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March 25, 2021 – March 26 2021

Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Hermogino


ER 2 0 0 2
Card 2 0 1 0
DTR 1 0 5 4


9th Extension: (5)

(Admission: 0 Card: 0 Discharged: 0 Referral: 0 Transferred: 0 Expired: 0 HAMA: 0 Abscond: 0
930 MD PGO secondary to GITB Diet :DAT MGH Dr.Eseque
ER 24/F s/p Exlap, Right IVF : Awaiting Funds
2/3/21 Hemicolectomy, Protective Meds: Fixcom 4, Loperamide 1 tab BID Dr. Ocampo/Quitoy/Hermogino
ileostomy Labs:
2/10/21 POD 40

931 PM Acute appendicitis Diet: NPO Dr. Tayag

3/26/21 62/M Chronic calculous IVF: PLR 1L x 8hr
ER cholecystitis Meds: Cefoxitin 1gm IV q8 Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Hermogino
s/p Appendectomy, Labs;
Cholecystectomy 3/25/21 wbc 20.1/S73/;19/hgb14.1/Hct41/Platelet250
932 FB Facial Cellulitis with Diet: DAT Daily wound care Dr. Alvez
DTR 69/F Abscess IVF: PLR 1L x 120 cc/hr
s/p Debridement 3/26/21 Meds: Cllindamycin 600 mg IV Q6, Para+Tramadol tab Q8, Ciprofloxacin 500mg BID Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos
3/22/21 POD 1 Labs:
936 EA Non-healing wound Left Diet: DM Diet 1,800kcal Physical Rehab Dr. Fojas/ Salvana/ Tiongco/ Cabasa
REF 54/F Leg IVF: Furosemide 240mg + 216 ML PNSS X 5 MG/HR /Gumasing / S. Tayag
2/27/21 HASCVD, CAD, Meds: Ceftriaxone 2 gm IV Q24, spironolactone 25mg, enoxaparin 0.6 ml, ertapenem 1gm, sulodexide 600 csu
S/P CABG Labs: 2/27/21 wbc 16.2, N 78, L 15, M 7,E 0, B 0, Hgb 10.7, Hct 33.6, MCV 84.6, MCH 27,MCHC 31.8, Plt ct. 478
DM Type II 3/1/21: Crea 0.60, Na 141, EGFR-CREA: 103.34, K 4, BUN 16.4
s/p wound debridement 3/3/21 crea 0.60, Na 139, eGFR-crea 103.34, bun 17.6, K 3.78; cbc wbc 16.1, N 80, L 13, M 7, RBC 4.1, hgb 10.7, hct 34.2
3/8/21 ¾/21: cbc wbc 17.7 Hgb 12.1 Hct 37.9 plt 254, N 82, L12, M6, Na 140, K 4.03
s/p Aortogram with Latest hgb 12.1 (10.5) CREA 0.6 k 4.66 Na 140
Peripheral Run off, Iliac
Artery Stenting 3/12/21
s/p embolectomy with AKA
3/18/21 POD 7
939 CS CVD Infarct, Cerebellar Diet: Ensure Gold Gtube Feeding 280 cc x 3 hours - HOLD Dr. Seng
ER 69/M S/p Tracehostomy, IVF: D5NR 1L X 80 cc/hr Dr. Alvez
Gastrostomy; MV Settings: Simv, Ps 12, Rr 12, TV 400 , Pf 59 peep 5
2/20/21 2/27/21 POD 26 Meds: Cerebrolysine 10 ml IV q8 Levofloxacin 1 gm IV OD Atorvastatin 80 mg tab OD Paracetamol 500 mg tab q6 PRN Lactulose 30 mL ODHS Dr.Orantia/Dr.Hizon/Dr.Santos
s/p IJ cath (3/4/2021) Linagliptin 5 mg tab BID Ranolazine 375 mg tab BID Carvedilol 12.5 mg tab BID Metoclopramide 10 mg IV q8 PRN Rebamipide 100 mg tab TID
s/p 2 units PRBC (3/5/21) Labs
3/5/2021 Wbc 8.9 (11.1) Neutro 89 Lymph 6 Hgb 8.4 (9.7) Hct 25.1 Rbc 2.7
Carotid duplex scan:Carotid artery disease <50% stenosis of ICA <50% stenosis of left CCA and bilateral ECA Hypoplastic left vertebral artery
consider stenosis of most distal segment of right vertebral artery.
Abg ¾/2021: Ph 7.545 Pco2 29.4 Po2 51 mmHg Hco3 24.9 Be 2.4 O2 sat 91%
Cxr portable ¾/2021 Consider pneumonia righg Minimal PE, left AA
Latest hgb 10.2 (10.7) crea 0.80 (1.40) Na 139 K 4.29 (4.26)

