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JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia



E. Purwaningsih*1, S. P. Sari2, A. M. Sari3, A. Suryadi4

Department of Physics, Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Universitas Negeri Malang,

DOI: 10.15294/jpii.v9i4.26432

Accepted: October 1st 2020. Approved: December 28th 2020. Published: December 31st 2020


This study aims to investigate the effect of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics-Project Based
Learning (STEM-PjBL) and discovery learning on students’ problem-solving skills. The research is a Quasi-Ex-
periment with a Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Control Group Design. The participants involved are 53 students
of class X from a high school in Malang, where 28 students studied with STEM-PjBL, and 25 students studied
with discovery learning. This research was conducted on the impulse and momentum topic. In this analysis, the
researchers have developed a set of problem-solving instrument with a particular field approach to impulse and
momentum topics to obtain an instrument with a reliability of 0.81. This instrument collects student problem-
solving data before and after learning both in the experimental class and in the comparison class. Problem-solving
skills data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The results showed a significant
difference in the scores of students’ problem-solving skills in the experimental class and the comparison class
(p<0.05). The problem-solving skill in the experimental class (Mdn=78.74) was higher than the comparison class
(Mdn=70.00). In STEM-PjBL learning, students are better trained and challenged to solve problems in everyday
life. Compared to the comparison class, learning in the experimental class is more able to accommodate students’
ideas and make students more interested in learning. In conclusion, STEM-PjBL has a significant positive effect
on improving students’ problem-solving skills rather than discovery learning.

© 2020 Science Education Study Program FMIPA UNNES Semarang

Keywords: STEM-PjBL; problem-solving skills; discovery learning; project

INTRODUCTION need to be developed at various levels of educa-

tion (Greiff et al., 2013; Scherer & Beckmann,
In daily life, problems are always present, 2014; Root et al., 2020). This certainly has impli-
they cannot be avoided, but they must be resol- cations so that the learning process also needs to
ved. As a result, a person needs certain skills to be directed to develop problem-solving skills. The
complete it. Education is an attempt to improve results of observations made in several schools
skills related to how to solve problems. Specifi- in Malang indicated that most teachers still te-
cally, in science learning, one of the aims is to ach traditionally, including in physics. Teach-
prepare students for 21st-century skills (Halim & ers often explain concepts, provide examples of
Meerah, 2016), including problem-solving skills problems, then solve them mathematically. This
(Huang & Asghar, 2016). makes solving physics problems more associated
The skill to solve problems is one of the with mathematical solutions only (de Ataíde &
skills needed in the world of work (Rios et al., Greca, 2013). Even though they do a practicum,
2020). Therefore, the skills to solve problems students just follow the guidelines. Therefore, an
*Correspondence Address authentic problem-solving process is not carried
466 E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

