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Successful People and Their Recipe for Success

It appears that success does not come effortless and in fact, it takes a lot of hard work,
consistency and patience. Successful people cultivate healthy habits that help them achieve their
goals. Little-by-little, they work their fingers to the bone until they develop traits, which
realize their dreams.
Besides, people all over the globe view success as something to slave away regularly
/ˈreɡ·jə·lər·li/ —not as something gained  /ɡeɪnd/ overnight, therefore, they go the extra mile. As
a result, each of them have their own key to success.
So, what habits can we pick from successful people that can help achieve goals as well?
Firstly, successful people are committed /kəˈmɪt.ɪd/ and patient. They don’t sit on the side
lines day dreaming and are busy as a beaver. They are rushed off their feet and aren’t afraid
to get stuck in and take risks, consequently /ˈkon.sɪ.kwə they bear /beee/ fruit. At the same
time, a lot of people look back over their lives and regret about sitting on the fence in crucial
Secondly, to become successful one has to understand what is important in that instant,
recognize and work on the weaknesses, take criticism and hold on to the strengths. Certainly,
failure teaches success, just try to learn from your mistakes and you will be successful one day.
From a broader perspective, success defines /dɪˈfaɪns/ the contentment, peace of mind and sheer
happiness that is achieved. One should remember that only perseverance /ˌpɜː.sɪiiˈvɪə.rəns/ can
lead to a right path /pɑːθ/.
Illuminating examples of ambitious people inspire the world to seek their purpose and
achieve fascinating results like Walt Disney. Some years ago, he said in the speech “It’s kind of
fun to do the impossible.” As just about everyone knows, the Disney corporation is one of the
most lucrative companies in existence, with high hard and fast standards of quality and a never-
ending stream of innovations. Walt himself got the boot from a newspaper job early in life
because he “lacked imagination.” After a few failed businesses, Disney’s upbeat /ʌpˈbiːt/ attitude
was clearly what kept him going forward. Walt Disney is an inspiration to all, as we tend to
believe that we aren’t good enough, that it isn’t the right time, or any other silly excuse. There is
always a way to get what you want, reach your goals, and achieve your dreams as quick as a
flash. You just need to quit /kwɪt/ talking and start doing. One small step can lead to huge
To sum it up, no one can achieve success in a day, they have to go through and face
different conditions in life for being successful.

1. work their fingers to the bone work very hard

2. slave away To work strenuously and continuously
3. go the extra mile. do more than is expected of you
4. and are busy as a beaver.
5. are rushed off  extremely busy.
6. bear fruit If something that someone does bears fruit, it produces successful results
7. sitting on the fence be unable to decide about something
8. hard and fast усталений
9. got the boot (звільнений be fired:
10. as quick as a flash

Words: 506
Idioms: 12

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