9th MAIN: (5)

(Admission: 0 Card: 0 Discharged: 0 Referral: 0 Transferred: 0 Expired: 0 HAMA: 0 Abscond: 0)
901 AA Covid (+) Diet: DAT Dr. E. Gervasio
33/F IVF: PNSS 1L X kvo
Meds: Remdesivir infusion
906 VO Covid (+) Diet: DAT For CXR today Dr. Macalino
Moderate Pneumonia IVF: PNSS 1L X 16 hrs
Meds: Remdesivir infusion Dr. Ocampo/Dr. Hizon/Dr. Hermogino
909 EL Covid confirmed Mild to Diet: LSLF Dr. Gensolin
ER 65/M moderate IVF:PNSS 1L xkvo Dr. Gervasio
3/18./21 IJ cath insertion Meds: Meropenem 1gm IV q8, Linzolid 600mg IV 12, Dexamethasone 6mg IV q24, Enoxaparin 0.5cm SC OD, Immunpro OD, Remdesivir 100mg IV
3/17/21 POD 3 Q12, Ca carbonate PO OD, NAC 600mgPTID,Salbumtamol PRN Dr. Ocampo/Amante/Hermogino
3/17/21 AST 38/AST63/Crea 0.70/BUN 17.5
3/17/21 wbc 16.2/S82/L10/hgb13.5/Hct38.9/Platelet340
914 AP CAP-MR Diet: LSLF Dr. N. Cruz
43/M IVF: HL
920 NL 56/F Covid (+) Diet: mechanically soft diet Dr. Macalino


(Admissions: 0 Card: 0 Discharged 0; Referral: 0 Transerred:0 Expired: 0 HAMA: 0)
828 JC Post MI S/P PCI stenting Diet: LSLF Dr. E. Gervasio
49/M IVF: PNSS 1L X 10cc/hr

830 AV Massive Pleural Effusion, Diet: DAT Dr. Gervasio

REF 29/M Left; Left Lower Lung Mass IVF: PNSS 1L x 40cc/hr Dr.Arandia
t/c CA Meds: Etoricoxib 120 mg OD, Tramadol 50 mg Q6, Paracetamol+Tramadol 50 mg TID
3/14/21 s/p VATS, Right Labs:
3/18/21 POD 6
s/p CT-guided lung mass
biopsy (3/23/21)

831 LC Adenomyoma Diet NPO For EL, Dr. Lopez

DTR 35/F Pelvic endometriosis IVF Adenomymectomy,
3/26/21 Meds Enterolysis Dr. orantia/hizon/Hermogino
REF Labs

836 FI Prostate CA St 4 Diet LSLF Dr. Regino

ER 70/M Intertrochanteric fracture IVF; PNSS x KVO Dr. Bathan
3/15/21 left Meds: Dexketoprofen 50 mg IV Q8
s/p Hip pinning, left Labs Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Hermogino
3/26/21 3/14/21 Wbc 10.2S 81/L14/Hgb13.2/Hct38.4/Platelet237
POD1 3/18/21 Bone scan

837 EF DM Foot, Left; DMII Diet: LSLF DM Diet Dr. Teoxon

DTR 91/F HASCVD IVF: PLR 1L x 30cc/ hour
s/p BKA left 3/26/21 Meds: Ampicillin-Sulbactam 750 mg IV Q12, Omeprazole 40 mg IV OD Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos
3/22/21 POD 1 Labs:

