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8, AUGUST 2017 6707

A Lithium-Ion Battery Current Estimation Technique

Using an Unknown Input Observer
Daniel C. Cambron, Member, IEEE, and Aaron M. Cramer, Senior Member, IEEE

Abstract—Current consumption measurements are useful in a sensors provide isolated current measurements but are typically
wide variety of applications, including power monitoring and fault less accurate and more expensive [2]. Thus, there remains an
detection within a lithium-ion battery management system (BMS). opportunity to discover an effective, yet inexpensive, solution
This measurement is typically taken using either a shunt resis-
tor or a Hall-effect current sensor. Although both methods have for determining the current consumption of a lithium-ion battery
achieved accurate current measurements, shunt resistors have in- pack.
herent power loss and require isolation circuitry, and Hall-effect In this paper, a novel technique for determining current con-
sensors are generally expensive. This paper explores a novel alter- sumption is explored. In essence, the equivalent series resistance
native to sensing battery current by measuring terminal voltages (ESR) of a battery cell could be used in place of a dedicated
and cell temperatures and using an unknown input observer to
estimate the battery current. An accurate model of a LiFePO4 shunt resistor. If the cell ESR, open-circuit voltage, and ter-
cell is created, validated, and then used to characterize a model minal voltage were known, the current consumption could be
of the proposed current estimation technique. Finally, the current directly determined. However, the open-circuit voltage of an ac-
estimation technique is implemented in hardware and tested in an tive cell cannot be measured directly, and the ESR of a cell is
online BMS environment. Results show that the current estima-
dependent on the cell state of charge, state of health, and tem-
tion technique is sufficiently accurate for a variety of applications,
including fault detection and power profiling. perature [3]. Thus, a current estimate cannot be achieved until
these derivative quantities are estimated.
Index Terms—Battery, battery management system (BMS), There have been significant contributions in lithium-ion bat-
current estimation, Hall-effect, LiFePO4 , lithium-ion, parameter
estimation, shunt, state of charge, unknown input observer (UIO). tery modeling as well as detailed work in observer theory that
can be utilized to develop a current estimator. Beginning with
battery modeling, most models can be classified as electrochem-
I. INTRODUCTION ical, thermal, adaptive, or circuit models. Electrochemical mod-
ITHIUM-ION batteries continue to gain popularity for els consider the chemical processes occurring inside a cell [4],
L use in a wide range of markets, from small consumer elec-
tronics to full-sized electric vehicles. A battery management
[5]. These models are accurate, but require detailed parameteri-
zation that is often difficult to obtain in practice. Thermal mod-
system (BMS) must be employed in every battery pack to pro- els of the form in [6] can be employed, but more information
tect lithium-ion cells from abuse that could cause fire, gaseous is required to completely characterize cell behavior. Adaptive
discharge, or other dangerous conditions. BMSs protect lithium- models can be used to model the cell itself, but are more often
ion battery packs by taking, at a minimum, terminal voltage and used for parameter estimation in the context of a circuit model.
temperature measurements on the cells within a battery pack. Various forms of the Kalman filter are used to this effect in [1],
When an unsafe condition is detected, the BMS can limit the and [7]–[10], whereas a proportional-integral observer is used
current accordingly in order to prevent permanent damage to the in [11]. Further adaptive techniques such as a Lyapunov-based
cells or surroundings [1]. Increasingly, BMSs also take current approach [12] are used. Other methods of battery modeling in-
measurements that can be used for state-of-charge calculations, clude works such as [13], which uses a modified form of the
power profiling, and fault detection. These current measure- Peukert equation.
ments are typically taken using a shunt resistor or a Hall-effect Circuit models generally lend themselves well to developing
sensor, and there are advantages to each. Shunt resistors can control systems for practical uses of lithium-ion batteries due to
be extremely accurate, but generally require additional isolated their simple parameterization. Most lithium-ion battery circuit
measurement circuitry and inherently consume power due to models include a state of charge dependent open-circuit voltage
the series resistance added to the battery system. Hall-effect term and a series resistance, which can be followed by two par-
allel RC elements that model dynamic behavior [3], [14]–[18].
Manuscript received April 13, 2016; revised August 8, 2016; accepted January Alternatively, three parallel RC elements have been used in an
15, 2017. Date of publication January 24, 2017; date of current version August attempt to achieve greater model convergence [19]. These mod-
11, 2017. The review of this paper was coordinated by Dr. S. Anwar.
The authors are with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engi- els can be further augmented by considering additional effects
neering, University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 40506 USA (e-mail: daniel. such as performance at low temperatures [20], temperature-; dependent self-discharge [21], parameter dependence on state
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at of health [22], rate-capacity effects [23], or open-circuit voltage
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TVT.2017.2657520 hysteresis terms [24]–[26].