out. As a result, students are not trained to deve- STEM learning is needed by students in
lop scientific solutions to a phenomenon or prob- improving various 21st-century skills (Schmidt &
lem. This condition is confirmed by preliminary Fulton, 2016). Many students in various count-
studies that students' problem-solving needs to be ries believe that STEM can guarantee their future
improved (Purwaningsih et al., 2020). careers (Tseng et al., 2013). This learning trains
In recent decades, problem-solving has students to make solutions to a problem from a
begun to receive serious attention from resear- variety of perspectives. Furthermore, as inter-
chers in physics education. Problem-solving is disciplinary learning, STEM can be taught by
seen as one of the most important skills a person several learning strategies such as problem-based
has (Leak et al., 2017; Saadati et al., 2019; Wal- learning (Lou et al., 2011; Parno et al., 2020),
kington et al., 2019; Rott, 2020; Safaruddin et inquiry-based learning (Cedillo, 2018; Yuliati et
al., 2020;). With good problem-solving skills, stu- al., 2018), and project-based learning (Tseng et
dents can understand a concept of science more al., 2013; Capraro & Capraro, 2016; Vogler et al.,
deeply (Scherer & Beckmann, 2014; Xie & Ma- 2018).
singila, 2017; Lim & Han, 2020), choose a met- Furthermore, as a form of reformative lear-
hod of solving a problem more efficiently (Sumi- ning, discovery learning has also had a significant
rattana et al., 2017), and choose a more diverse influence on science education development. In
model (Akben, 2020). In particular, problem- discovery, students build their knowledge inducti-
solving in physics can educate students in solving vely by following the examples and learning struc-
complex problems not only in the classroom but tures presented by the teacher (Ozdem-Yilmaz &
also in the world of work later (Williams, 2018). Bilican, 2020). Clements and Joswick (2018) re-
Even so, according to Docktor et al. (2015), most commended combining discovery learning with
students' problem-solving skills are still low; even learning technology. Technology integration in
in the early stages of planning, they have difficul- learning is packaged by considering its relation-
ty. More specifically, in the Indonesian context, ship with content and teacher's pedagogy (Koeh-
students' problem-solving skills are still relatively ler & Mishra, 2005). This is a new challenge for
low when compared to students in other count- teachers to integrate technology into the learning
ries (Scherer & Beckmann, 2014; Pisa, 2015; Ha- process. Discovery learning in this study was car-
sibuan et al., 2019). ried out with the help of a virtual laboratory.
Several attempts have been made to impro- Several researchers have conducted studies
ve students' problem-solving skills. In several stu- related to the implementation of STEM learning,
dies, innovative learning such as problem-based PjBL, and discovery learning in science educati-
learning (Argaw et al., 2016), problem-posing on. Recently, Shanta and Wells (2020) found that
learning (Akben, 2020), and modeling-based technology-based learning and engineering de-
learning (Demirhan & Şahin, 2019) was found sign significantly affect students' problem-solving
to be able to improve students' problem-solving skills. In line with that, Priemer et al. (2020) and
skills. These lessons can make students learn acti- Lin et al. (2015, 2020) explained that learning
vely through concrete problems. by integrating science, technology, engineering,
As an active learning program, several re- and mathematics can improve student problem-
ports have shown that Project Based Learning solving. Another report shows that as a type of
(PjBL) has a positive effect on improving the qua- life skill, student problem-solving can improve in
lity of science education. This is because students a project-based learning environment (Wurdinger
carry out activities from designing to realizing the & Qureshi, 2015). In line with this, with qualitati-
design into a product (Mihardi et al., 2013). This ve and quantitative data, Song (2018) confirmed
model also makes students play an active role in that PjBL can help students solve problems colla-
investigating phenomena in everyday life (Lee et boratively.
al., 2019) and doing a variety of activities that Discovery learning was found to be able
are different from usual. Studies also show that to train students' specific abilities both in terms
students respond positively by improving several of content and skills (Abrahamson & Kapur,
skills (Van, 2016) and are motivated to pursue 2018; Chase & Abrahamson, 2018). Several stu-
careers in science, technology, engineering, and dies have also found that discovery learning can
mathematics (STEM) (Auer et al., 2017). Furt- improve students' problem-solving (Hudha &
hermore, with projects, students' scientific skills Batlolona, 2017; Wartono et al., 2018, Yuliati &
and engineering skills can be improved (Annetta Munfaridah, 2018). This can happen if the disco-
et al., 2019). very process is accompanied by teacher guidance
E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

