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Inequalities During the Covid-19 Era

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Inequalities During the Covid-19 Era

Covid-19 has made lives become little different from the normal that people know. All over the

world life has proven to be hard because of this unexpected pandemic. Domestic violence has

increased because many couples are now working from home and this causes lots of

disagreement. Economic disruptions due to this unexpected pandemic has caused a lot of

inequalities in terms of gender and social status. In this paper we are going to look at how this

worldwide pandemic has caused economic inequalities in the United States and how these

inequalities relate with class in the United States.

Inequality has been building over the years in America. This has been put wide open by the

outbreak of this pandemic and can clearly be seen. Covid-19 has made people more conscious of

the existing inequalities in the United States. The inequalities have been experienced in various

forms like income and ethnicity. Some people have been marginalized during this pandemic and

had pay cuts in their working areas. These pay cuts have been experienced selectively among

employees, it further implies that not all employees get the pay cut but a few individuals who are

not superior. This has been clearly witnessed in corporate companies and has come out clearly

during this Covid-19 era (Martinez, 2020).

Mid-march 2020, millions of people in America lost their white-collar jobs (Bank, 2020). While

most of the white Americans have resumed their jobs, only a third of black Americans have

recovered their lost jobs which they lost between February and April. This clearly shows the kind

of hidden inequality among American people. As the coronavirus pandemic goes on, it has

shown the disregard and inequality between the white and black Americans in terms of job

recovery which has really affected the black Americans (Saxena, 2020)

North Carolina, a state in the United States seemed to be the worst hit with the great recession.

This means that most of the white-collar jobs were limited and the black Americans were the

most hit and till to date they have not recovered their lost white-collar jobs. Blacks have been

pushed to the wall and forced to settle for low income paying jobs just to afford their bills.

Statistics show that 42% of North Carolina citizens would have been unable to afford their

expenses were it not for assistance they got. These included 33% of the whites and 63% of the

blacks (Martinez, 2020)

In my view, the above explained inequalities are highly dependent on class. The laws put in

place are selectively applied depending on the class one lies on. There has been a clear line

between the whites and blacks when it comes to the Covid Economy. This class disparity has led

to inequality in the job recovery among the blacks. Therefore, all these inequalities that we

experience in our society are fully dependent on the social class and status. It is my

recommendation that the system should try to reverse this issue of economic inequality which

has come out strongly during this Covid-19 pandemic.



Artinez, S. (2020). COVID-19 and social inequalities: In Social Work and the COVID-19

Pandemic (pp. 31–36). Policy Press.

Bank, W. (2020). The Economy in the Time of Covid-19. World Bank Publications.

Saxena S. K (2020) Corona virus disease 2019 (Covid-19). Springer nature.

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