0018-9545 © 2017 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

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voltage and hysteresis voltage is used to develop a complete set

of equations to represent a lithium-ion battery, accounting for
various physical phenomena.

A. State of Charge
State of charge can be represented as the voltage across a
capacitor that represents the battery capacity Cn along with
a parallel resistance Rn , which represents the self-discharge
effect of the battery. The soc represents the ratio of remaining
charge in the cell and the total charge capacity of the cell and,
thus, must be bounded between zero and unity. Further, the sign
convention is defined such that a positive il term represents a
Fig. 1. Circuit model of a lithium-ion battery cell based on a second-order RC cell that is charging. These constraints result in the following
design. dynamic equation:

Each of these battery models use cell current as an input ⎨ il − 1 soc 0 < soc < 1
sȯc = Cn Rn Cn (1)
in order to estimate the other cell parameters such as state of ⎩
charge. In this paper, it is not presumed that a current mea- 0, otherwise.
surement is available; thus, none of the models can be applied A nonlinear relationship exists between soc and open-circuit
directly. To remedy this problem, significant work in observer voltage, but can approximated in a similar manner to [14] as
theory is applied, which attempts to estimate an output signal a linear relationship between much of the useable capacity of
when one or more of the input signals are unavailable. These un- the cell, about 10%–95% soc. In order to maintain accuracy, a
known input observers (UIOs) have been developed for a broad weakly state of charge dependent scale factor α is used such
range of systems. Linear, continuous systems are considered in that
[27]–[30]. Each of those works only consider systems without
a direct feed-through term, but this term is required in all cell vo c − voc 0 = α · soc, 0 < soc < 1 (2)
models that include a series Ohmic resistance. Fortunately, this where voc 0 represents the open-circuit voltage that appears on
term is included in [30]; however, it is presented in discrete the cell when the cell is discharged to 0% state of charge.
time. Further works consider nonlinear systems in order to de-
velop more robust structures at the expense of computational B. Hysteresis
complexity [31]–[33].
Hysteresis refers to the difference in open-circuit voltage in
This paper contributes a practical battery model developed
the charging and discharging conditions. This effect is included
from a literature survey, as well as a novel technique by which
by adding a hysteresis term to the discharge open-circuit voltage
the current consumption in a battery pack can be determined
in the manner of [26]. Total deviation from the discharge vo c
without requiring any additional current-measuring hardware.
curve can be represented as a percent of the maximum voltage
Additionally, the battery model and the current estimation tech-
deviation for a given soc. The percent deviation Hh changes
nique are compared with experimental data that demonstrate
dynamically with load current and, like soc, must be bounded
the accuracy of the model and the estimator. Finally, this paper
between saturation points zero and unity. Further, the hysteresis
contributes a demonstration of the current estimation technique
voltage changes with current; thus, a self-discharge term Rh
employed in a BMS.
also appears in the following equation:
This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, a model