(Alfieri et al., 2011; Cáceres et al., 2019). In sum- measurement instrument can describe students'
mary, these studies show that PjBL, STEM, and problem-solving. Furthermore, empirical eviden-
discovery learning have the potential to improve ce regarding the advantages and disadvantages of
students' problem-solving. However, STEM does these two constructivist studies is also discussed.
not already address the learning steps as an ap- To empirically explore students' problem-
proach to the learning process. Therefore, STEM solving skills, we employed STEM-PjBL class and
learning with PjBL (STEM-PjBL) seems to have discovery class. Three research questions lead to
the ability to improve student problem-solving. this study. First, how does STEM-PjBL learning
Unfortunately, research on this model is still rare. impact the students' problem-solving skills of im-
Therefore, a study comparing STEM-PjBL with pulse and momentum? Second, how does disco-
discovery learning was performed. very learning impact students' problem-solving
The characteristics of the impulse and skills of impulse and momentum? Third, how the
momentum topic are also considered in choo- physics problem-solving instrument developed
sing a learning model in this study. Impulse and can describe students' problem-solving skills?
momentum are fundamental in Physics learning,
which, according to Xu et al. (2020), students' ha- METHODS
bit of solving impulse and momentum problems
is built from the surface to deep understanding. It This research is a Quasi-Experiments
is also the foundation to learn advanced physics with Nonequivalent Pretest-Posttest Comparison
such as machine and structural design, advance Group Design (Best & Kahn, 2006). There are
dynamic, and structural mechanics (Fang, 2012). two groups involved, namely the experimental
The concept of impulse and momentum is also group and the comparison group. The two groups
close to students' life and applicable in techno- were given different treatment where the measu-
logical products such as helmet construction, rement of problem-solving skills was carried out
crumple zones in a car, airbag construction, and before (pre-test) and after (post-test) treatment.
the crack of the bat. Based on these features, im- The design of this study is shown in Table 1.
pulse and momentum are commonly used in en-
gineering and technology such that constructivist Table 1. Pretest – Posttest Non-Equivalent Com-
learning, such as STEM-PjBL and discovery lear- parison Group Design
ning, can be implemented. However, the meaning Group Pretest Treat- Posttest
and effect of both learning instruction in impulse ment
and momentum topic has been unclear so far.
Experimental O1 X1 O2
By comparing two types of learning whose
Class (EC)
characteristics are relatively the same, the advan-
tages and disadvantages of a model when applied Comparison O3 X2 O4
in learning can be identified. Similar research has Class (CC)
been carried out by comparing two types of lear- *Where O1: The observation of the experimental
ning models, namely Problem-based Learning class pretest; O2: The result of the experimental
(PBL) and PjBL, which was conducted by Dole class post-test; O3: The observation of the com-
et al. (2017). They used qualitative data to see parison class pretest; O4: The observation of the
the effect of the two types of learning. A similar comparison class post-test; X1: The experimental
study was conducted by Suhartono et al. (2019) class treatment; X2: The comparison class treat-
by comparing the group investigation learning ment.
model with the direct instruction model. In this
study, the effect of PjBL-STEM and discovery The sample in this study was not determin-
was investigated quantitatively. The information ed randomly because it was not possible to chan-
obtained can be useful for the physics curricu- ge an established class structure, but two classes
lum, especially for teachers. The findings can be were selected with equal ability levels based on
used as consideration for teachers in designing data from teacher assessments. This research was
future learning. This research aimed to explore conducted in a high school in Malang. The rese-
the effect of PjBL-STEM learning and discovery arch subjects were involved as many as 53 stu-
learning on students' problem-solving skills. We dents of class X, consisting of 28 students in the
also investigated the features of STEM-PjBL and experimental class and 25 students in the compa-
discovery learning that could improve students' rison class.
problem-solving. Besides, this study also analy- Treatment in the experimental class fol-
zes how the developed physics problem-solving lows the STEM-PjBL syntax developed by La-
468 E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