839 JKG Lumbar Radiculopathy Diet: DAT Dr N. Cruz

27/M IVF: PNSS 1L X 80 cc/hr

840 JR Milliary TB, Thoracic Diet DAT (exclude apple and banana) Dr. N. Cruz/ Dr. Castillo
ER 33/M spondylosis IVF: HL
s/p CT guided drainage of Meds: Pregabalin 75mg BID, Dexamethasone 4mg PO TID, Paracetamol 500 mg PO, Omeprazole 40 mg PO, HRZE, Levofloxacin 500mg OD,
1/28/21 paraspinal abscess 3/18/21 Lactulose 30ml ODHS, Dexamethasone 4mg BID
POD6 2/20/21: Crea 0.60/ Na 145/ K 3.98/ eGFR Crea 132.1/ AST 24.0/ Mg 2.10/ ALT 18/
2/20/21: WBC 10.3/ Neutro 82/ Hgb 10.6/ Hct 33.7/ Plt 428
2/22/21: CT of thoracic spine with contrast: Increase in size of lesion behind C7-T3 vertebrae presently measuring 4.2 cm AP x 4cm
width prior size of 2.5cm AP x 2.2 cm width involving the muscles. The lesion extends to the left of T2 vertebra and into the spinal canal
causing spinal canal narrowing at T2-T3. It also causes severe bilateral neural foraminal narrowing, and may affect the bilateral exiting
nerves. Presently, it somewhat extends into subcutaneous space. This lesion causes pathologic fracture of spinous process of T2.
2/25/21: hs-CRP 15.2
¾/21: hs-CRP 7.5
3/6/21: ANA 0.20, Procalcitonin 0.17, Crea 0.50, eGFR-Crea 142.36, ALT 17, AST 24, Wbc 8.9, Neutro 80, Hgb 11.4, Hct 36.1, Plt 360, RBC 3.9

841 PS Massive ascites etiology to Diet DAT w/ SAP Dr. Tia

72/F be determined IVF
Meds: Furosemide 20 mg PO, Ceftazidime 1 gm IV Q8 Dr. Ocampo/Amante/Hermogno
3/17/21 WAB UTZ: Massive ascites

843-1 RB Myolopathy sec to Diet: DAT Dr. T. Gana

26/F paraspinal mass C6-T2; IVF:
Pott’s disease Meds: Dr. Ocampo/Dr. Hizon/Dr. Hermogino

843-2 Urinoma Diet DAT Dr. A. Flores

DTR s/p Cystoscopy, removal of IVF PLR 1L x 12hr
3/25/21 DJ stent Meds Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos

844-1 WN Partial Gut Obstruction Diet: NPO Abdominal Status Dr. Tia
DTR 58/F Secondary to Post Op IVF: D5NR 1L x 8 hours Monitoring
Adhesions s/p APR? Meds: Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos
3/22/21 Labs:

845-2 PB Fisutla in ano Diet NPO For fistulectomy Dr.Filarca

DTR 62/M IVF D5Lr 1L x 8hr 3/26/21 Dr. Ramirez
3/26/21 Meds TF 7am Lap chole
Labs Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Hermogino

845-1 AE Acute CVD infarct right Diet NGT feeding 1600 kcal In 6 equal feeding For removal of staples on Dr. Eseque
ER 59/M vertebral artery IVF: PNSS 1L x 20cc/hr 3/25/21 Dr. Liabres
3/10/21 s/p craniectomy, Meds:Cerebrolyn 215,.2 IV q8, Cinnarizine 75mg OD, Betahistine NGT, Atorvastatin 80mg DHS, Azithrymycin 500mg OD, Caltrate NGT
Ventriculostomy OD, Lactulose NGT ODHS, Cilostazol NGT OD, Omeprazole 40mg nGT OD< Mannitol 20% 150cc/V q4, Piperacillin tazobactam 4.5gm IV q8, Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Santos
3/11/21 paracetamol 600mg V Q6, Ketorolac 30mg IV q8, Mannitol 20% 125 mL IV Q4
POD 14 MV settings SIMV FIO2 30% PEEP 5 PS 12 BUR 12 PS 12

8TH MAIN (7)

(Admission: 0 CARD: 0 Discharged: 0 Referral: 0 Transferred: 0 Expired: 0 HAMA: 0)
801 JP Autoimmune encephalitis Diet DAT Dr. N. Cruz
ER 44/M IVF: None
3/27/21 Meds: Citicholine 1gm PO BID, Leveteracitam 500mg PO BID, Clonazepam 2mg PO OD, Prednisone 20mgPO OD,Diazepam 5mg SIVP Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Hermogino
3/25/21 wbc 5.5/S56/L34/Hgb12.3/JHct37.4/Platelet239

