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Notan Lesson Plan

Name: Zayra Favares

Lesson Title: Create your Own Notan!

Grade Level: 9 Length of 5 days
/Rationale: In a P.P students will be informed what Notan is. Which is a Japanese
term; literal meaning is "light/dark harmony". Students will be given a
brief history of Notan and the use of symbols/symbolism. They will also
be given a blank sheet with vocabulary words to be filled in.
Using the prompt “symbols that identify me” They will then use their
sketch books to create 4 Notan concept sketches using their chosen
symbol and the Elements of art that are explained in the vocabulary.
After, students will then write answers to the essential questions in a
short paragraph, as well as explaining what their symbols mean and how
they feel it describes them, with the inclusion of 5 Vocabulary words (this
will be turned in and graded as part of their assessment, then passed back
to them and used as reference when critique day arrives). Before working
with materials the sketches will be approved of by the teacher.
students will create four 5X5 Notans using cut outs of black and white
paper. On a 10X10 paper. (students will be able to choose what 2 colors
they want to use for their 4 Notans)
Students work will be placed on a wall in a quilt like manner and we will
have a critique afterwards.
Students will have their statement placed next to their work. their
statement will be the same paragraph used to explain their chosen
symbols, and It must also include at least 5 vocabulary words learned in
prior two lessons.

Essential Question: What does Harmony and Balance mean to you and your life?
How can you apply it to become a better version of yourself?
How do Symbols effect you?

State Standards: Prof.VA:Cr3

Apply relevant criteria from traditional and contemporary cultural
contexts to examine, reflect on, and plan revisions for works of art and
design in progress.
Analyze and describe the impact that an exhibition or collection has on
personal awareness of social, cultural, or political beliefs and

Common Core W.9-10.2d

Standard: Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex
ideas, concepts, and information clearly and accurately through the
effective selection, organization, and analysis of content.
Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development,
organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audience.

At the end of this lesson student will be able to use of Principles of design,
Practice Public Speaking, Analyze their own work and peers work,
participation in open discourse,
They will also learn about Symbolism and light/dark harmony.

Art History
Connections: 1. The Historic and cultural meaning of Notan and how it is used by artists now.
2. Henri Matisse created some of his best-known art in the final decade of his life, and
Context/Movement he made it from the simplest materials: shapes cut from colorful sheets of paper.
2. Artist Mentor:
Major Themes: Symbolism and light/dark harmony.
- Applied understanding of positive
and negative space
-Ability to form ideas and speak in public regarding ideas.
- Plan out a design
- Applying art elements

Elements/ Balance, Movement, Notan, conceptual work,

Principles: Pattern, Rhythm, Unity, Vocabulary:
Balance, Movement, Pattern,
Rhythm, Unity,
Materials needed: Cardstock paper, scissors, pencils, erasers, Xacto knife, cutting mat,
poster board, glue, glue sticks.
Anticipatory Set: Show students video of Henri Matisse and his work

Teaching Strategies Student Activities

Day 1 (50MIN CLASS) Day 1(50MIN CLASS)
Time is clearly outlined in action steps Time is clearly outlined in action steps of
of lesson lesson

Scaffolding Strategy: Rubric, Vocabulary Scaffolding activity: Rubric, Vocabulary Words,


Activity: Students will read objectives and watch

Activity: Show P.P. with objectives and video on artist (collect In class assignment)
anticipatory set in the beginning (have students Time: 10 min
read objectives) Activity: Students will write in Vocabulary
Time: 10 min definitions
Time: 10 min
Activity: In Power Point Introduce vocabulary, Activity: Students will use VTS strategy to
have students write down Definitions (show discuss artist work and do in class assignment
examples of Vocabulary) Let students know we (also exit slip)
will be playing kahoot game next class of Time: 10 min
vocab! Activity: Student will listen about coming project,
Time:10 min HW due tomorrow, and 4 sketches of notans then
collect rubric for it.
Activity: In powerpoint Discuss Henri Matisse Time: 10 min
work using VTS strategies. (Give students in Activity; Clean up and exit slip
class assignment. 1 question they have about Time 10 min
artist or his work, and 1 thing they found ELL Accommodation: Student will have work
interesting) sheet in their language as well as vocab in their
Time: 10 min language
SPED Accommodation: Student will have handout
Activity: Discuss Notan and essential of P.P. and be given the option of onely
questions, discuss project and pass out Rubric responding to one question of the 2 for the in class
for entire assignment, HW, and 4 sketches (to assignment. For HW assignment student only
be turned in next day) needs to respond to the last question – explain
Time: 10 min what your symbol means and why it describes
you- in 2 sentences.
Activity: Clean up and Exit slip,
Time: 10 min
Day 2(50MIN CLASS)
Day 2(50MIN CLASS) Scaffolding activity: Homework and Sketches
Scaffolding Strategy: Homework and sketches
Activity: turn in writing portion of HW and sow
Activity: collect writing portion of HW. Ask sketches for approval
students to take out Sketches for approval. Time: 10 min
After have students elect group leader and Activity: (work on sketch if it was not approved)
he/she will be in charge of gathering work view live demo, elect group leader, and choose the
material from stations. (during this time teacher 2 colors for Notan.
will go around and approve of sketches) Time: 10 min
Time: 10 min Activity: Begin assignment
Activity; (If Sketches aren’t approved students Time: 20 min
can work on them in class.) Live Demo of Activity: clean up time, place work in designated
Notan and have a video about the process area
playing on continuous loop. Have elected group Time: 10 min
leaders gather materials. (color paper sheets
will be set at the table) ELL Accommodation: Students will be given
Time: 10 min extra time to turn in written portion of HW.
Activity: Go around as students work and SPED Accommodation: Student will be given
check their progress option of only having to do 2 Notans instead of 4
Time: 20 min
Activity: Announce clean up time, group
leaders place items back in designated area.
And students place own work on drying racks
or designated area.
Time: 10 min