boy-Rush (2011), consisting of reflection, rese- Before being used, this instrument has been
arch, discovery, application, and communication. validated and tested. The results of construct and
The strength of PjBL lies in the fact that PjBL content validation were carried out by experts
does not only integrate knowledge from various consisting of two lecturers and one user teacher.
disciplines but also between theory and practice. Furthermore, the instrument for measuring the
Meanwhile, STEM learning is interdisciplinary problem-solving skills that were declared valid
learning that emphasizes problem-solving acti- by the validator was tested empirically on 35 stu-
vities from various perspectives (Martín-Páez et dents. The results of the empirical test showed
al., 2019). Therefore, PjBL and STEM learning that the eight items tested were declared valid
are suitable to be applied simultaneously (Laboy- with differentiating power showing values that
Rush, 2011; Jalinus et al., 2019;). Students in the varied from 0.11 to 0.63. The test of the difficulty
experimental class learn by constructing a water level of the questions showed a value that varied
rocket project that incorporates classroom lear- from 0.26 (difficult) to 0.71 (easy). To measure
ning (hands-on) with the use of Edmodo. Stu- students’ problem-solving skills, the items used
dents create, test, revise, and communicate the were six items with moderate difficulty level, with
water rockets they make in groups. Students dis- the reliability of 0.812 (within very high criteria).
cuss and collaborate with teachers on the Edmo- The six questions represent the competencies that
do platform. Meanwhile, treatment in the compa- students are expected to achieve and are used
rison class uses discovery learning syntax, which both by students in the experimental class and
consists of 6 steps, namely stimulation, statement students in the comparison class.
problems, data collection, data processing, verifi- The data in this study were students’
cation, and generalization (Carin & Sund, 1993). problem-solving scores obtained from the pre-
In the comparison class, students conduct simu- test and post-test results. Data were tested using
lated experimental tasks, which are explored exp- descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. The
licitly in the classroom and the Edmodo. Several normality and homogeneity tests of each of the
studies have shown that the use of virtual labora- pretest and post-test results were carried out be-
tories could support discovery learning (Levy et fore testing the hypothesis. This hypothesis test
al., 2018). Karlsson et al. (2013) stated, however, was selected based on the initial test results. Be-
that this kind of learning environment should be sides, N-gain is also calculated to determine the
able to provide additional tools that can connect increase in students’ problem-solving scores. The
student learning experiences with relevant pheno- hypotheses tested in this study are as follows.
mena. In summary, aside from variations in lear-
ning models, the learning tasks in the experimen- : There is no significant difference bet-
tal class were primarily carried out in a hands-on ween the problem-solving skills of the experi-
manner, whereas in the comparison class, they mental class students and the comparison class.
were carried out in a virtual laboratory. : There is a significant difference bet-
The dependent variable in this study is the ween the problem-solving skills of the experi-
impulse-momentum of problem-solving skills. mental class students and the comparison class.
The measurement instrument used is a test con-
sisting of six items in the description concerning RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
five indicators, recognize the problem, represent
the problem in formal terms, plan a solution, Analysis of STEM-PjBL and Discovery
execute the plan, and evaluate the solutions. This Learning Implementation
instrument is specially developed with a series of To show how STEM-PjBL learning and
systematic processes. In contrast to other studies, discovery affect students’ problem-solving skills,
the problem-solving instrument in this study uses an overview of the learning process in both clas-
domain-specific instruments on the topic of im- ses presents. The outline of the learning imple-
pulses and momentum. According to Walker et mentation process in each course was presented
al. (2016), a specific domain approach can be used in the following paragraphs.
to measure problem-solving on a particular topic. The comparison class used discovery as
Furthermore, this instrument is constructed with a model of learning. The first phase in this lear-
authentic properties, involves engineering design, ning model is stimulation, where students watch
and is related to work systems for technological the rocket launch phenomenon through video.
products such as trampolines, pistols, and airc- Through the film, students discuss issues and re-
raft. fer to the physical content that has been examin-
E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

ed collaboratively. This level is undoubtedly the The goal of this stage is to train students’
initial stage of the problem-solving skill training problem-solving skills, particularly in the mathe-
of students. The next step is a problem statement matical field. Rockets have been tested to provide
in which students create hypotheses and evalu- students with a real science learning experience.
ate variables that impact the furthest range of The field tests were carried out and contested bet-
rockets. The critical difference between the class ween groups to find the rocket with the furthest
of comparison and the experimental course is the range to win. This practice is a challenge for stu-
stage of data collection. Comparative class stu- dents to be enthusiastic and innovative in solving
dents conduct virtual studies through the interac- any problems found during manufacturing and portal. Via these tests, students have research. In this method, students can flexibly
seen the relationship between the rocket mass apply their ideas to the repair of the water rockets
and the furthest range of rockets. Regulated va- they create. For example, students may change
riables are the rocket power and the time to burn the length of a rocket or change the shape of a
the rocket. After data collection, the next stage rocket wing. According to the teacher who teach-
of discovery learning is data processing. Students es the class, “making rockets directly and then ex-
analyze the data, then relate it to the hypothesis perimenting with students is more able to accom-
proposed through the verification stage. The pro- modate the diversity of ideas of students in the
posed hypothesis would be proved true or not at classroom than observing them through a virtual
the verification point. In the last step, i.e., gene- laboratory.” After discussion, it was decided that
ralization, students express the outcomes of the two variables had a major impact on the range
practicum by presentations in front of the class. of rockets, namely water mass and wing shape.
In the experimental class, the practices of Each group measured the variables that allowed
STEM-PjBL learning tended to be able to imp- the rocket to reach high, varying the mass of the
rove the problem-solving skills of students. The water and the shape of the wing. Students will
first stage of STEM-PjBL learning is the stage of then test the suitability of practicum results with
reflection. The lesson begins with the presenta- the concept of physics, and the results obtained
tion of the rocket launch phenomenon through will be used to develop the product. In the last
video. As a group, students discuss why rockets stage of contact, the experimental group of stu-
can be launched and how they relate to the laws dents came to school after the results had been
of physics, particularly momentum and momen- collected. Students obtain assignments by uplo-
tum. This process can be the initial stage in the ading a video of the production process for the
development of problem-solving skills for stu- feasibility of a water rocket, pictures of the ans-
dents. The next activity is the process of research; wers to the STEM Water Rocket Worksheet, and
students examine the problem in more detail to post-tests to Edmodo. This stage provides oppor-
obtain a physical and mathematical solution. Af- tunities for students to present and account for
ter that, students begin designing a water rocket, the results obtained.
including the size and materials of the rocket pro-
totype. This design is the preliminary stage for the Analysis of Students’ Problem-Solving Skills
project; the teacher must approve this stage. Besi- There are five parts of problem-solving
des, the discovery stage was accompanied by the skills measured in this study, namely, recognize
launch of a water rocket. This activity is carried the problem, represent the problem in formal
out outside class hours with activity reporting terms, plan a solution, execute the plan, and eva-
through video. The next step is the phase of the luate the answer. The problem-solving skills of
application. students in the experimental class and the com-
parison class are presented in Figure 1.