802 AS t/c RCC, left, CAP-MR. Diet: DAT CBC awaiting result Dr. Matias
ER 42/M COVID suspect s/p IVF PLR 1L x 80 CC/HR
3/10/21 thoracentesis (3/18/21) Meds: Tramadol 50mg/IV Q8.Metoclropormide 10mgIV q8, Ceftriaxone 2gm IV OD, Azithromycin 500mg pO OD, Tramadol 50mg IV q6 For JP removal if <100cc Dr. A Perez
s/p Radical Nephrectomy Labs: in 24 hours/no abdominal Dr. Ocampo/Quitoy/Hermogino
3/20/21 POD 5 3/11/21 : PT 14.2 vs 13.1/60%act/INR 1.22/PTT 21.8 vs 27.2 AST 22/ALT 15 distention
s/p 1 unit Prbc 3/10/21 wbc 8.1/S75/L13/hgb9.3/hct29.8/Platelte188
3/12/2021 Chest CT scan and WAB CT triphasic
Latest hgb 9.8 (9.3) Crea (1.4 (1.7)

804-1 CO Covid (+), Hepatitis B Diet: DAT w/ SAP Dr. Gensolin

50/F chronic infection IVF: PNSS 1L X 16 hours
Meds: Remdesivir infusion Dr. Ocampo / Dr. Hizon / Dr. Hermogino

804-2 RO Covid (+), Hepatitis B Diet: DAT w/ SAP Dr. Gensolin

52/M chronic infection IVF: PNSS 1L X 16 hours
Meds: Remdesivir infusion Dr. Ocampo / Dr. Hizon / Dr. Hermogino

810-2 DS CAP-MR Diet: LSLF Diet Dr. Tia

ER 62/M Covid + IVF: PNSS 1L x 16 hours
Meds: Ceftriaxone 2gms IV OD, Remdesivir 100 mg OD, Dexamethasone 6mg IV Q12, NAC, Immunporo 1 tab OD, Omeprazole 40 mg OD Dr.Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos
3/20/21 Labs:
3/21:hgb 13.5 hct 39.5 wbc 8.9 N 75 L 19 M 6 Plt 234; Crea 1.4 Ica 1.04, Na 135 LDH 692 BUN 21.2 CKMB <0.05 BNP 213 Ddimer 752 Ferritin

817 LP HASCVD, Chronic AF in CVR, Diet: LSLF Dr. N. Cruz

62/M NVHA FC II; s/p CVD infarct IVF: HL For RT-PCR today
CARD with RMCA territory, 2020 Meds: Pantoprazole 40mg OD, Trimetazidine 35 mg PO BID, Atorvastatin 80mg ODHS, Apixaban 5mg BID, Citocoline 1g PO ODHS Dr. Quitoy
¾/21 left sided residuals; chornic Labs: MGH on 3/26
gout flare 2/4/21 WBC: 6.5 L: 15 N:71 M: 10 Hgb: 12.7 Hct: 39.9 MCV: 65.7 MCH: 20.9 MCHC: 31.8 Plt ct: 316 RBC: 6.1 Crea: BUN: 17.7 UA: 4 Na: 139 HS- PGI Malibiran / PGI Ajos
Troponin I: 3.3
¾/21: Crea 1, BUN 16.7, eGFR-Crea 80.31, K 4.18, Uric Acid 4.0, Na 139, wbc 6.5, Neutro 71, Hgb 12.7, Hct 39.9, Plt 316, Trop I 3.3
3/5/21: FBS 92.2

818 MDC CAP-MR Diet: 1200 kcal in 6 equal feedings 1:1 dilution nutribest Dr. K. Seng E. Roxas / G. Arandia
36/F IVF: pNSS 1ll x 40 cc/hr
Meds: Enoxaparin 0.4 OD, Paracetmaol 300 mg IV Q6, NAC, Piptazo 4.5 gms IV Q8, Plactulose 30 cc ODHS, Levofloxacin 500 mg OD