Day 3(50MIN CLASS) Day 3(50MIN CLASS)

Scaffolding Strategy: Reminding students of Scaffolding activity: read over objectives and
objectives and assignment due date assignment due date

Activity: Have students read objectives again to Activity: Read objectives and due date reminder.
remind them and then remind that critique day Gather work
is last day on Friday , group leaders gather Time: 10 min
Items. Students gather their own work Activity: Work time
Time: 10 Time: 30 min
Activity: Go around the class and check in with Activity: Clean up time, put work away
students individually to see progress Time: 10 min
Time: 30
Activity: Announce clean up time, group ELL Accommodation: Students will have a sheet
leaders place items back in designated area. with the objectives in their language and reminder
And students place own work on drying racks of due date.
or designated area. SPED Accommodation: student will have option
Time: 10 of working alone and away from noisy areas.

Day 4(add/delete more days as necessary) Day 4 (add/delete more days as necessary)
Scaffolding Strategy: Reminding students to Scaffolding activity: Reminder of tasks and
stay on task and objectives objectives

Activity: Remind students that this is final Activity: Listen to reminder and announcements,
work day, all work should be dry and ready to gather work
be hung up (displayed) the next day. Have Time: 10 min
leaders gather materials while students gather Activity: Work time
their own work Time: 30 min
Time: 10 Activity: Clean up are, put away work
Activity: Go around and check in with students Time: 10 min
to see progress
Time: 30 ELL Accommodation: Student will have video of
Activity: Announce clean up time, group how to make notan continuously playing during
leaders place items back in designated area. class (student will be able to work in group with
And students place own work on drying racks other students that speak their language)
or designated area. SPED Accommodation: Student will be able to
Time: 10 take work home if they are not done, student can
turn what they have done if they can’t take it
Day 5(add/delete more days as necessary)
(50MIN CLASS) Day 5 (add/delete more days as necessary)
Scaffolding Strategy: Home work will be (50MIN CLASS)
placed next to work and used as an artist Scaffolding activity: Place HW next to work, to be
statement for end result of project. used as artist statement.

Activity: Pass out work sheet to use during Activity: Collect worksheet (2 stars and a wish)
critique (2 stars and a wish sheet) Have Time: 10 min
students (display work) for critique Activity: look at peers work and volunteer to read
Time: 10 an artist statement they liked and could identify
Activity: Students will first take some time to with (may read their own)
look at each others work. Volunteers will Time:10 min
choose to read an “artist statement” that they Activity: Partner with neighboring group and fill
really liked. out 2 stars and a wish for other students work (this
Time: 10 is exit slip)
Activity: Students will then partner up with Time: 20 min
neighboring group and use 2 stars and a wish Activity: Clean up time, take home work, turn in
sheet with some one elses work in another exit slip
group. (this is their Exit Slip) Time: 10 min
Time: 20
Activity: Clean up time, students will take ELL Accommodation: Student can choose to use
work home and clean up their group area, turn google translate to assist them in the writing
in exit slip portion.
Time: 10 SPED Accommodation: Student can write a brief
sentence for 2 stars and a wish


Assessment plan
You must attach
assessments. Formative assessments;
You must include - Teacher will conduct informal
-1 Formative assessment through active
Assessment feedback and checking for
-1 Summative understanding with everyone
during their creative process
Usually last lesson checking off and approving their sketches.
Summative assessments will be the critique at the end (with 2 stars and a wish
assignment). A rubric they will follow through the whole process (given to
them on Monday) and by turning in their artists statement.