for a lithium-ion battery cell is developed. In Section III, the ⎨ il − 1 Hh 0 < Hh < 1
mathematical model for the UIO is derived and applied to the Ḣh = Ch Ch Rh (3)
current estimation problem. Experimental design is detailed in ⎩
0, otherwise.
Section IV, and experimental results are given in Section V.
Section VI concludes the paper. Conveniently, the hysteresis equation takes the same form as
the state-of-charge equation, with Ch representing a capacitor,
which provides inertia between the charge and discharge hys-
II. LITHIUM-ION BATTERY MODEL teresis states, whose value must be experimentally determined.
An accurate circuit model of a lithium-ion battery cell can Similar to the state-of-charge model, a state of charge dependent
be achieved using a second-order RC circuit with a series re- scale factor Hm ax can be used to convert the hysteresis term to
sistance and two dependent sources describing the open-circuit a voltage contribution as shown in the following equation:
voltage and the hysteresis voltage. This construction is shown
vh = Hh Hm ax , 0 < Hh < 1. (4)
in Fig 1. The open-circuit voltage vo c is a nonlinear, but mono-
tonically increasing, function of the state of charge soc of the The Hm ax parameter itself represents the difference between
cell. Moreover, the hysteresis voltage vh is a nonlinear function the open-circuit voltage during a charge cycle and the open-
of soc and is dynamically dependent on load current il . This circuit voltage during a discharge cycle. It is experimentally
circuit model along with relations governing the open-circuit determined as a function of soc.

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C. Voltage Relaxation of the cell, which is caused by degradation of the active cell
material and is affected by a number of factors including tem-
The terminal voltage of a battery cell that has been under
discharge load, but is then allowed to rest, will increase asymp- perature, load current, and average state of charge. This effect
is generally captured in the state of health of the cell, which
totically toward the open-circuit voltage. This phenomenon is
will be defined here as a scale factor that represents the ratio of
known as the relaxation effect and is related to active material
diffusion in the electrodes as well as the surface capacitance the actual charge capacity of the cell to the nameplate charge
capacity. Thus, this variable capacitance can be expressed as
of the cell. It exhibits itself as transient behavior at multiple
frequencies and can be represented with two RC circuits placed Cn = f (il ) soh (9)
in series. The RC circuits can be represented using capacitor
voltages as state variables where f (il ) is a nonlinear function that represents the rate-
1 1 capacity effect, and soh is the state of health of the cell.
v̇1 = − v1 + il (5) The state of heath decreases over the lifetime of a cell, but
R1 C1 C1
under normal operating conditions will decrease very slowly
1 1
v̇2 = − v2 + il (6) compared to each of the other effects and is considered a con-
R2 C2 C2 stant in this paper. Indeed, the long-term effects of cell aging,
where the resistance R1 and capacitance C1 represent the fast such as capacity fade and increase in internal resistance, are
dynamics of the relaxation effect, and R2 and C2 represent the not considered, and in a practical setting, this model must go
slower dynamics of the relaxation effect. The value of these through periodic calibration over the lifetime of the cell in order
parameters must be empirically fit to match the response of a for accuracy to be maintained.
