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1st International Seminar

STEMEIF (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning

International Forum)
Purwokerto April 25th 2019
ISBN: 978-602-6697-36-3

Science Teacher Perceptions after Implementing Science

Technology Engineering Mathematics (STEM) Education
Integrated in Indonesian Curriculum

M M Winangun1* and D Kurniawan1

Master of Curriculum Development, School of Postgraduate
Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia
*Corresponding author:

Abstract. The purpose of this study is to determine the perceptions of Science

teachers after implementing STEM education integrated in Indonesian curriculum.
This research is a qualitative descriptive study involving ten junior high schools that
have implemented. The respondents of this study were the heads of the STEM
Team at each school. Research data are gathered by questionnaires, document
analysis, and interviews. The results in this study show the positive perceptions
from respondents after implementing STEM education that is integrated with the
Indonesian curriculum. This perception can be the basis for making policies related
to the integration of STEM education in the curriculum applied in Indonesia.

1. Introduction
The implementation of STEM education is carried out with different strategies in various countries
[1]. For example, Malaysia implements STEM education that is integrated with the curriculum
officially used [2]. Meanwhile, Hong Kong implements STEM education by reforming the Science,
Technology and Mathematics education curriculum [3]. This is because STEM education does not
represent an existing curriculum model, but there are many ways to formulate STEM education
programs [1]. In several studies, the promotion of STEM education integrated with the Indonesian
curriculum has been carried out for example in biotechnology and electricity materials [4] [5]. In
addition, the trial in one of the Science subjects can improve student STEM literacy [6]. In the
Science teacher training document written by the South East Asia Ministry of Education Quality
Improvement for Teachers and Education Personnel (SEAMEO QITEP) in Sciences, Science teachers
in Junior High School of Bandung, Indonesia, have been trained to implement STEM education
integrated in the Indonesian curriculum. In this study, the authors conducted an analysis of their
perceptions after implementing STEM education.
There are several studies that have revealed the perception of Science teachers on STEM
education implemented in the curriculum that applies in their country. In Saudi Arabia, 21 male
teachers in a qualitative study give rise to several patterns of perception, including STEM related as
interdisciplinary knowledge related to life, the twenty first century abilities and careers,
pedagogical knowledge, culture of school STEM, the factors that facilitated STEM implementation
and barriers [7]. In addition, other studies, Science and Mathematics teachers at secondary schools

1st International Seminar
STEMEIF (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning
International Forum)
Purwokerto April 25th 2019
ISBN: 978-602-6697-36-3

in United States can improve understanding in teaching STEM educational content because they
believe that collaboration and integrated technology are important considerations to produce a
good impact on the implementation of STEM education [8]. 48 of ninth grade Physical Science
Teachers in United States said that they focus more on the integration of soft skills in the form of
team work and communication than engineering content and they also argued that the relationship
between teachers and students and their joy in the learning process was very important in STEM
education [9]. In addition, 43 secondary school teachers in Mathematics, Science and Technology
in USA believe they have the ability to teach, professional development, and resources to carry out
design engineering challenges even though some of them still lack confidence [10]. In this case, the
teacher provides a positive perception and believes that STEM education can improve student
learning outcomes while preparing them to face challenges in the future [11].
The research question to be answered in this study is how the perceptions of science teachers
after implementing STEM education integrated in Indonesian curriculum. There are five
components of integration in this study, including; integration of STEM field, STEM education
learning design, prerequisite ability, learning resources and ability to present tools and materials,
and assessment. Each of these components represents the characteristics of STEM education
integrated in Indonesian curriculum by training document of SEAMEO QITEP in Sciences.

2. Methods
This research is a qualitative descriptive study involving ten science teachers who were the heads
of STEM team from ten Junior High Schools in Bandung, Indonesia, and have received assistance
from experts. The assistance was carried out for six days, in which three days were given for
preliminary pre-implementation understanding and three other days to strengthen understanding
after implementation from 7 August to 11 October 2018. In that time span, all respondents had
implemented STEM education.
Research data was collected by questionnaires, analysis document of lesson plan, and
interviews. In the initial stage, questionnaires that have been validated by experts and tested on
equivalent samples were distributed to respondents to find out the teacher's perceptions through
his agreement with the statement in the questionnaire. Then, the author conducted a document
analysis to confirm the response given by the respondent. In the final stage, the author conducted
an interview to deepen the data obtained from the questionnaire and document analysis.

3. Result and Discussion

The teacher's response to some characteristics of STEM education in the Indonesian curriculum
analysed in this study can be seen in Table 1. The percentage of responses from respondents
showed several differences in responses from each respondent. In addition, most respondents
gave a positive response to the statement given. However, there were also some respondents who
gave negative responses.

