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National Groundwater and

Contaminated Land Centre

Redundant Boreholes
and Wells

E n v iro n m e n t
wM A gency
Decommissioning Redundant
Boreholes and Wells in order to
Protect Groundwater Resources.

7. Scope watercourses and groundwater

contained in underground strata
This booklet has been published to
(or aquifers).
assist with the decommissioning of
disused boreholes or wells. It suggests The Agency also has a specific duty to
a number of best practice options to prevent groundwater pollution by
ensure long term protection of certain listed substances under the
groundwater quality and resources. Groundwater Regulations, 1998. These
Further advice can be obtained by regulations complete the transposition
contacting the local Environment of the EC Groundwater Directive
Agency office, details of which can be (80/68/EEC) into UK law. Discharge
found at the end, or by contacting a into groundwater of substances in List
specialist well contractor details of I of the directive is prohibited, and
whom may be obtained from the discharges of substances in List II must
British Drilling Association. be minimised so as to prevent pollution.
The Environment Agency in England
and Wales also has powers under
2. Legal Framework Section 71 of the Water Industry Act,
The Environment Agency is 1991 to prevent wastage of water
responsible for the protection of resources from uncontrolled artesian
"controlled waters" from pollution overflows.
under the Water Resources Act, 1991.
Similar controls are in place in
Scotland through the Control of
Pollution Act, 1974 (as amended) and
in Northern Ireland through the Water
Act, 1972. It is an offence to cause
pollution of controlled waters either
deliberately or accidentally.
"Controlled waters" includes all


The factors controlling
vulnerability of
aquifers to pollution.

3. Introduction
Boreholes and wells are
constructed for a variety of
purposes: to abstract water; to
collect geological information;
to investigate and sample soils
adapted for use as a groundwater
and groundwater etc. Often, old wells
monitoring facility, where this is
are found on properties that are now
appropriate. It is normally
connected to a mains water supply,
inappropriate and may be
and boreholes and wells may become
unacceptable to convert redundant
wells and boreholes to soakaways for
Improperly abandoned boreholes and the disposal of foul or surface water
wells may act as preferential pathways due to the inherent risk of groundwater
for contaminant movement, leading to pollution. The advice of the Agency
the contamination of groundwater, or should always be sought in such cases.
contributing to the loss of aquifer yield
Artesian boreholes (where groundwater
and potentiometric head (water
in a confined aquifer is at sufficient
pressure), or result in the mixing of
pressure to cause water to discharge at
groundwaters of variable quality from
the ground surface without any
different aquifers. They may also
pumping) present different problems
present a physical hazard.
and warrant special attention to
Boreholes and wells that are no longer prevent wastage of groundwater
required therefore need to be made resources either by the flow of water
safe, structurally stable and backfilled from one usable aquifer unit into
or sealed to prevent groundwater another unusable unit, or by mixing of
pollution and flow of water between clean and polluted groundwaters.
different aquifer units. However, in
certain circumstances they may be

FIGURE 2 Monitoring
Schematic options borehole
for decommissioning
wells and boreholes.

4. Borehole or well
Before considering how best to backfill
and seal a borehole or well, or
whether it can be put to an alternative
use, for example as a groundwater
monitoring facility, it is necessary to
obtain information on the geological
strata encountered by the borehole
and its completion details. These will
include the depth of the borehole, its
diameter(s) and construction details
(casing, screen and pack). These
details may be obtained from site
records, the original driller's log(s), or
the British Geological Survey. Once all
available information has been collated in Section 4 (above) indicates that
and assessed, the most appropriate the boreholes intersect important
course of action can be determined. aquifer units (in terms of resource
and quality), and are constructed so
that representative groundwater
5. Conversion samples may be collected or water
to groundwater levels measured. The ideal borehole
construction and completion is
monitoring points dictated by the geological strata
Redundant boreholes have the encountered and its intended use.
potential for conversion into Boreholes which intersect a single
groundwater monitoring boreholes if aquifer unit may be cased through
the data collection exercise described the unsaturated zone, but open hole

Backfilled to Low Wide diameter
mimic geology permeability borehole with
backfill bridging seal






Cement Grout
or Concrete

n Permeable fill

m Well pack

(or screened) below the watertable. a) Environment Agency strategic

Boreholes in more complex geologies monitoring boreholes.
are likely to require casing over most The Agency has a duty to monitor
of the depth of borehole with the groundwater quality and watertable
exception of the aquifer unit(s) of elevation, and a network of Agency
interest (see Fig.2 (A)). These details and privately owned boreholes and
must be established when considering wells is used for this purpose. New
conversion of the borehole to a monitoring points are often required
monitoring point along with the to improve coverage or to replace
ultimate purpose that the monitoring boreholes which have been taken out
facility will serve. of use.