particular lithium-ion cell. A relationship between the open-circuit voltage and the state
of charge is found by discharging the cell at a sufficiently small
D. Linear Effects current and approximating the open-circuit voltage with the
terminal voltage. The value of α is directly determined from (2)
The charge path to the terminals, along with physical prop-
by solving for α and expressing both the open-circuit voltage
erties of the electrolyte and the electrode matrix in the cell,
and α itself as a function of state of charge and temperature.
creates a high frequency Ohmic resistance between the open-
Moreover, the relaxation effect has been experimentally deter-
circuit voltage and the terminal voltage
mined to depend on the state of charge of the cell [16], [18], and,
v0 = R0 il (7) as a result, the values of R2 , R1 , C1 , and C2 are experimentally
determined as functions of soc. The internal Ohmic resistance
where R0 is the Ohmic resistance of the cell. The terminal
term R0 exhibits strong temperature dependence, moderate state
voltage can then be computed by summing the individual con-
of heath dependence, and weak state of charge dependence [14].
tributions of all of the cell’s internal effects
It is represented in this model as a function of both temperature
v t = vo c + v h + v 1 + v 2 + v 0 . (8) and state of charge, with state of health appearing as a supplied
E. Nonlinear Effects Several of the cell parameters are functions of temperature;
however, temperature is not included as an input to a state model
The model presented in this paper is an approximation of the
of this system due to its highly nonlinear relationship with each
battery dynamics about a particular state of charge. The bat-
of the parameters. It will be treated as an input to the functions,
tery parameters have each been presented as constants in the
which update the cell parameters.
battery dynamics. However, in reality, all of these parameters
are dependent on one or more other factors that change very
slowly with respect to the battery dynamics. A suitable approx- F. Linear State Model
imation is made by considering these parameters as constants in The circuit model, less the limiting diodes, can be represented
a saturated, but otherwise linear, system and then periodically as a linear state-variable model with four state variables: soc,
updating the value of these parameters in an outer control loop. Hh , v1 , and v2 . The following state model will act as the basis
In order to avoid interference with the model, the outer control for the development of a current estimator:
loop will be updated at a rate two orders of magnitude slower
than the main model control loop. ẋ (t) =
The energy capacity of the cell will be represented by the ⎡ 1 ⎤ ⎡ 1 ⎤
charge stored in the capacitor Cn . This value is dependent on − 0 0 0
⎢ Rn Cn ⎥ ⎢ Cn ⎥
capacity fade [3] and the rate-capacity effect [16], which are two ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥
phenomena that reduce the usable current capacity of a cell. The ⎢ 0 − 0 0 ⎥ ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ R C ⎢ ⎥
rate-capacity effect does not result in permanent loss of capacity ⎢ h h ⎥x (t) + ⎢ Ch ⎥ w (t) .
⎢ 1 ⎥ ⎢ 1 ⎥
and refers to the fact that a battery will exhibit a smaller effective ⎢ − 0 ⎥ ⎢ ⎥
⎢ 0 0
R1 C1 ⎥ ⎢C ⎥
capacity when discharged or charged at a higher rate of current; ⎢ ⎥ ⎢ 1⎥
⎣ 1 ⎦ ⎣ 1 ⎦
thus, it is dependent on the load current of the cell.
0 0 0 −
Moreover, the capacity fade effect is an irreversible effect R2 C2 C2
that refers to the diminishing effective capacity over the lifetime (10)