Figure 1. The Problem-Solving Skills Results of Experiment Group and Comparison Group
470 E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

Figure 1 shows that the students’ problem- lysis showed that the post-test data on problem-
solving scores in the experimental class were solving skills in the experimental class were not
higher than those in the comparison class on all normally distributed, W(28)=0.906, p<0.05, but
problem-solving dimensions. Even so, students the comparison class was normally distributed
tend to decline in scores from the process of re- W(25)=0.942, p>0.05. Meanwhile, the results
cognizing the problem to the process of evalu- of the analysis of data variance showed that the
ating the answer. This is because students need post-test data was homogeneous, F(1.51)=0.529,
higher thinking skills from the stage of recogni- p>0.05. Based on these results, the hypothesis
zing the problem to the stage of evaluating the test used in this study is a nonparametric differen-
answer. ce test, namely the U Mann-Whitney test with a
Before testing the hypothesis, the data significance level (α = 0.05); the results are shown
distribution normality test and the homogeneity in Table 3.
of variance test were carried out as a prerequi-
site test. The normality of the data was tested Table 3. Post-test Analysis Results
using the Shapiro-Wilk statistic (Field, 2017). Experimental Comparison
The analysis showed that the pretest scores in Score
Group Group
the experimental class were normally distributed,
n 28 25
W(28)=0.941, p>0.05, but the comparison class
was not normally distributed, W(25)=0.913, Median 78.74 70.00
p<0.05. Meanwhile, the variance of pretest scores IQR 12.08 12.95
between the experimental class and the compari- N-Gain 56% 49%
son class was the same, F(1.51)=0.468, p>0.05.
In other words, the pretest data were homogeneo- U 181.50
us. The results of the prerequisite test indicated P value 0.003
that the parametric hypothesis test assumptions r 0,057
were violated so that the different tests on the
pretest results of the experimental class and the Based on Table 3, the N-Gain score for the
comparison class were carried out using the non- experimental class is 56% and is considered quite
parametric test, namely the Mann-Whitney test. effective, while for the comparison class, it is 49%
The analysis results are shown in Table 2. and is considered less effective (Hake, 1999). This
shows that students who learn with STEM-PjBL
Table 2. Comparison of Problem-solving Scores increase higher than students who learn with dis-
Between the Experimental Class and the Com- covery learning.
parison Class before Treatment Based on data analysis using the Mann-
Experimental Comparison Whitney test, the significance value obtained
Score is 0.03 where the value is smaller than the sig-
Group Group
n 28 25 nificance value (α = 0.05), which indicates that
is rejected and is accepted. These results
Median 37.50 33.30 indicate that statistically, there is a significant
IQR 19.79 20.41 difference between the problem-solving skills
U 250.50 of students who learn using STEM-PjBL lear-
ning (Mdn=78.74) and students who learn using
p value 0.076
Discovery Learning (Mdn=70.00), U=181.50,
p<0.003 with value-r (effect size) of 0.057. The
Table 2 shows that there is no significant
effect size score shows that the effect of STEM-
difference between the problem-solving scores
PjBL learning is in a broad category (Morgan et
of the experimental class (Mdn = 37.50) and the
al., 2004).
comparison class (Mdn = 33.30), U = 250.50,
The students’ problems solving scores
p>0.05. This result means that students in the
trend tend to decrease along with the problem-
two classes have the same problem-solving skills
solving steps in both groups. We argued that the
and are not influenced by previous learning.
complexity level of the problem-solving phases,
After being given the treatment, the post-
from the recognition of the problem to the eva-
test was carried out in the experimental class and
luation of the problem, is becoming increasingly
the comparison class. Furthermore, the prere-
difficult. For example, tasks that students must
quisite test and hypothesis testing were carried
complete through recognize the problem are re-
out on the post-test data. The results of the ana-
E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