The drawdown of the water table
Discharge around a pumping borehole to form
a cone o f depression.

The design of boreholes on or

adjacent to sites which may be
contaminated is particularly important
because they will act as potential
conduits for the vertical migration of
contaminants within the soil or fill
layers if incorrectly designed. Such
boreholes should be cased through
the unsaturated zone and the casing
When a borehole is constructed such
sealed with an impermeable cement
that it allows a representative sample
or bentonite grout to prevent any
of groundwater to be collected or
movement of potentially
water levels to be measured, and is
contaminated water around the
located in an area where additional
outside of the casing. The top of the
monitoring points are required,
borehole must also be suitably
consideration should be given to
protected and fitted with a robust
converting it to an Agency monitoring
lockable cap to prevent the
borehole. The Agency may be prepared
unauthorised entry of objects into the
to pay for the costs of conversion, but
borehole. Where the top of the
in return will require access to the
borehole casing is below ground level
borehole and/or its long-term lease.
it must be surrounded by a suitably
b) Contaminated land/landfill constructed, watertight housing.
monitoring point.
Boreholes close to contaminated land,
Site investigation boreholes which landfill sites or other sources of soil gas
have been installed as part of a may also require a venting facility to
ground engineering investigation, land prevent the build up of noxious gases
contamination study or scientific within the borehole.
investigation may lend themselves to
adaption to longer-term groundwater
monitoring facilities.
Decision Flow Chart.

Do you wish to retain interest

in the borehole or well as a private
monitoring facility?

Contact Environment Determine whether borehole

Agency to see if it is or well can be successfully
in a location where modified to a groundwater
groundwater monitoring point
monitoring facilities
are needed.

Abandon borehole or well

following guidelines.

Follow guidelines and/or

expert advice to convert
to a monitoring facility.

Complete site records

and inform the
British Geological Survey
of action.
Cement Section of a borehole showing a well
screen and gravel pack (or filter) in
unconsolidated sands.

u Casing

seal As part of the 'requisite
surveillance' required under the
Groundwater Regulations, 1998 or
the Waste Management Licensing
Regulations, 1994.
To monitor water levels in an
urban area where rising groundwater
levels may threaten buried structures
(tunnels, basements etc.).

6. Decommissioning
c) Private monitoring boreholes.
redundant boreholes
A site owner may wish to convert a and wells
redundant abstraction borehole to a If conversion to a groundwater
groundwater monitoring facility, monitoring point is not possible or
particularly where the borehole is on necessary, the following borehole
or adjacent to contaminated land, or abandonment procedures are
land where potentially polluting recommended. However, every
activities are being undertaken. borehole and well is different and
There are many good reasons for so may require variation from the detail
doing including; of the approach. For the best results,
• To validate the success of any the employment of a proficient well
remedial works being undertaken contractor with a good knowledge of
on the site. the local geology and well abandonment
procedures is recommended.
• To demonstrate that activities are
not causing pollution, and hence
prove regulatory compliance.

a) Defining the objectives. the pump and pipework should be
Each site has its own particular removed together with any other
characteristics that must be considered infrastructure (dip tubes etc.). The
when planning how to decommission condition of any borehole casing and
a borehole or well. grout must be examined to ascertain
The following objectives may apply, whether its retention in the hole would
although additional objectives may prejudice any of the objectives of the
also be applicable; abandonment. For many holes,
examination of the casing from the
• Remove the hazard of an open
ground surface will be adequate,
hole (safety issues).
however deep boreholes may require
• Prevent the borehole acting as a the use of a down-hole Closed Circuit
conduit for contamination to enter Television (CCTV) to examine the
groundwater. casing at depth.
• Prevent the mixing of contaminated Where casing has corroded or broken,
and uncontaminated groundwater or the grouting has failed, it may be
from different aquifers. necessary to remove those materials in
• Prevent the flow of groundwater order to prevent flow of groundwater
from one geological horizon to around the outside of the borehole.
another. Care should be taken, however, to
• Prevent the wastage of groundwater ensure that removal of the well casing
from overflow of artesian boreholes. does not result in the collapse of the
borehole walls (particularly in
The method of decommissioning should
unconsolidated materials) and possible
be capable of achieving each of the
subsidence at the ground surface. The
objectives that are applicable to a site.
advice of a specialist well contractor
b) Removing headworks and casing. should be sought over these issues. If
Ensure that the borehole or well is free it is decided that the well casing needs
from all obstructions that may interfere to be removed, various techniques are
with the sealing of the hole. In particular, available to do this and the well
contractor can advise on the most movement of groundwater through or
appropriate technique for a given site. along the borehole (see Figure 2(C)).
c) Backfilling the hole. The materials used to backfill a
For most purposes the ground should borehole or well must be clean, inert
be restored as closely as possible to its and non-polluting. Suitable materials
pre-drilled condition. The borehole or include pea-gravel, sand, shingle,
well should be backfilled with clean concrete, bentonite or cement grout
(washed), uncontaminated, excavated and uncontaminated rock, u n d e r n o
materials such that the permeability of C IRCUM STANCES SHOULD POTENTIALLY