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The output equation is given by By inspection, (15) holds if and only if the error equation
updates such that ė(t) = N e(t), with N Hurwitz. Therefore,
y (t) = α Hm ax 1 1 x (t) + R0 w (t) (11)
from this equation, one can conclude that the observer exists if
where y(t) = vt − voc 0 and w(t) = il (t). The limiting diodes and only if each of state and input coefficients are zero and the
do not appear in this expression but are implemented as saturated error vector coefficient N is Hurwitz. Hence, the four presented
integrators. conditions are necessary and sufficient.
Remark 1: For a single-input single-output system, as is the
III. UNKNOWN INPUT OBSERVER case for the battery model, the D matrix is a nonzero scalar and,
thus, has full rank and is invertible. The conditions of Theorem 1
A. Derivation of the UIO can be simplified if D has full rank because the only E that ful-
The derivation of the UIO presented here closely follows fills condition 4) is the zero matrix, and is further simplified if D
the derivation as presented in [30], with the exception that this is invertible. This leads to the following corollary to Theorem 1.
derivation considers a continuous-time system. A continuous, Corollary 1: If the D matrix has full rank and is invertible,
linear, time-invariant system can be expressed, as shown in the the UIO (13) for the system (12) exists if and only if the follow-
following: ing conditions are satisfied.
1) N is Hurwitz stable.
ẋ (t) = Ax (t) + Bw (t) , t ≥ t0 2) N = A − LC.
y (t) = Cx (t) + Dw (t) (12) 3) L = BD −1 .
It is also of interest to find an estimate ŵ(t) of the unknown
where x  Rn is the state of the system, w  Rm is the unknown input vector. An expression for ŵ(t) follows directly from the
input to the system, and y  Rp is the measured output of the sys- system output equation, where the estimated input and state are
tem. The matrices A, B,C, and D are real, constant, matrices used in place of the true input and state. If D is invertible and
of appropriate dimensions. E = 0, then ŵ(t) can be expressed directly, as shown in the
A full-order unknown-input state observer for this system can following:
be described by
ŵ (t) = D −1 (y (t) − C x̂ (t))
ż (t) = N z (t) + Ly (t) , t ≥ t0
= D −1 (y (t) − Cz (t)) . (16)
x̂ (t) = z (t) + Ey (t) (13)
where x̂  Rn is the estimated state of the system, and N , L, B. Presentation of the Current Estimator
and E are constant, real matrices of appropriate dimensions. A full-order UIO of the form presented in (13) exists for
Necessarily, this state observer must estimate the state of the this system if the unknown matrices can be found such that the
system with no knowledge of the input since it is unknown or conditions from Corollary 1 are satisfied. For the battery system
otherwise unmeasureable. This observer is required to suitably  T
estimate the state of the system such that the estimate of the state 1 1 1 1
L= (17)
asymptotically converges to the true state. This requirement can R0 Cn R0 Ch R0 C1 R0 C2
be described with an error vector ⎡ 1 ⎤
− 0 0 0
e (t) = x̂ (t) − x (t) (14) ⎢ Rn Cn ⎥
⎢ ⎥
⎢ 1 ⎥
where the observer exists if and only if the matrices N , L, and ⎢ 0 − 0 0 ⎥
⎢ R C ⎥
E can be found such that N = ⎢ ⎢ h h ⎥
1 ⎥
⎢ − ⎥
lim e (t) = 0. (15) ⎢ 0 0
R1 C1
0 ⎥
t→∞ ⎢ ⎥
⎣ 1 ⎦
Theorem 1: The UIO (13) for the system (12) exists if and 0 0 0 −
only if the following conditions are satisfied. R2 C2
⎡ 1 ⎤
1) N is Hurwitz stable.
2) LC − (I n − EC)A + N − N EC = 0. ⎢ R0 Cn ⎥
⎢ ⎥⎡ ⎤T
3) LD − (I n − EC)B = 0. ⎢ 1 ⎥ α
⎢ ⎥
4) ED = 0. ⎢ R0 Ch ⎥ ⎢Hm ax ⎥
Proof: By substituting the system and the observer model into − ⎢ ⎥⎢
⎢ 1 ⎥⎣ 1 ⎦
⎥ (18)
⎢ ⎥
the error vector equation, it can be shown that ⎢R C ⎥ 1
⎢ 0 1⎥
(t) − ẋ (t) ⎣ 1 ⎦
ė (t) = ẋ
R0 C2
= N e (t) + [LC − (I n − EC) A + N − N EC]
E = 0. (19)
× x (t) + [LD − (In − EC) B − N ED] w (t)
The current estimator itself would take the form presented
+ ED ẇ (t) . in (16). Substituting the battery parameters, the expression for

