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Turning Milk Into Plastic!

Date: 3/15/2021
Howii Tran
Mrs. Zanders
Science 7th

Abstract (10 points)

The hypothesis is that the milk turns into plastic because of the acid in the vinegar and the more you add
them the more plastic there is. The experiment might would have not worked if there wasn’t enough vinegar. The milk
would have just turned into slime or would stay as its liquid form. The milk also doesn’t mold after it have been
change to plastic. The experiment worked because of the measurements. This experiment would have not also
worked if there were too much vinegar added in the process. The experiment could have been also be failed if the
plastic wasn’t dried out very well because it can cause increase of odor or may create a mole on the plastic. The
experiment worked because of the measurements. This experiment would have not also worked if there were too
much vinegar added in the process. The experiment could work well when following the instruction on a reliable
website. The process would take at least three days to be finished and then it would be in its plastic form. Other
products can be also used in this experiment.

Introduction (10 points: double space)

Why does milk turn into plastic when mixed with vinegar and heated up together? This

question is interesting because you would never look up daily whether milk would turn into

plastic. Milk turning into plastic has many steps to it. The experiment takes about two days to

complete. This is a very interesting experiment that has many purposes. This experiment may

have been used in some of the makings of plastic. There will be many things used in this

experiment. Many results can happen during this experiment. The milk might turn into a blob

instead of plastic.

Materials and Methods (10 points: Single space)

● Mugs or other heat-resistant cups (4); should all be identical so as not to introduce

another variable and large enough to hold more than 8 oz. of liquid

● Pen or permanent marker

● Teaspoon measuring spoon

● White vinegar (at least 8 oz.)

● Milk (at least 12 cups); nonfat, 1%, 2%, and wwhole milk will all work

● Microwavable liquid measuring cup; should be large enough to hold 4 cups of milk

● Spoons

● Clear plastic or glass drinking cups, each large enough to hold 8 oz. of liquid

● Paper towels

Heat a cup of milk by microwave for 5 minutes or on a stove until it's steaming hot.

Add 4 teaspoons of white vinegar to a mug or a heat-resistant cup and add the hot milk to

the mug. Mix the ingredients until it forms clumps called curds. Stack paper towels on a

hard surface that will not get damaged if it’s damped. When the mixture has cooled off,

scoop out the curds from the mixture and place it on the paper towel and fold the edges of

the paper towel and press it down to absorb excess liquid.

Data: (10 pts)

Trial 1 Milk Vinegar

Measurement 2 cups 5 teaspoons when

added less. This can
cause less plastic made
in the experiment

Mixing Time 3 minutes

Heating time 5 minutes

Trial 2

Measurement 2 cups 7 teaspoons had more

plastic in this trial

Mixing Time 2 minutes

Heating time 7 minutes

Results: (15 pts)
The result of the experiment was the milk was turned to plastic in both trials, but the
second trial had more plastic than the first trial. The more you add more vinegar you get more
plastic. The first trial had 5 teaspoons of vinegar and the second had 7 teaspoons and they both
had the same amount of milk. This is proof that it’s not how much milk, but the amount of
vinegar, that causes the change.

Discussion: (20 pts: double spaced)

The significance of the result is that there are other ways to make plastic other than using

synthetic material. The expected result was supposed to be much quicker to dry than the actual

result and make more plastic. The error might have been that there was too much vinegar added

to the ingredient. The methods could have been improved by using a much better measuring

equipment and a better drying technique. Adding too much vinegar can also cause bad odor to

the experiment. The errors could have been prevented if the measuring was used carefully.

During the experiment, there could have been a better measuring equipment used.

Conclusion: (15 pts: double spaced)

Why does milk turn into plastic? The vinegar was the cause of the change. The acid was
strong enough that it changed the form of the milk during the experiment. The acid turned the
milk into a solid. The milk turns to a hard solid form.

Does it matter whether you add more vinegar? Yes, because the more vinegar you put the
less liquid there is. The mixing time and the heating can also help in the change of the process.
There are many things that helped this experiment. They were both successful.

● Personal Reflection: (5 pts: single-spaced)

I had a very fun time during the experiment and even though it took longer this was very fun. It
was successful because the experiment was done carefully. They were done in a clean space.
The experiment was probably the easiest and even though it took longer. This experiment can
help create less pollution.

Turning Milk Into Plastic​. (2021, February).

Luke1999, and Instructables. “How to Make Plastic From Milk.” Instructables,

Instructables, 27 Oct. 2017,

Science Buddies. “Turn Milk into Plastic!: Science Project.” Science Buddies, Science
Buddies, 20 Nov. 2020,

Buddies, Science. “Sculpted Science: Turn Milk into Plastic!” Scientific American,
Scientific American, 13 Sept. 2012,

Sarah. “Turn Milk into Plastic!” How We Learn, 3 Feb. 2021,

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