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Potential groundwater impacts from civil-engineering works

Article  in  Water and Environment Journal · July 2007

DOI: 10.1111/j.1747-6593.2003.tb00433.x

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2 authors, including:

Rick Brassington
Newcastle University


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POTENTIAL GROUNDWATER Civil-engineering construction works often have a significant impact on

IMPACTS FROM CIVIL- groundwater conditions. Such an impact can range from the derogation
of water sources by dewatering works, to the creation of barriers and

ENGINEERING WORKS pathways for groundwater flow formed by foundations or ground-

improvement processes. In some cases, not all these impacts are iden-
tified early enough during the planning and design process.
This paper describes the full range of potential groundwater impacts
M. Preene. BEng, PhD. CEng. FICE, CGeol. FGS (Member)* and R. which can result from construction activities. The effects are grouped
Brassington. BSc, MSc, CEng. MICE, CGeol. FGS (Fellow)** into five rational categories as an aid to initial assessment. The need for
accurate baseline groundwater environmental data is set out, and
recommendations are made for the planning of monitoring programmes.

* Associate, Amp Wafer,Leeds, UK.

** Consultant Hydrogeologist, Warrington, UK.

It is well established that civil-engineering projects can impact on the
groundwater environment during construction and in the longer term. The
potential for some effects, such as the derogation of existing groundwater
sources during construction, are usually taken into consideration. Other
changes, such as the creation of flow pathways by pipeline or foundation
construction, are often not identified early in the planning process"'.
Groundwater can be viewed either as (i) a resource worth protecting and
managing or (ii) a problem requiring a solution during below-ground
works. Water-resource managers and hydrogeologists approach ground-
water primarily from the resource point of view, while construction engi-
neers have traditionally viewed the presence of groundwater as an incon-
venience or problem, to be solved by suitable construction expedients.
Engineers adopt methods to mitigate the effect of groundwater, and
this might include temporaty dewatering pumping or the construction of a
physical cut-off wall into the aquifeP. Some large structures (basements,
road or rail cuttings) below the water table might be equipped with per-
manent groundwater drainage systems to prevent flooding, and lower the
water table in the immediate vicinity with consequential impacts which
are not always fully appreciated.

Groundwater is an important resource for beneficial use and for its inter-
action with the wider environment. In England, 33% of the public water
supply is obtained from groundwater, in Wales 8%, in Scotland 5% and
in Northern Ireland 8% 13). These figures hide considerable local varia-
tions and, in addition, groundwater is relied upon for domestic water
supply from private springs and boreholes - even in regions which have
a low groundwater usage.
Changes in groundwater levels or quality can have a detrimental envi-
ronmental impact and, in the UK, groundwater-protection policies have
been adopted by the Environment Agency'4' and Scottish Environment
Protection Agencyo' to prevent:

(i) Over-abstraction of aquifers;

(ii) Derogation of individual sources;
(iii) Damage to environmental features which depend upon groundwater
levels; and
(iv) Unacceptable risk of pollution of groundwater from point and diffuse

sources. This includes delineation of source protection zones (SPZs) Category 1(a). Temporary Abstraction
around individual groundwater-abstraction sources, within which Construction in permeable strata below the groundwater level requires
polluting activities are strictly controlled or prohibited. temporary groundwater control to allow work to be completed in dry and
stable conditions. The methods include pumping from sumps, wells or
GROUNDWATER IMPACT FROM CONSTRUCTION WORKS wellpoints. Under current UK practice these are unregulated abstractions,
A range of temporary and permanent impacts on the groundwater envi- with no mechanism for formal consenting by the environmental regula-
ronment can result from civil-engineering works. There is no compre- tors, but their impacts might include:
hensive summary of these potential effects in the literature, although (a) Ground settlement;
Powersi6' described so-called 'unwanted side effects' of temporary (b) Depletion of groundwater-dependent features;
dewatering, and Thompson eta!') reviewed groundwater impacts from (c) Effects on water levels and water quality in the aquifer as a whole; and
mineral extraction. The five major potential groundwater impacts from (d) Derogation of individual borehole or spring sources.
civil-engineering works, categorised by Preene and Brassington'", are
summarised in Table 1 and described below. Each site and project Ground settlement
must be assessed individually taking into account (a) the nature of the Ground settlement occurs whenever the groundwater level is lowered
works, (b) the presence and vulnerability of aquifers, and (c) the prox- by abstraction. However, for most sites in the UK, settlement from dewa-
imity and sensitivity of nearby water sources. tering abstraction is so small that no distortion or damage is apparent in
nearby buildings. Ground settlement which is large enough to cause dam-
age is most likely to occur at sites where a significant thickness of soft
alluvial soils is underlain by permeable strata which require dewatering.