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TABLE I the output current estimate of the observer model. In particular,

the Federal Urban Driving Schedule (FUDS) [34] is used as
an input current waveform, and was chosen because it provides
Symbol Parameter Value
an accurate characteristic of the load current an electric vehicle
vo c 0 Voltage at 0% soc 2.7500 V battery pack might expect. The FUDS schedule is given in per-
v o c 100 Voltage at 100% soc 3.6000 V centage of vehicle output power, and was scaled to conform to
Cn Nominal capacity 72 000 F
Ch Hysteresis capacity 15 120 F
the rated current capacity of LiFePO4 cells used in the test, with
soh State of health 94.9% the assumption made that the vehicle battery pack consists of a
Ta m b Ambient temperature 23◦ C single series string of cells.
Rn Self-discharge resistance 10 000 Ω
Rh Self-discharge resistance 10 000 Ω
C1 Fast capacitance at 50% soc 28 000 F C. Hardware Implementation
C2 Slow capacitance at 50% soc 300 000 F
R1 Fast resistance at 50% soc 2.132 m·Ω The observer was implemented in a custom designed BMS
R2 Slow resistance at 50% soc 2.440 m·Ω containing an 8-b, 22.1-MHz, PIC18F4580 processor. For this
R0 Internal resistance at 50% soc 1.513 m·Ω
implementation, a sampling period of 0.2323 s was used, and
90% of the 18 kB in program memory was utilized, including
both the observer functions and the other BMS functions.
current estimation becomes The testing apparatus consisted of the BMS serving as a
1   current estimator in communication over USBto a data-logging
ŵ (t) = y (t) − α Hm ax 1 1 z (t) . (20) PC. The LiFePO4 cell itself was connected, through a relay
controlled by the BMS, to a bidirectional power supply capable
IV. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN of producing constant current sources from −10 A to 10 A. A
Hall-effect current sensor with an error of 2.5% ± 150 mA was
A. Determination of Model Parameters used to compare the results of the current estimator.
The model parameters are experimentally determined by con-
ducting a series of tests on a sample 20 Ah prismatic LiFePO4 V. RESULTS
cell. A pulsed-discharge test is conducted on the cell start-
A. Validation of the Cell Model
ing from a maximum open-circuit voltage, defined in the cell
datasheet as the 100% state of charge point. An alternating load The cell model simulation ran for 25e3 s of simulated time,
pattern consisting of 15 min of constant-current load followed by taking a total of 256e3 algebraic steps, producing the results
15 min of rest is used to discharge the cell until 0% state of charge shown in Fig. 2. A similar test was conducted in [14], which
was reached. A load magnitude of 4 A is used, and 0% state of achieved a maximum terminal voltage modeling error of less
charge is defined for a particular open-circuit voltage specified than 30 mV, and a further test conducted in [18] achieved an
in the cell datasheet. This test is followed by a pulsed-charge test error of less than 20 mV, whereas the maximum modeling er-
consisting of an alternating 15 min of constant-current charge ror of this test was 30 mV. In all three cases, the error took its
followed by 15 min of rest until the cell has reached 100% state maximum value during periods of transient current, but quickly
of charge. The cell parameters are determined by appropriately settled toward a 0-mV modeling error in steady current condi-
fitting the collected test data. The cell parameters are provided tions. These results indicate that the model is sufficient when
in Table I. Of note, the state of charge limits along with the nom- compared to similar models in the literature, with the added
inal cell capacity are given from the cell datasheet, and each of advantage that this model lends itself well to implementation in
the other parameters are empirically fit from the collected test hardware due to its simplicity and use of look-up tables.
data, reported with appropriate significant figures for the test
conducted. B. Simulation of the Observer
A test was conducted with a 20% discrepancy in initial state
B. Simulation of charge between the cell model and the observer. The results
Simulink models of the cell and the observer have been imple- of this test appear in Fig. 3. At this point, the current estimation
mented. In the case of the cell model, cell current data collected was examined by filtering the error through a low-pass filter
from battery performance tests serves as the input, and the out- with a break frequency of 0.1 Hz. This is necessary because the
put terminal voltage of this model is compared with the terminal observer itself acts as a filter by smoothing the current response,
voltage measured during the cell performance tests. The sim- and would otherwise suggest artificially high errors since it can-
ulation itself is conducted on a complete pulsed-discharge test not respond instantaneously to instantaneous jumps in current.
at a rate of C/2, where the ODE45 Dormand–Prince variable- Further, this filtered current scheme is typical for power profil-
step differential equation solver is used with a relative step ing in a BMS due to the need of examining average trends of
tolerance 10e–3. power consumption over long periods of time. Admittedly, the
The observer model accepts the terminal voltage determined current estimator performs poorly in applications when quick
by the cell model and produces an estimated current. Thus, a cur- fault detection is desired, and devices such as fuses should be
rent waveform applied to the cell model can be compared with used when this type of protection is needed.

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Fig. 3. Observer validation. An initial error in state of charge of 20% was used.
(a) State-of-charge comparison between cell model and observer. A 5% settling
time of 3200 s was observed. (b) Filtered current estimation error between cell
model and observer. The error exhibits a 9 A magnitude initially but settles
toward zero as the observer converges on the true states.

