarism is not tolerated. Plagiarism includes (but is not limited to) the following:

● Using someone else’s words or ideas without proper citation

● Copying someone else’s work and calling it your own

● Copying and citing a work that is longer than a paragraph (print or online sources)

Cheating is work that doesn’t reflect your own effort and understanding. This can take many forms and
will not be tolerated.

Cheating includes (but is not limited to) the following:

● Looking at others’ answers on tests and homework

● Taking someone else’s paper and putting your name on it

● Copying someone else’s work, answer for answer

● Rearranging words from someone else’s work

● Allowing someone to copy from your paper

● Telling someone else the answers on an assignment or test

● Having someone else do your work for you (Friends, Family, Tutors, etc.)

There are other forms of academic dishonesty that will not be tolerated at SMFHS. They include:

● Making up data for an assignment

● Claiming to have handed in an assignment when the student knows they have not done so
● Sabotaging someone else’s work

Teachers and administrators will support each other in cases of academic dishonesty. In any
case of academic dishonesty, the participants will receive a zero on the assignment and may
be given the chance to redo it for a grade no higher than a C.

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