-Aesthetics are -Aesthetics will be addressed during the critique process, where they must
addressed?? use the vocab words learned to analyze and evaluate peer work. Aesthetics are
also addressed during the writing portion.

Closure: 2 stars and a wish assignment during critique process, as well as an exit ticket
will be closure for this lesson.

Special Needs:
You must describe ELL: Differentiate instruction by having Spanish handouts, letting them use
and attach google translate. Student can write their paragraph in their own language
accommodations and email to teacher.
for 2 of your
students, ELL and -Student can opt out of verbally participating in critique. Student can
SPED choose another to read their artist statement of work.

SPED: -Student will be assigned seating In the front nearest to teacher

during demos and power point presentations.

-Student will be handed one sheet of paper to work with at a time

-Student will work only with scissors

Analysis of A Work of Art : NOTAN

Teacher Name: Mrs. Favares

Student Name:     ________________________________________

CATEGORY 4 3 2 1
Description Makes a complete Did not turn in Did not turn in Descriptions are not
and detailed sketches on time, sketches on time, detailed or complete.
description of the work does not look and sketched less did not turn in
subject matter and/or complete. work does than 2 notans sketches
elements seen in a not correlate with
work. turned in written paragraph.
sketches on time.
work correlated with
sketches well
Analysis Accurately portrays Used only 4 vocab used less than 3 no work was turned
principles of art words in paragraph vocabulary words in in
learned in class. (artist statement) written assignment
Turned in artists was not a cohesive (artist statement)
statement (paragraph statement
HW) and mentions at
least 5 in artist
Interpretation Forms a somewhat Student identifies the Student can relate Student finds it
reasonable literal meaning of the how the work makes difficult to interpret
hypothesis about the work. Turned in him/her feel the meaning of the
symbolic or unfinished Matisse in personally. work. Did not turn in
metaphorical meaning class assignment exit slip
and is able to support (exit slip)
this with evidence
from the work. Turned
in Matisse in class
Evaluation Uses multiple criteria in 2 stars and a wish Used only 1 vocab Evaluates work as
to judge the artwork, uses 1-2 criteria to word good or bad based
such as composition, judge the artwork. on personal taste.
expression, creativity, Did not use any
design, vocab words
communication of
ideas. Turned in
completed 2 stars and
a wish after critique
(used at least 3 vocab
words to explain.


Name; Date; Per;

In a brief paragraph write a response to the
 Essential questions.
What does Harmony and Balance mean to you and your life?
How can you apply it to become a better version of yourself?
How do Symbols effect you?
 Explain what your symbol(s) mean and how you feel it describes you
 INCLUDE at least 5 Vocabulary words; Notan, conceptual work, Balance,
Movement, Pattern, Rhythm, Unity
(this will be turned in and graded, then passed back for your use as reference when
critique day arrives)

In Class Assignment Henri Matisse / EXIT SLIP

Name: Date: Per:

If you could ask the artist a question what would it be? Would it be about himself or his

Write one interesting Fact that you discovered about the artists work.

Name; Date Per;

Vocabulary in class WORK SHEET

(use as reference for writing assignment)


conceptual work,






Your name;

Name of person you are evaluating;

Date; Per;
Vocabulario en clase HOJA DE TRABAJO definir las palabras
(usar como referencia para la tarea de escritura)

Nombre; Fecha; Periodo;


conceptual work,(trabajo conceptual)

Balance (Balance)


Pattern (patron)

Rhythm (rithmo)

Asignación en clase Henri Matisse / EXIT SLIP

Nombre: Fecha: Period:

Si pudieras hacerle una pregunta al artista, ¿cuál sería? ¿Sería sobre él o su trabajo?

Escribe un hecho interesante que hayas descubierto sobre el trabajo de los artista oh lo que
te gusto mas del artista.

Nombre; Fecha; Period;

En un breve párrafo, escriba una respuesta a la

• Preguntas esenciales.
¿Qué significa Armonía y Equilibrio para ti y tu vida?
¿Cómo puedes aplicarlo para convertirte en una mejor versión de ti mismo?
¿Cómo te afectan los símbolos?
• Explica qué significan tus símbolos y cómo crees que te describen
• INCLUYA al menos 5 palabras de vocabulario; Notan, trabajo conceptual, Equilibrio,
Movimiento, Patrón, Ritmo, Unidad
(esto se entregará y calificará, luego se devolverá para su uso como referencia cuando
llegue el día de la crítica)

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