latively easy, such as visualizing situations in the to produce a more distant water rocket. Teachers
form of sketches, writing down relevant and irre- can provide learning engagement by providing
levant information, giving symbolic names, wri- challenges to students (Duncan, 2020; Morrison
ting down questions that must be answered, and et al., 2020). Meanwhile, in the comparison class
identifying physical approaches that might be that uses discovery learning, students learn to dis-
useful for reaching solutions. In contrast, in the cover concepts through virtual lab experiments.
evaluation stage, students need to check the re- The virtual lab program used possibly has not
sults of calculations in the form of conformity of been able to pinpoint the factors that can affect
the results, whether the results are reasonable or the range of a water rocket. In this lesson, stu-
not, and the results obtained are complete or not. dents can show posters depicting the forces acting
According to Meli et al. (2016), problem-solving on the rocket before, during, and after sliding cor-
in physics is closely related to mathematical mo- rectly. Unfortunately, understanding this concept
deling. Students are most often able to recognize is not applied directly to solving real problems.
problems and design solutions, but they struggle Training students to solve real problems can
to do so in the final execution. Any of the reasons improve problem-solving skills (Yu et al., 2015;
for this condition are the problem-solving is very Zhong & Xu, 2019).
complex mathematical systematization (Niss, PjBL makes learning more focused becau-
2017) or student comprehension that are incomp- se students can make products, test, and commu-
lete (Milbourne & Wiebe, 2018). nicate results. On the other hand, STEM defines
The difference in problem-solving skills re- the interdisciplinary learning process by integra-
lated to recognizing the problem between the ex- ting four different disciplines. The process of cre-
perimental class and the comparison class is rela- ating and analyzing rocket motion does not only
tively small, with only two points difference. This require understanding the concepts of impul-
may occur because the learning activities carried se and momentum but involves scientific skills.
out in the experimental class and comparison Practices that involve cognitive processes and
class is still relatively the same, namely identi- hands-on activities such as modeling are essen-
fying problems through the video presented. tial for scientists and engineers (Park et al., 2020).
What is surprising is that there is a fairly large STEM education needs to ensure that as students
score gap in evaluating the answer indicator. Stu- prepare to become scientists, they need to be in-
dents in the experimental class were better at eva- volved in the practice of building and modifying
luating answers than students in the comparison learning tools (Dickerson et al., 2016).
class. This may be because, in the experimental The activities carried out in STEM-PjBL
class, students are accustomed to evaluating their learning guide students to work in groups. Col-
projects. Students identify critically the factors laborative STEM practice can support students
that can maximize the results of the projects they in learning to solve problems together (Chen et
create. The role of student thinking at this lear- al., 2019). Students explore the problem of why a
ning stage is very dominant. This is in line with rocket can launch and then find out how it relates
the findings of Tas et al. (2019) that learning in to the laws of physics, especially impulse and mo-
which students are active and responsible for their mentum. This process can be the initial stage in
learning process can improve their metacognitive developing students’ problem-solving skills.
strategies. Besides, the challenges in PjBL also In STEM-PjBL, students analyze prob-
support the development of this strategy (Kavou- lems in more detail to obtain a physical and
si et al., 2020). Meanwhile, in discovery learning, mathematical solution. In this study, students
evaluation is carried out by verifying the findings designed a water rocket complete with sizes and
with the previously made hypotheses. This study materials. This design is the preparatory stage
indicates that the ability to evaluate answers is for doing a project where at this stage, students
better if it is developed in project learning than must get the teacher’s approval before continuing
discovery learning. the design process. Furthermore, students make
Overall, this study shows that STEM-PjBL water rockets outside of class hours by reporting
is better at improving students’ problem-solving activities via video. The purpose of this activity is
skills than discovery learning. This may hap- to facilitate students to connect the information
pen because, in this study, learning in the expe- obtained with the knowledge they have in desig-
rimental class provides a challenging and more ning projects. Besides, technical aspects are also
real learning experience than discovery learning. trained through project assignments. This is im-
For example, in the experimental class, students portant because the technical aspects are directly
were challenged to make a device that was able involved in the problem-solving process (Bybee,
472 E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