value. A 5% settling time of less than 3200 s was shown for the
state of charge estimate. This is indeed slower than desired in
a practical application, but the settling time of the observer is
uniquely determined and unable to be set for this design, which
is in contrast to a conventional Luenburger observer where the
observer dynamics can be arbitrarily specified. Mathematically,
the N and L matrices of this UIO have only one solution, and
the degree of freedom that typically allows for pole placement
has been removed as a result of the observer operating with no
knowledge of the unknown input.
In this case, the sluggishness can be attributed to the extremely
slow self-discharge and the relaxation effect, which takes places
over hours. However, it is important to recognize that in a prac-
tical hardware implementation of the observer, the slow settling
time is not cause for concern. In a microcontroller implemen-
Fig. 2. Cell model validation test results for the 10 A pulsed-discharge test. tation, the last known observer states can be retrieved from
(a) Pulsed current waveform. (b) State of charge estimate decreasing in steps. nonvolatile memory during initialization such that the observer
(c) Comparison of measured and modeled voltage waveforms. (d) Discharge
test showing a modeling error under 30 mA.
will never see a 20% state of charge discrepancy, provided the
“burn-in” time of 3200 s–1 h was observed in order to allow the
model to initially converge.
The results indicate that the current estimation error was
greatest during periods where the state of charge estimation
C. Experimental Validation of Hardware Implementation
error was high, with filtered current estimation errors reaching
as high as 9 A. However, the current error was significantly di- Two experiments were conducted with the testing apparatus.
minished as the state of charge estimate converged with the true First, a pulsed-discharge cycle was carried out on the cell at a

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Fig. 5. Hardware implementation results for the continuously varying current

Fig. 4. Hardware implementation results for the C/2 pulsed-discharge test. test at 95% state of charge. (a) Comparison of estimated and measured current.
The test begins with a cell at 95% state of charge and concludes with the cell (b) Presentation of filtered and instantaneous current error. Note that the filtering
discharged to 45% state of charge. (a) Comparison of estimated and measured technique causes the filtered error to lag behind the instantaneous error.
current. (b) Filtered and instantaneous current error.
fact alone, a current error as great as ±0.5 A, or 6.0% for
this apparatus. In addition, the Hall-effect sensor itself exhibits
rate of 8 A. The results of the test are shown in Fig. 4. From the
a maximum 6.8% error at this current magnitude. This high-
results, it is evident that the current estimator correctly predicts
lights the fact that extremely precise voltage measurements are
a pulsed-discharge load pattern. The instantaneous error in cur-
required in order for this method of current estimation to be fea-
rent estimation peaks nearly at the magnitude of the measured
sible; however, it also suggests that the observer current errors
current; however, this is inconsequential because the peaks are
seen in this paper are within reason when put in the context of
caused by a slight delay between the current sensor and the
the hardware limitations.
current estimator. On the other hand, the filtered current error
limits itself to a maximum ±3.0 A but is significantly less dur-
ing steady-state conditions. The estimated current itself exhibits
a root mean square error (RMSE) of 0.735 A, or 5.9% when A practical model of a LiFePO4 cell was developed, which
normalized by the range of the measured current. performed similarly to other models in the literature. Using
The second experiment was conducted on the cell to further this model, a UIO was developed, which attempted to estimate
characterize the dynamic estimation of current about a single the cell current. The model of the current estimator was used
state of charge. The cell current was continuously varied be- in conjunction with the model of cell, and simulations were
tween −10 A and 10 A over the course of a 5 min period. conducted, which showed that the current estimator converged
The results appear in Fig. 5 and show that in an average sense, toward the true measured current. A hardware implementation
the hardware implementation was able to estimate cell current was then tested, with results validating the operation of the
with an accuracy of ±2.0 A, whereas the instantaneous error in current estimator.
current estimation peaked at 5.2 A. An RMSE of 1.07 A was An error analysis showed that much of the observed error
achieved, which yields a 6.4% RMSE when normalized by the could be attributed to the testing apparatus itself, indicating that
range of the measured current. the feasibility of this technique is largely related to the preci-
Multiple sources of error are inherently present in the test- sion of the terminal voltage measurements. Thus, this technique
ing apparatus, and they contribute to the error of the estimator. could potentially be used in fault detection scenarios alongside
Namely, all measured voltages used in this paper exhibit a max- a conventional current transducer, or as a complete replacement
imum ±1.0 mV error from the sensor and the analog-to-digital of a current transducer in power monitoring applications where
conversion. The magnitude of the R0 term suggests, from this the current estimator is adequate for the required accuracy.

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