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We lose ourselves in books, but we find ourselves there too.

morning everyone, today I am going to conjure my thoughts on the topic
‘If I were a character in a book, I would be’.If I were a character in a book,
I would be a part of the Harry Potter series. If you know the Harry Potter
Series, you might have guessed who I want to be, but if you don’t, let me
tell you a little bit about it.
Harry Potter is a series of seven fantasy novels written by British author,
J. K. Rowling. The novels chronicle the lives of a young wizard, Harry
Potter, and his friends Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley, all of whom
are students at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
And I want to be, drumroll please, Hermione Granger. Resourceful,
principled and brilliant, Hermione Jean Granger is easily the brightest
witch of her generation. She, along with Ron Weasley, is one of Harry
Potter’s closest friends. She is also Muggle-born and so is a living,
breathing example of the fallacy of pureblood wizard supremacy.

Hermione reads voraciously and prefers concrete, knowable subjects like

runes and history to the more inexact subjects like divination. When she
was new to Hogwarts she was very insecure so she took comfort in
things like rules and book-learning; as she became more confident in
magic and more comfortable in the Wizarding world, she relaxed –
Hermione has a brilliant mind. She has memorized many, many spells
and can reason her way through difficult situations that stump everyone
She even spent one school year taking double classes using a
Time-Turner to be in two places at once, but she found this too
exhausting to keep up. Hermione excelled at most subjects and often
helped other students. Most teachers considered her a star pupil.
But I have a few bones to pick with her, more or so the author. Hermione
would never be at the wrong, and even if she was, the writer would just
sweep it under the rug. Hermione’s mistakes are never explicitly stated,
corrected, or even pointed out as being unethical.But the books never
forgot to remind Harry and Ron of their own shortcomings and moments
of weakness.Also , the fact that she is supposed to be a strong female
character yet she gets angry at Ron for not having asked her to the yule
ball when she could have asked him.

Although Hermione Granger is not the greatest, she is still one of my

favourite characters. And although J.K Rowling is not the best, one
should learn to separate the art from the artist. I would want to be
Hermione because he goes through many adventures and she is brave,
smart, caring and sometimes even charming. Thank you.

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