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What Are the Main Functions of a CPU?

The CPU, or Central Processing Unit, is both the heart and brains of every
computer. Many of us do not know how important this unit is to the performance of a
computer. How many of you have wondered about the basic functions of CPU? This
article will answer that question, plus others including:

->Why it is important to have a good cooling system to keep the CPU at the
right temperatures.
->Why it is so important to keep the CPU from overheating.

The Brains of the Computer

As I mentioned, the CPU is similar to the human brain. Every single operation that
you do with your computer is processed in the CPU. The performance of your computer
is based on simple mathematical operations, and the CPU is the device that controls
all of those operations.

Let's say we are using a calculator to add two numbers. You enter the numbers using
your keyboard. The keyboard controller turns all of that information into binary
code. Binary code consists of sequences of 0 and 1. This information is then sent
to the registry and then transferred to the CPU. The CPU has an integrated ALU
(Arithmetical Logical Unit). The ALU is responsible for all mathematical and
logical operations.

Your request to add two numbers comes to the CPU and is transferred to the ALU. The
ALU adds the binary numbers and returns the answer to the CPU, which transfers the
answer to an output device.

Adding two numbers is a very simple example, but it illustrates the basic functions
of the CPU. Every single step you perform on your computer is in one way or another
connected to this central unit, so it is very important to keep your processor in
good form. Overheating, especially, can lead your CPU to fail.

The Four Primary Functions of the CPU

The CPU processes instructions it receives in the process of decoding data. In

processing this data, the CPU performs four basic steps:

Fetch: Each instruction is stored in memory and has its own address. The
processor takes this address number from the program counter, which is responsible
for tracking which instructions the CPU should execute next.
Decode: All programs to be executed are translated to into Assembly
instructions. Assembly code must be decoded into binary instructions, which are
understandable to your CPU. This step is called decoding.
Execute: While executing instructions the CPU can do one of three things: Do
calculations with its ALU, move data from one memory location to another, or jump
to a different address.
Store: The CPU must give feedback after executing an instruction, and the
output data is written to the memory.
The number of operations a CPU can perform depends upon its speed, which is
measured in Hertz. One hertz is the speed during which one operation is performed
in one second. Typically a computer's speed is measured in gigahertz. 1 GHz is the
speed it takes the CPU to perform one million simple tasks. A "simple task"
includes the smallest steps a processor can perform.

Usually, the processor understands and performs assembly instructions that last
four cycles. The faster your CPU, the more instructions it can perform in one
second, but do not let this number fool you. The speed of the CPU is not the only
metric that influences your computer's performance. There are many other factors,
such as CPU architecture, cache size, and bus speed that must be evaluated to get
independent results. Do not simply chase the highest speed when buying a processor.
Evaluate all of the factors.

Multi-Core Processors

A multi-core processor is actually a CPU that had two or more independent cores.
Cores are similar to usual processors. They execute program instructions. The main
advantage of a multi-core processor is that it can run several instructions at the
same time. This feature increases performance speed significantly. All programs
that have parallel computing features can run on multi-core processors.

How Can I Test a CPU's Performance?

CPU performance can be tested with various benchmarks and tools. These tools place
a heavy workload on the CPU, but since a computer's overall performance involves
several components—CPU, RAM, and video processor, among others—it is important to
use testing benchmarks that evaluate all of these components at the same time.

These tools include like Sandra, which must be purchased, and Cinebench, which can
be downloaded for free. Search for the best solution that fit your requirements and

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