2010). STEM-PjBL can encourage students to that STEM-PjBL can improve students’ critical
engage in hands-on activities that can improve and creative thinking skills. STEM can increase
students’ ability to explore learning and respond students’ interest in learning because it focuses
to the challenges of a changing world (Chen & learning on students, provides a meaningful,
Lin, 2019). Through the process of engineering more interesting learning experience, trains high-
solutions, students’ problem-solving skills can order thinking skills, and improves problem-sol-
improve (Shanta & Wells, 2020). ving skills (Stohlmann et al., 2012).
The process of testing student project re- In particular, STEM-PjBL facilitates stu-
sults is a crucial activity. At this stage, students dents with learning challenges. However, pre-
work like scientists and engineers. Students ex- senting these conditions in learning is not com-
plain each finding and find problems with the fortable (Wilson, 2020). In this study, students
designs they make. This stage provides students appeared to be more enthusiastic and active
with a real science learning experience. This when trying to solve a given challenge. Through
is important because, according to Mills et al. authentic challenges, students are conditioned to
(2020), the experience of making products can face challenges in real life. This challenge makes
increase students’ interest in learning. The trials students carry out a continuous learning process
were carried out in the field and contested bet- by continuously revising their understanding so
ween groups to find the rocket with the farthest that what is understood can be following the mo-
range to win. This activity provides challenges deling made (Morrison et al., 2020). This is very
to students so that students are enthusiastic and good for the development of students’ abilities
creative in solving any problems encountered because the hope is that students are not only ex-
during manufacture and testing. Of course, the pected to be able to solve problems (questions) in
teacher’s role is needed in helping students face school but can be automated in solving various
every challenge given (Kang & Keinonen, 2018). problems faced in everyday life. In other words,
In this process, students can flexibly apply their students obtain life skills in a full and meaningful
ideas to repair the water rockets they make. For way from a formal learning process.
example, students can change the length of the One of the interesting findings in this stu-
rocket or change the shape of the rocket’s wing. dy is the use of instruments of problem-solving.
According to the teacher who taught in the ex- The specific domain problem-solving instrument
perimental class, “making rockets directly and then used seems to be able to provide an overview of
experimenting with them is more able to accommodate student problem-solving. According to Reynders
the diversity of ideas of students in the class than obser- et al. (2020), to explicitly determine students’ abi-
ving them through a virtual laboratory.” Kapici et al. lities, a particular measurement instrument for
(2019) recommend that virtual and non-virtual STEM education needs to be made. The questi-
laboratories be combined for maximum results. ons in this study are real-life illustrations so that
After conducting discussions, two signifi- students can provide illustrations in design prob-
cant variables are thought to affect the range of lem-solving. According to Niss (2018), students
the rocket, namely water mass and wing shape. are better able to solve concrete problems than
Each group tested the variables that caused the abstract ones. Students’ cognitive load is lower
rocket’s reach to be far by varying the mass of if they solve problems like this. For the record,
water and wing shape. Then students evaluate the learning process experienced by students
the suitability of the practicum results with the is active, both in the experimental class and the
physics concept. The results of these activities comparison class. Both classes learn the concept
are used to improve products that are made re- of physics from its application in technology.
peatedly. An iterative process is a characteristic Therefore, the construction of this instrument
of STEM learning (Zhou et al., 2020). Technolo- seems appropriate to the learning experience of
gy, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM. The these students. As a result, the competence that
observations show that some students become is measured is competence due to the interventi-
active and motivated to complete the project. on given. Besides, further exploration related to
The teacher who taught in the experimental class specific domain problem-solving instruments like
shared that: “Before implementing STEM-PjBL lear- this still needs to be done.
ning, Ardi (pseudonym) was always silent in learning, Although this study has provided eviden-
but when asked to do a project, Ardi was very enthusi- ce of how STEM-PjBL learning and discovery
astic and even seemed active in solving problems faced learning affect student problem-solving, several
by his group.” The results of this study are in line limitations are still found in this study. Students’
with Sumarni and Kadarwati’s (2020) research skills to evaluate answers are still relatively low.
E. Purwaningsih, S. P. Sari, A. M. Sari, A. Suryadi / JPII 9 (4) (2020) 465-476

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