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Chap. 2.

This test includes electric potential mapping augmented by some coring to the surface
of the reinforcement for measurement calibration. If the measured electric potential is below a
certain value, corrosion is unlikely to occur, and any observed signs of distress are probably
caused by other factors. Many engineers consider corrosion probable if the measured potential is
at least 0.30 V for parking deck structures and at least 0.20 V for exterior concrete walls and
columns.23 ASTM C-876 considers a potential in excess of 0.35 V as a certain evidence of

Example 5.1 Gallegos and Quesada28 describe the case of a 10-year-old shopping center in
Lima in which widespread signs of corrosion suddenly appeared. The building was framed with
two-way waffle slabs. It was located 3 miles away from the sea and was not subjected to any
unusual chemical attack. Nevertheless, concrete cracks parallel to the bars and rust spots were
observed, with new signs of corrosion appearing every day.
Field and laboratory investigation included taking concrete samples from a variety of areas,
including those with no evidence of corrosion, and analyzing chloride-ion concentrations and
chemical products of corrosion on rebars. Water-soluble chloride-ion concentrations varied
drastically between 50 and 500 ppm. After determining that the worst-case probable
concentration of chloride ions from the background sources should not have exceeded 100 ppm,
and in the absence of deicing salts or other sources of contamination, the investigators concluded
that the chlorides must have been added to the mix during construction to speed up placement
and maximize the reuse of expensive ribbed-slab formwork. This conclusion was supported by
the fact that the columns had a chloride-ion content of less than 100 ppm and exhibited no signs
of corrosion. The investigators also noted that “the presence of large localized amounts of
chloride originating from a poor dispersion of the additive was unmistakable.”
To find the areas of corrosion, the electric-potential measurements were taken and calibrated
against chloride-ion content. It was found that corrosion occurred at a potential of only 0.2 V.
As for carbonation, this process can be reliably detected by petrographic examination, which
can discover the appearance of carbonates, the by-products of the reaction, deposited in concrete.
Carbonation can sometimes be indicated by the presence of a fine surface dust. The depth of its
penetration can be determined by applying phenolphthalein to a core removed from concrete or
to the edge of a fresh cut.
The techniques for evaluating corrosion damage in reinforced-concrete structures are further
described in Techniques to Assess the Corrosion Activity of Steel Reinforced Concrete Structures
(STP 1276), published by ASTM.29

5.3.5 Repair of Corrosion-Related Deterioration

Successful repair of deteriorated concrete caused by corroded reinforcement requires a good
understanding of the reasons for the observed corrosion and of its extent. All too often, repairs
are confined to the areas of visible rust, without addressing the rest of the structure. This
approach not only fails to stop but might even accelerate the rate of corrosion in the areas
adjacent to the repairs. A successful repair project starts with a thorough investigation of the
entire structure, proceeds with a delineation of the damaged areas, and concludes with selection
of an effective and cost-efficient repair method. It also includes a program of follow-up
inspections to assess the effectiveness of the repair.
In general, the two most common methods of dealing with concrete deterioration caused by

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