the selected materials are similar to the POLLUTING M ATERIALS BE USED AS INFILL.

properties of the geological strata Consideration should also be given to

against which they are placed. The the geochemical environment into
backfilled borehole will then mimic which these materials will be placed,
the surrounding natural strata and as under different environmental
groundwater flow and quality will be conditions the behaviour of materials
protected. may change (e.g. phenol contamination
may prevent bentonite grouts curing).
Restoration will require a variety of
materials to be used so that permeable Aggregates (pea-gravel, shingle, sand
aggregates (e.g. pea gravel, sand) are etc.) should be selected such that they
positioned adjacent to aquifer horizons, have a grain size that allows easy
whilst low permeability materials (e.g. delivery into the borehole and should
clay, bentonite or cement grout, be introduced in a controlled manner
concrete) are positioned adjacent to to ensure that accidental 'bridging'
low permeability horizons (see Figure does not occur within the borehole.
2(B)). Alternatively, the entire borehole Concrete and grouts that are
or well can be backfilled with low introduced in a liquid form should be
permeability materials that will prevent introduced through an appropriate
significant vertical or horizontal delivery pipe (e.g. tremmie pipe), to
ensure that voids do not form.
Direction ot groundwater flow

Source Protection Zones
around a borehole.

I - Inner Zone
II - Outer Zone
II I - Total Catchment

Boreholes that penetrate highly d) Deep and wide boreholes/wells.

fissured aquifers, such as the Chalk In the case of very deep boreholes and
and some limestones, present wells with wide diameters, the volume
additional problems. Liquid grouts of material needed to backfill the hole
(particularly those injected under may be very large. In such circumstances
pressure ), or fine-grained aggregates it may be appropriate to adopt an
(e.g. fine sand) may be transported alternative strategy, as long as this will
out of the borehole into the body of not prejudice any of the original
the aquifer through fissures. Careful objectives.
monitoring of the process is required if
Provided that the long term structural
these techniques are used, and in
stability of the borehoie can be
these cases it may be more
demonstrated, it is acceptable to place
appropriate to use coarser aggregate
a permanent bridging seal, or plug,
(e.g. gravel) as a backfill against
within the borehole and then to infill
fissured aquifers.
above this level using the approach
Where the site is in a very sensitive given in Section 6c) (page 9) (see
location (e.g. an Inner Source Figure 2(D)). The bridging seal should
Protection Zone (SPZ I) (see figure 6) ideally be positioned below the lowest
as defined in the Agency's aquifer horizon. However, where this is
Groundwater Protection Policy, or not possible, it is important that the
within 50 metres of a potable open borehole beneath the bridging
abstraction) consideration should be seal penetrates no more than a single
given to disinfecting the materials aquifer unit thereby preventing flow of
prior to its use as infill. Care must be groundwater between different aquifers.
taken, however, to ensure that the
The material commonly used as a
disinfectant does not, in itself, present
bridging seal is cement, although a
a groundwater pollution risk. Agency
combination of a mechanical plug and
and disinfectant manufacturers advice
cement is acceptable. Cement seals
should be sought in such instances.
must be allowed to set (cure) in place

