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Digestion and


Lecture -1

Dr. Sachin Kapur 20+ years Teaching experience

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The Digestive System

● The human digestive system consists of the

alimentary canal and the associated glands.
● Alimentary canal consists of buccopharyngeal
cavity, oesophagus, stomach, small intestine
and large intestine.
● Buccopharyngeal cavity includes buccal
cavity and pharynx.
● Roof of buccal cavity is formed by palate,
floor has tongue and sides have teeth.
The Digestive System
Buccopharyngeal cavity

● Anterior part of palate is called hard palate.

● It has muscular ridges called palantine rugae.
These are highly developed in carnivores.
● Posterior part of palate is called soft palate.
● It has a fleshy lobe called uvula.
● It closes internal nostrils during swallowing.
Buccopharyngeal cavity
Buccopharyngeal cavity

● The tongue is an accessory digestive organ

composed of skeletal muscle covered with mucous
membrane. Together with its associated muscles, it
forms the floor of the oral cavity.
● The tongue is divided into symmetrical lateral halves
by a median septum that extends its entire length,
and it is attached inferiorly to the hyoid bone.

● The lingual frenulum, a fold of mucous membrane

in the midline of the undersurface of the tongue, is
attached to the floor of the mouth and aids in
limiting the movement of the tongue posteriorly.
● If a person’s lingual frenulum is abnormally short or
rigid—a condition called ankyloglossia the person
is said to be “tongue-tied” because of the resulting
impairment to speech.
Taste Buds

● The upper surface and lateral surfaces of the tongue are covered with papillae.
projections of the lamina propria covered with stratified squamous epithelium.
● Many papillae contain taste buds, the receptors for gustation (taste).
● Some papillae lack taste buds, but they contain receptors for touch and increase friction
between the tongue and food.
● Lingual glands in the lamina propria of the tongue secrete both mucus and a watery
serous fluid that contains the enzyme lingual lipase, which acts on triglycerides.
Taste Buds
Taste Buds
Structure Of Taste Bud

● Each taste bud is an oval body consisting of

three kinds of epithelial cells: supporting cells,
gustatory receptor cells, and basal cells.
● The supporting cells surround about 50
gustatory receptor cells in each taste bud.
● A single, long microvillus, called a gustatory
hair, projects from each gustatory receptor cell
to the external surface through the taste pore.
● Basal cells are stem cells found at the periphery
of the taste bud near the connective tissue
● These produce supporting cells, which then
develop into gustatory receptor cells.
● Each gustatory receptor cell has a lifespan of
about 10 days.
Types Of Papillae

● About 12 very large, circumvallate papillae form an

inverted V-shaped row at the back of the tongue. Each of
these papillae houses 100–300 taste buds.
● Fungiform papillae are mushroom-shaped elevations
scattered over the entire surface of the tongue that
contain about five taste buds each.
● Foliate papillae are located in small trenches on the
lateral margins of the tongue, but most of their taste
buds degenerate in early childhood.
Types Of Papillae

● In addition, the entire surface of the tongue has filiform

papillae. These pointed, threadlike structures contain
tactile receptors but no taste buds.
● They increase friction between the tongue and food,
making it easier for the tongue to move food in the oral
Taste Types

● Taste or gustation is a chemical sense.

● Only five primary tastes can be distinguished: sour, sweet,
bitter, salty, and umami.
● The umami taste, recently reported by Japanese scientists, is
described as “meaty” or “savory.” Umami is believed to arise
from taste receptors that are stimulated by monosodium
glutamate (MSG), a substance naturally present in many
foods and added to others as a flavor enhancer.
● All other flavors, such as chocolate, pepper, and coffee, are
combinations of the five primary tastes, plus accompanying
olfactory and tactile (touch) sensations.
Nerve Supply To Tongue

● Facial Nerve: It supplies anterior two third of tongue and carries sensation of taste.
● Glossopharyngeal Nerve: It supplies posterior one third of tongue and carries sensation of
● Trigeminal Nerve: It carries sensation of pain, pressure, temperature from tongue.
● Vagus Nerve: It supplies back of tongue and carries sensation of taste.
● Hypoglossal Nerve: It supplies muscles of tongue and it is for tongue movement.
Tongue in other animals
Teeth (Odontology)

● The oral cavity has a number of teeth and a

muscular tongue.
● Each tooth is embedded in a socket of jaw
● This type of attachment is called thecodont.
● An adult human has 32 permanent teeth
which are of four different types (Heterodont
dentition), namely, incisors (I), canine (C),
premolars (PM) and molars (M).
Teeth (Odontology)

● Tooth eruption begins by 6 to 8 months of age.

● Central incisors are first to erupt.
● Humans have diphyodont dentition i.e two
sets of teeth develop.(Milk teeth or deciduous
teeth and Permanent teeth).
● Milk dentition is completed by nearly two
years of age. These are replaced by permanent
teeth between 6-12 years of age.
● Premolars are absent in children: In place of
premolars, molars are present.
Dental formula

● Arrangement of teeth in each half of the upper

and lower jaw in the order I, C, PM, M is
represented by a dental formula which, in human,
is 2123/2123.
● Dental formula is an equation which represents
number and type of teeth in each half of both
● The hard chewing surface of the teeth, made up of
enamel, helps in the mastication of food. Enamel is
the hardest substance in the body.
11th Grade
Subjects Timings
Physics 4 PM
Chemistry 5 PM
Biology 6 PM
12th Grade
Subjects Timings
Physics 4 PM
Chemistry 5 PM
Biology 6 PM

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