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MODULE 2: 2nd Task

NAME: Cyrill G. Fausto DATE: February 2, 2021

Instructions: Write your answer on the space provided.

Aryans 1. Who invaded the Indus Valley?

Hinduism 2. What religion occupies 85% of the population in
Hindu mind___ 3. The most prominent characteristics of
Essence of spiritually 4. Hindu literature.
The Vedas 5. It is a sacred book of ancient Sanskrit hymns.
Ramayana by Valmiki 6. It was the first Indian epic.
Mahabhrata by Ved Vyaas 7. It was the longest epic in the world.
Yatra 8. An ancient drama that originated in Eastern India and
began as a form
Prakaranas 9. An ancient drama that portrays domestic life
Prahsanas 10. An ancient drama that was portrayed by the vulgar
farces of the lower castes.
Nataka 11. It was considered as the highest dramatic type.
Kalidasa 12. He was considered as the greatest playwright in
Sanskrit literature.
Ved Vyaas 13. The author of the “ Mahabharata”.
Shakantula 14. The most famous Sanskrit plays.
Meghaduuta 15.

15 Things About India

 Bollywood’s highest grossing film made 27x more than

Hollywood’s highest grossing film.

 Shampoo was invented in 16th century India.

 Diamonds were first mined in India and it was the world’s

greatest producer.

 Elephants in Kerala can treat themselves to a spa day.

 The largest religious gathering in India can be seen from


 Ancient Indian civilisation is the oldest in the world.

 India is home to every major world religion and doesn’t have

a national language.
 A polling station is set up for just one voter in Gir Forest at
every election.

 The Indian government have used scaffolding to hide the Taj

Mahal when air strikes are predicted.

 Indians invented navigation, yoga, the world’s cheapest car,

and thorium-based nuclear power.

 You can stay at the former Indian Royal Residence for $

88,000 a night.

 King Jai Singh of Alwar snubbed Rolls Royce in the best

possible way.

 1,000,000 Indians are millionaires.

 The 1st account of plastic surgery was found in an ancient

Sanskrit text.

 One of India’s most extravagant weddings caused

controversy because it was too extravagant.

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