823-2 DO Chronic fatigue syndrome Diet DAT Dr. N Cruz

ER 58/M IVF None
3/27/21 Meds None Dr. Oranntia/Hizon/Hermogino
3/25/21 AST 73/AST62/Mg1.97/K3.90/Cl19./Na143


(Admissions: 0 Card: 0 Discharged: 1 ; Referral: 0 Transerred:0 Expired: 0 HAMA: 0)
735 SJ Choledocholithiasis Diet gen liqs MGH Dr. Guiling
65/F s/p Open Cholecystectomy, IVF D5NSS 1L X 60 cc/hr Dr. Filarca
Choledochotomy, Meds: Ketorolac 30 mg IV Q8, Paracetamol 900 mg Q8, Nalbuphine, Cefuroxime 750 mg IV Q8
Choledoschoscopy, Ttube Dr.. Hermogino
3/22/21 POD 4

737 JF Sepsis Secodnary to Diet: Renal Diet Dr. Gana

REF 49/F Complicated UTI; CKD s/p IVF: plr 1L x 12 hours
Ureteroplasty, Left, Meds: Ertapenem 500 mg OD, NaHCO3 650 TID, Omeprazole 40 mg OD, CaCo3 500 mg BID, Pantoprazole 40mg OD, Msoegor Vita 1 tab OD Dr.Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos
3/20/21 Nephrstomy Tube Insertion Labs:
Left May 2020 3/20: hgb 11.4 hct 35.5 wbc 123.9 N 92 L 1 M 1 E – Plt 136; U/A: wbc 412.83 rbc 4.23 bact 1448.91; Crea 3.5 Ica 1.08; Na 138 K 3.51 BUN 31.0

740 SN 3v CAD Diet NPO FOR CABG Dr. S. Santos

DTR 60/M IVF 3/27/21
REF Meds Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos
3/25/21 Labs 4/4/0

743 MG Gallbladder hydrops Diet: NPO Dr. Tia

REF 38/M t/c Ruptured diverticuli IVF:D5LR 1L x 8hr Dr. Alvez
s/p Attempted lap chole,
converted to EL, Enterolysis, Meds: Cefuroxime 750mg IV q8 Dr. Ocampo/Dr. Hizon/Dr. Hermogino
Enterorrhapy, Small bowel Labs:
resection with end to end WAB ultrasound
3/23/21 MRI with MRCP
anastomosis using hand
sewn technique, Open
cholecystectomy, JP drain

745 OR BPH Diet NPO For utz guided prostate Dr. Flores
DTR 70/M IVF PLR 1L x 8hr biopsy
3/26/21 Med; Ceftriaxone 1gm IV q8 Thulium prostatectomy Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Hermogino

7th Main: (11)

(Admission: 0 card: 0; Discharged: 0; Referral: ; Transferred: 0, Expired: 0, Absconde)
701 RE t/c empyema thoracic, left Diet DAT Dr. Cabasa
REF 50/< IVF PNSS 1L x 60cc/hr
3/24/21 s./p CTT Meds Dr. Ocampo/Hizon/Hermogino
3/26/21 Labs

704 RM CCC Diet DAT PMGH Dr. Diomampo/SROD

DTR 49/M s/p lap cholecystectomy IVF HL
3/25/21 3/26/21 Meds Cefurpxime 500mg TID Dr. Amante/Quitoy/hermogino
POD 1 Labs

704-2 RG CCC Diet GL Dr. Filarca

DTR 30/M s/p Lap cholecystectomy IVF HL
3/25/21 JP drain insertion Meds; Celecoxib 200mg /cap Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos
3/26/21 Labs

706-1 IP Invasive Papillary Diet: NPO WOF: recurrence of Dr. Guiling

DTR 69/F Carcinoma, Right s/p Punch IVF: PLR 1L X 8hours vomiting, bleeding, SROD
Biopsy 2/1/21 s/p MRM, Meds: Cefuroxime 500 mg PO Q8, Tranexamic acid 500 mg IV q8, Celecoxib 200 mg PO Q12 PRN, Omeprazole 40 mg IV OD hematoma
3/22/21 right (3/23/21) POD 13 Labs: Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos
s/p wound exploration PMGH
706-2 MC CCC Diet NPO For Open Dr. Sioco/SROD
DTR 56/F IVF D5Lr1 L x 8hr cholecystectomy
3/26/21 Meds: Cefuroxime 1.5gm IV Ld IOD, poss CBDE Dr. Orantia/Hizon/Hermogino
Labs 3/27/21 2pm