1st International Seminar
STEMEIF (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning
International Forum)
Purwokerto April 25th 2019
ISBN: 978-602-6697-36-3

Table 1. Responses of science teachers

Responses (%)
1. Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics could 50 30 0 10 10
be integrated in material learning of science.
2. Learning models in integrating STEM education in 30 70 0 0 0
Indonesian curriculum could be implemented.
3. Prerequisite abilities in STEM education could be prepared. 40 30 20 10 0
4. Students can access learning resource they need in STEM 40 30 10 20 0
5. Student can be trained to compile tools and materials for 40 50 10 0 0
STEM project
6. Developments of student attitude can be assessed. 40 40 0 10 10
7. Developments of student knowledge can be assessed. 30 50 20 0 0
8. Developments of student skill can be assessed. 50 40 10 0 0
Note: SA = Strongly Agree, A = Agree, N = Neutral, DA = Disagree, SD = Strongly Disagree.
All statements given are materials to analyse five components of perception, including
integration of STEM fields, STEM education learning design, prerequisite ability, learning resources
and the ability to present tools and materials, assessment. Each component of the statement is
confirmed by an analysis of the lesson plan document which can be seen in Table 2. The analysis of
the components of perception is as follows;

Table 2. The results of lesson plan completeness analysis

Component of Analysis Percentage of completeness
Science material analysis 90
Technology material analysis 50
Engineering material analysis 50
Mathematics material
analysis 50
STEM design learning 10
Phases of learning 100
Prerequisite ability for
teacher 30
Prerequisite ability for
student 30
Learning resources 90
Tools and materials 100
Assessment 90

1st International Seminar
STEMEIF (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning
International Forum)
Purwokerto April 25th 2019
ISBN: 978-602-6697-36-3

3.1 Integration of STEM fields

The response given by the respondents regarding the integration of the STEM field showed that
80% of respondents agreed that the integration of STEM field of science could be implemented,
even 50% of respondents responded strongly to the agreement. However, when compared with
document analysis, only 50% of respondents wrote a complete analysis of STEM field learning
material, while 40% of other respondents only wrote analysis of Science material as in lesson plan
documents that were not integrated with STEM education and 10% of respondents did not write
any material analysis. Based on the results of interviews, respondents said that they had difficulty
writing learning content because technology and engineering were not included in the field of
acknowledge taught in schools. In a study, the lack of teachers' ability to prepare learning material
content also became barrier in implementing STEM education in the United States [12]. In addition,
in the view of experts and practitioners of STEM education who have been professional, the
preparation of content related to the integration of the STEM fields and also related continuous
professional development [13]. Therefore, the ability to integrate the STEM field must be carried
out continuously.

3.2 Learning Design in STEM Education

All respondents agreed that the learning model recommended in STEM education in Indonesia,
such as project-based learning by Lucas, project-based learning by Laboy and Rush, and 5E by
Bybee, could be implemented. However, only 10% of respondents wrote the analysis of learning
design. Although all respondents wrote down the learning steps, those that were written down
were still not in accordance with the STEM lesson plan standard integrated Indonesian curriculum.
The results of the interview shows that respondents only followed the syntax of the learning model
used and did not analyse the design of learning according to the desired standards. The analysis of
learning design is very important because it results in the process of transferring STEM science
content to students [12].

3.3 Prerequisite Abilities

As many as 70% of respondents responded that prerequisite abilities can be prepared in the learning
process. The response was not in accordance with the results of the learning document analysis
that only 30% of respondents wrote the required prerequisite abilities. The results of the interview
indicated that although the respondents did not write the prerequisite abilities in the lesson plan
document, they still provided initial knowledge to students who adjusted to the initial syntax of the
learning model used. In a study, the lack of preparation of students' prerequisite abilities became
an obstacle in implementing STEM education [12].

3.4 Learning Resources and The Ability to Present Tools and Materials
The response given by respondents showed that 70% of respondents agreed that students could
access the learning resources needed in classroom learning. In addition, in lesson plan document,
90% of respondents prepare learning resources. In the interview process, respondents also said
that they provide opportunities for students to find additional sources of information needed
through the internet.
1st International Seminar
STEMEIF (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning
International Forum)
Purwokerto April 25th 2019
ISBN: 978-602-6697-36-3

In the STEM education process in the classroom, as many as 90% of respondents claimed that
students could present tools and materials. Even all respondents wrote down the tools and
materials used in the lesson plan document. During the interview, respondents said that students
were accustomed to presenting tools and materials for the implementation of the applicable
curriculum in Indonesia.

3.5 Assessment
Almost all respondents responded that the assessment could be implemented, only 20% of
respondents stated that the assessment of the development of student attitudes could not be
assessed. In the lesson plan document, 90% of respondents write down the forms, techniques, and
assessment instruments used. Respondents said that the assessment of attitudes, knowledge, and
skills is an authentic characteristic of the Indonesian curriculum and they have been trained in
carrying out these assessments. Regarding assessment, STEM practitioners and experts believe
that traditional judgments, such as pencil based tests and non-higher order thinking skills, are less
meaningful in STEM assessment [13]. In this case, the assessment of the development of skills
carried out by respondents can be said to be one of the expected forms of assessment in STEM
education. This assessment is important to know the development of students' skills in order to
prepare them for their future career in the STEM field [12].

4. Conclusion
In general, respondents' perceptions in implementing STEM education integrated curriculum in
Indonesia have been good even though they have not been able to do it according to applicable
standards. Based on the percentage of responses given, the respondent's best perception is on the
assessment of student skills development. While the respondent’s worst perception is the
integration of the STEM fields and assessments of the development of student attitudes.
Nevertheless, this perception is not in accordance with the teacher's ability to plan learning in STEM
education which is still not good.

Thank you, the authors convey to Science teachers who were respondents in this study. In addition,
thanks also to the academics of Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia for their guidance. Not forgetting
the highest gratitude to LPDP Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia for the scholarships
given to the author.


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1st International Seminar
STEMEIF (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics Learning
International Forum)
Purwokerto April 25th 2019
ISBN: 978-602-6697-36-3

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