Schematic diagram for C o n crete or
borehole seal and cap. ce m en t cap


before backfilling is continued and diameter is at least one metre greater

completed. The advice of a specialist than the diameter of the backfilled
well contractor should be sought for borehole (see Figure 7).
the most appropriate technique. f) Artesian boreholes.
e) Sealing the top of the borehole. For artesian boreholes, the de­
In order to prevent potentially commissioning process should aim to
contaminated surface run-off or other confine the groundwater to the aquifer
liquids entering the backfilled borehole, from which it came in order to prevent
it is necessary to complete the backfilling loss of confining pressure, and the loss
of all boreholes with an impermeable of water resources to the surface or
plug and cap. The final 2 metres (from other formations.
ground level down) should be filled with The first step is to control the
cement, concrete or bentonite grout artesian flow.
and a concrete or cement cap of
There are a number of ways to
suitable strength should then be
accomplish this depending, in part,
installed over the top of the borehole
on the water pressure in the confined
and surrounding ground, such that its

aquifer and the depth to which the These records should include the
water level must be lowered, for following;
instance; • The reasons for abandonment
• Pumping the borehole to produce (e.g. water quality problems).
the necessary drawdown. • Measurement of groundwater level
• Pumping nearby boreholes. prior to backfilling.
• Extending the casing above • The depth and position of each
ground level beyond the layer of backfilling and sealing
potentiometric surface. materials.
• Introduce dense, non-polluting, • The type and quantity of backfilling
fluids into the borehole. and sealing materials used.
• Introduce a pre-cast plug at an • Any changes made to the borehole/
appropriate level within the hole. well during the abandonment
• Using an inflatable packer, (e.g. casing removal).
pressure grout the void space below • Any problems encountered during
the packer. the abandonment procedure.
Decommissioning of artesian boreholes Abandoned borehole and well
is likely to be easiest in late summer, locations should be marked on site
when groundwater levels and artesian records and, if possible, on the
flows are at their lowest. ground. Details of any decommissioning
Decommissioning artesian boreholes or modifications to borehole
is a specialist job and requires expert construction should also be forwarded
advice. to the British Geological Survey.
g) Recording details on site plan.
Complete and accurate records should
be kept of the abandonment procedures
for possible future reference.

7. Conversion to required and a discharge may be
illegal without one, regardless of
soakaways whether pollution occurs.
Redundant wells and boreholes have In determining an application for an
historically been used for the disposal authorisation the Agency will assess
of surface water, foul effluent and the particular risks of pollution by
other waste liquids. In many instances taking into account the potential for
this practice has resulted in attenuation of contaminants before
groundwater pollution. It is not they reach the water table.
considered acceptable practice to use
redundant abstraction boreholes and
wells for the disposal of surface or foul
8. Specialist advice
It is recommended that the advice of
drainage, or any other potentially
a specialist well contractor and local
polluting matter.
Environment Agency staff should
It is a criminal offence under Section always be sought, and the site-specific
85 of the Water Resources Act, 1991 characteristics of a site given full
to 'cause or knowingly permit any consideration when determining the
poisonous, noxious or polluting matter best borehole abandonment solution.
or any solid waste matter to enter any Details of specialist drilling contractors
controlled waters'. The definition of can be obtained from The British
'controlled waters' includes all Drilling Association. Further advice can
groundwater. be obtained from the local
Where the on-site disposal of surface Environment Agency office, or from
or foul drainage into land or the Agency's National Groundwater &
groundwater is necessary then the Contaminated Land Centre.
effluent should normally be treated
before its discharge into a shallow
soakaway. An authorisation from the
Environment Agency is normally

9. Further Guidance British Geological Survey,
National Geosciences Information
and References Centre (NGIC), Keyworth,
Nottingham, NG2 5ED.
American Society for Test and Materials Tel: (0115) 9363100.
(ASTM) D5299-92, 1993. British Drilling Association,
Standard Guide for Decommissioning P.O.Box 11 3, Brentwood,
Ground Water Wells, Vadose Zones Essex, UK, CM15 9DS.
Monitoring Devices, Boreholes, and Tel: (01277) 373456
Other Devices for Environmental
Activities. National Groundwater &
Contaminated Land Centre,
Driscoll, F.G., 1986. Environment Agency, Olton Court,
Groundwater and Wells. 10 Warwick Road, Olton, Solihull,
Second Edition, Johnson Division. B92 7HX.
Environment Agency, 1998. Tel: (0121) 7115885.
Policy and Practice for the
Protection of Groundwater.
State Co-ordinating Committee on
Groundwater, 1996.
State of Ohio Technical guidance
for Sealing Unused Wells.
The American Water Works
Association, 1984.
AWWA Standards for Water Wells.
AWWA A100-84.
US Environmental Protection
Agency, 1975.
Manual of Water Well
Construction Practices.
E P A - 570/9-75-001.

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