718-2 PP s/p Cheiloplasty Diet GL PMGH Dr. Tansipek

3/24/2 Meds- Coaomxiclav Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos

719-1 CM s/p Cheiloplasty Diet GL PMGH Dr. Tansipek

3/24/21 Meds- Coaomxiclav Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos

719-2 LP s/p Cheiloplasty Diet GL PMGH Dr. Tansipek

3/24/21 Meds- Coaomxiclav Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos

719-3 PA s/p Cheiloplasty Diet GL PMGH Dr. Tansipek

3/24/21 Meds- Coaomxiclav Dr. Amante/Quitoy/Santos

725-1 KM CCC Diet NPO Dr. Ramirez

DTR 25/M IVF D5NR 1L x 8hr
3/26/21 Meds Cefuroxime 1.5gm IV LD Dr. Orantia/hizon/Hermogino

726-2 HS Pleural Effusion, right sec to Diet DAT w SAP To place sinapi drain prior Dr. K. Tan / Dr. Francisco / Dr. Cabasas /
18/M infection s/p CTT insertion IVF: HL to discharge Dr. Albay
2/23/21 s/p streptokinase Meds:
fibrinolysis 3/2/21 Labs:

IMU 4 MQ Gallbladder Mass t/c Diet: NGT Feeding 30cc/hr For rpt labs this AM Dr. Paner
DTR 54/F Malginancy; Cholelithaisis; IVF: Pnss 1L x 100 cc/hr Combiflex 1920 kcal x 24 hours Dr. Alvez
ONG, Right Hypertension; Meds: Metronidazole 500 mg IV Q8, Linezolid 600 mg IV Q12, Piptazo 4.5 gms IV Q8, Omepraole 40 mg IV OD, Tranexamic Acid 500 mg Q8, Vitamin SROD
3/14/21 s/p Appendectomy 1998 K 10 mg IV Q8 Dr. Ocampo/Dr. Hizon/Dr.Santos
s/p Biliary Enteric Bypass, Labs:
Salpingo-Oophorectomy, 3/22/21 CBC: wbc 38.4 (12.1) hgb 11.4 (11.5) hct 33.5 plt 116 (202)
bilateral 3/22/21 PTT 44 PT 21.9 PA 33.5 (31.3) INR 1.9 (2.09)
3/16/21 3/22/21 Crea 1.5 (1.1) BUN 44.1 (28.4) K 4.5 (3.73) Na 140 (136)
s/p Femoral line insertion, 3/22/21 CXR: bilateral pneumonia and/or pleural effusion, cardiomegaly, AA
right (3/21/21)
s/p revision of
(3/21/21) POD 3

843-2 PC Dr. Eseque
Dr. Ocampo/Amante/Hermogino

708 JS Dr. Ncruz

DTR 34/M Dr. WCruz

3/22/21 Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

717 SN Dr. N ruz

DTR 44/M Dr. WCruz

3/20/21 Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

704-2 CP Dr. Perez

REF 36/M Dr. M Tee

3/20/21 Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

743 MS Dr. Catapia

DTR 68/F
Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

820 KY Dr E. Gervasio / K. Gensolin / K. Ngo-

20/M Sanchez / M. Paner

933 SG Dr..Catapia
REF 65/F Dr. Matias
3/19/21 Dr. Morales

Dr. Ocampo/Amante/Hermogino

925 EE Dr. Macalino

DTR 57/F Dr. N. Tan

3/20/21 Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

927 LM 48/F Dr. Eseque

Dr. Ocampo/Dr. Hizon/Dr. Hermogino

928 MV Dr. Sioco

DTR 39/F
Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

834 DC Dr. Paner

DTR 52/F Dr. Alvez

3/22/21 Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

935 DL Dr. Basa

DTR 72/F
Dr. Orantia/Dr.Quitoy/Dr.Santos

725-2 JB Dr. Chua

ER 18/M
3/11/21 Dr. Ocampo/Quitoy/Hermogino

Mortality (1)

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