Table 1. Impacts on groundwater conditions from civil-engineering works

Category Potential impact Duration Relevant construction activities

1. Abstraction Ground settlement. Temporary Dewatering of excavations and tunnels
Derogation of individual sources. using wells and sumps.
Effect on aquifer, groundwater levels. Drainage of shallow excavations or
Effect on aquifer, groundwater quality. waterlogged land by gravity flow.
Depletion of groundwater-dependent Permanent Permanent drainage of basements,
features. tunnels, road and rail cuttings from
pumping and from gravity flow.
2. Pathways for Risk of pollution from near-surface Temporary Vertical pathways created by site
groundwater flow activities. investigation and dewatering boreholes,
Change in groundwater levels and quality. open excavations, etc.
Horizontal pathways created by trenches,
tunnels and excavations.
Permanent Vertical pathways created by inadequate
backfilling and sealing of site
investigation, dewatering boreholes,
excavations and permanent foundations,
Horizontal pathways created by trenches,
tunnels and excavations.
3. Barriers to Change in groundwater levels and quality. Temporary Barriers created by temporary or
groundwater flow removable physical cut-off walls such as
sheet-piles or artificial ground freezing.
Permanent Barriers created by permanent physical
cut-off walls or groups of piles or by linear
constructions such as tunnels and
Barriers created by reduction in aquifer
hydraulic conductivity (e.g. by grouting or
4. Discharge to Discharge of polluting substances from Temporary Leakage and runoff from construction
groundwaters construction activities. activities (e.g. fuelling of plant).
Artificial recharge (if used as part of the
dewatering works).
Per ma nent Leakage and runoff from permanent
Discharge via drainage soakaways.
5. Discharge to Effect on surface waters due to discharge Temporary Discharge from dewatering systems.
surface waters water chemistry, temperature or sediment Permanent Discharge from permanent drainage
load. systems.

MARCH 2003 60
Depletion of groundwater-dependent features sets ot baseline water quality are needed to allow the risk of the impact
The degradation of groundwater-dependent features caused by to be assessed.
abstraction for water supply is an issue which is widely recognised in
water-resource ~Ianning'~'. However, Acreman et a P noted that, in some Derogation of individual borebole or spring source
cases, impacts which are believed to be linked to abstraction could be due Construction projects which are planned near water-supply boreholes
to other factors such as changes in land drainage, river channelisation fall within the SPZs, and the regulator can be expected to recognise the
and climate change. Archaeological remains might also be dependent on risk of derogation at the planning stage. In contrast, small private bore-
stable groundwater levels, and there have been cases of degradation hole or spring sources, including domestic abstractions which are exempt
associated with large-scale dewatering works("). from licensing, do not have defined SPZs and might be overlooked during
For most construction projects, it is likely that dewatering abstraction investigation and planning. Many such sources exploit shallow drift
will be short term and small in volume, avoiding significant effects on aquifers and are likely to be vulnerable to yield reduction caused by Iow-
surface features unless they are immediately adjacent to the dewatering ered groundwater levels for the duration of dewatering works (Fig. 2). If
works. If significant impacts are predicted, possible mitigation measures affected, such sources might require temporary replacement by tanker,
include (Fig. 1): bottled water or modifications to the borehole or spring source.
(i) The installation of a groundwater cut-off barrier (although the cut-
off wall might affect groundwater flow - see Category 2); and Lowering of groundwater level
will Cause reduction in
(ii) Artificial recharge of groundwater or surface water(121.The temper- yield of boiehale waler source
Oriainal aroundwater
ature, chemistry and sediment content of the water must be assessed to
" I


ensure that this will not cause an adverse impact. .:. .

Borehole with
Excavation . , . .. . . . . submersible
works cause .. . .
. .
" pump
iowerw of Grollndwatet depewkrli feature
level , \ Original groundwater level
. . . . . , . I . , .,
. . Lowered groundwater
. .
, . . . . ..
. , .
Groundwaler levels lowered , . . .
., by excavation . . . . , ' ; . . . .
/-. . . . -., . . .
a1 Effect on borehole

a) Depletion due to lowering of groundwater levels

Original groundwater
Lowering of groundwater level
caused by excavation works
Groundwater cut-off wall Groundwater dependent feature

, .. . .
. .
. . . . .. . . .. .
b) Cut-off wall used to mitigate impact

A panion of the dewatering discharge Water level In the feature IS b) Effect on spring
IS piped to the fealure
\ maintained by arliflc~alrecharge
a1 ground level

Fig 2. Derogation o f groundwater resources

Category 1(b). Permanent Abstraction

It is not universally realised that many structures and engineered fea-
c) Artiliclal recharge used to mitigate impact tures extending below groundwater level involve some form of permanent
drainage system which are effectively long-term abstractions. For base-
fig 1. Depletion of groundwater - dependent features ments and tunnels a pumping system might be involved, or for road and
rail cuttings the discharge may be by gravity flow where the topography
Effects on water levels and water quality in aquifer allows.
Only large long-term temporary dewatering systems are likely to have Drainage systems for discrete structures such as basements are
a significant effect on regional groundwater resources. Because many unlikely to have more than a local effect on groundwater levels. In con-
dewatering operations are carried out in low to moderate permeability trast, more extensive structures such as tunnels, pipelines and deep road
strata (classified as non-aquifers in terms of their potential for supply), and rail cuttings with associated drainage might have a greater impact.
such regional effects are rare. Examples include effects on public supply Their linear extent can allow them to intercept and discharge consider-
sources which are vulnerable to saline able groundwater flow which could derogate borehole and spring sup-
There have also been concerns that prolonged dewatering abstractions plies or impact on groundwater-dependent features (Fig. 3). These
might affect aquifer water quality by drawing in contaminated water from effects are usually slow and many could go unrecognised as the conse-
nearby sites. This includes (a) lateral migration of leachate beneath non- quence of poorly designed drainage works. Such effects can be avoided
engineered landfills, and (b) vertical downward migration of pollutants by designing the structure to be watertight without the need for ground-
from current or historic industrial activity. In such cases, extensive data- water drainage. If this cannot be undertaken, replacement or upgraded

