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Mary Rose Denina

English 3010
February 7th, 2021
Project 1: Research Guide Draft

Research Guide Draft Outline

I don’t really know how to use the weebly web site just yet but I will figure it out through the week
The focus for this research guide is to easily condense my research findings as I continue to do research

for this discourse community. This research guide is a way for me to be able to jot down any further

questions I want to investigate or to be able to easily find the answers to my research questions. This

guide is also a place where I can store all my scholarly and non-scholarly article(s), so I do not have to try

and go back and find a certain article that I randomly came across a while back. I can also store all my

interview questions and answers from my interviewees so they can all be in one place. This guide is also

helpful to me since I currently have a unreliable 2015 MacBook air that at any point can die on me and

I’d lose all my research and hard work but with this guide I can access all my research and findings on

any computer. My intendent audience for this research guide are people in my field of study discourse

community and anyone else wanting to learn more of this field of study.

Section 1:
The veterinary field is a discourse community in itself, I’m not sure if they have a name for their

community. Members in that community strive to deliver the best possible animal care while ensuring

that the owners and client are comfortable. (Fairview Animal Hospital, 2017). Their main focus is to find

and come up with new ideas and treatments to better help animals recover faster. The members in this

community upon discovering new methods communicate with each other through the use of medical

records, news outlets, social medias and by word of mouth. I volunteer my spare time at the Humane

Society here in Detroit and I’ve experience this myself firsthand by helping out and speaking with the

technicians, veterinarians and even from the other volunteers. There are a lot medical and anatomical
terms that they use that typically most people without the proper schooling would not understand. There

are current successful chemotherapy trials of an injectable chemotherapy drug that have been successful

on dogs that may be studied in human clinical trials in the near future. Researchers at the University of

Kanas have created this injectable drug and their data shows significant improvement to even complete

elimination to natural occurring canine cancers. They hope to have human clinical trials within the next

several years ( I believe it is important for members of the veterinarian d.c. to communicate

with each other of their findings because not only can it help many animals, but it can also help human

beings as well. There are many more things I would like to research from this d.c. like other research and

findings that are being done currently in the field. I would also like to learn more about the Covid-19

virus and its connection with animals since it was said that certain animals that the citizens from Wuhan

were eating was how they contracted this virus. I also want to do my research on the ethical veterinarian

practitioners vs non ethical practitioners who focus more on the money side of helping animal. Since

volunteer at the shelters, I have noticed the price differences when it has come down to veterinary

services. I’ve also experienced this from taking my own pets to my local veterinary hospital vs going to a

donation-based animal care facility.

Scholarly Sources:

"Chemotherapy used successfully in dogs to be studied in human trails." American Veterinary Medical

Association , 2021, .

Fairview Animal Hospital. (2017). Fairview Animal Hospital. Retrieved January 25, 2017, from Vision &

Mission Statements:

Doherty, Chris. “Veterinary fees, inflation, and expenses: Keep your foot on the gas.” The Canadian

veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne vol. 61,5 (2020): 543-547.

Gyles, Carlton. “Challenges for the veterinary profession.” The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue
veterinaire canadienne vol. 59,4 (2018): 339-342.

Williams, Angelica et al. “The Impact of Pet Health Insurance on Dog Owners’ Spending for Veterinary

Services.” Animals 10.7 (2020): 1162. Crossref. Web.

Interview Section:
My plan for asking questions is through a google form with my questions. I also included a section where
they can leave their contact info and if I may contact them to ask any follow up questions. I prefer using
the google form since it’ll be easier for me to ask multiple people questions and both parties don’t have to
take time or find the time out of their busy lives to have a zoom meeting. I am also a big introvert and I
am super awkward around people I just met. This google form is also nice since I can look back at their
answers that they typed out.
Interview google form link:

Research Questions
1. What made you want to pursue this career? Was this your first choice?
2. Were there any difficult obstacles you faced while trying to pursue this field?
3. What are the way(s) in which people in this field relay information with one another i.e.
important medical research or new medical techniques/medicines ect..
4. What was/is the toughest part of being in this field? This can be anything from an employment
standpoint or educational standpoint
5. What are your opinions on this field when it comes to the cost and prices of services? Do you feel
that cooperate veterinarian facilities focus more on getting money rather than saving animals?
6. What are some major changes that has occurred in this field due to the pandemic?
7. After pursuing this field, yourself what are something that you for people should know before
pursuing this field?

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