THE JOURNAL V 1 7 N1 I M A R C H 2003 61
Potential pathway formed by
water supplies might be required, together with compensation flows to Regional groundwater
pipeline intercepts flow and
diverts it Flow along
groundwater-dependent features.

Groundwater level
Catchment for


Plan view 01 original condillon Plan view following c~n~truction

01 pipeline

Impermeable bedrock
a) Diversion of flow from groundwater source
The hill forms an aquifer from which groundwler issues at springs A and B

a) Flow to springs prior to construction Perched water table Water migrates along
in Made Ground borehole or pile

Made Ground

< - - 1 -
Reduced catchment Reduced catchment
for smnO A . Road cuttinq with lor spring B

Impermeable bedrock

Trench d r a m rnstalledto keep the road cutting dry form additional

discharge points for groundwater This causes a lowering of
groundwater level and reduced flow from springs b) Vertical pathways leading to change in groundwater quality

Fig 4. Pathways for groundwater flow

b) Reduced flow to springs following construction

Fig 3. Groundwater abstractions from road cutting An awareness of such potential impacts is important when designing
site investigations or dewatering schemes. For example, all site-investi-
gation boreholes and dewatering boreholes must be adequately sealed
Category 2. Pathways for Groundwater Flow on completion. Similarly, dewatering boreholes should not
Some types of engineering construction form informal groundwater flow be screened in more than one aquifer unit and should have grout seals
paths. Some might be temporary (i.e. investigation and dewatering bore- at suitable levels to prevent the gravel pack acting as a pathway for ver-
holes) and can be sealed on completion, while others form a permanent tical flow.
part of a structure. Examples of permanent pathways include the granular Deep structures such as shafts or basements should be designed to
bedding of pipelines (which may allow horizontal flow) or some types of pil- limit the potential for vertical-flow paths, for example, by using raft
ing or ground-improvement processes (which can form vertical pathways). foundations in preference to piles which might puncture low-permeabil-
Open excavations such as road or rail cuttings with their associated ity layers"41.Horizontal structures such as pipelines should have low-per-
drainage works can form flowpaths to divert groundwater. The consequen- meability barriers or anti-seepage collars (also known as 'stanks') at
tial impacts of these pathways include (Fig. 4): regular intervals along their route.

(a) Loss of yield when horizontal pathways divert water away from Category 3. Barriers to Groundwater Flow
springs or boreholes; Where extensive heavy-duty foundations are installed into aquifers
(b) Increased risk of aquifer pollution from surface activities when, which are shallow or are of limited thickness, the concrete walls or
for example, the confining bed is punctured by the work, and the groups of piles might interrupt horizontal groundwater flow, causing a
near surface strata have been contaminated by historic or ongoing damming effect (Fig. 5). Groundwater levels can rise on the upstream
pollution; side of the structure and be lowered on the downstream side. These
(c) Changes in groundwater quality if conduits are formed between dif- effects might not be significant unless large structures penetrate signif-
ferent aquifer units. For example, poorly sealed investigation bore- icant aquifer horizons. It is rare that sufficient groundwater monitoring
holes could allow mixing of fresh and saline water in aquifers, or is carried out to allow these effects to be quantified; Bartoni1'' recorded
polluted groundwater at shallow depth might flow into deeper groundwater-level rises of 0.2-0.8 m upstream from a structure which
aquifers; and penetrated a valley gravel aquifer. Such barriers divert the groundwater
(d) An uncontrolled artesian discharge through an inadequately sealed flow around the sides of the structure and can reduce the supply to
site investigation or dewatering borehole groundwater sources, or cause flooding of adjacent basements.
An appreciation of the above impacts would enable the designer to
consider the use of raft foundations or limiting the depth of piles or cut-
off walls to reduce aquifer penetration. Any continuous impermeable cut-
off walls used for groundwater control during construction could be
designed so as not to form a permanent barrier to groundwater flow when

THE JOURNAL/ V17 N1 MARCH 2003 6 2
Groundwater levels ;ategory 5. uiscnarge to surrace waters
raised up-gradient
Abstractions for temporary dewatering or from longer-term drainage
ichemes generate a discharge need. Potential detrimental impacts on
he receiving water body include:
i) Erosion of the banks to watercourses by poorly arranged discharges,
which might also block or change the flow pattern as scoured mate-
rial is re-deposited downstream. This can be reduced by the use of
Impermeable bedrock ' ' r\/ gabion baskets, geotextile mattresses or straw bales to dissipate
Groundwater levels the energy of the water at the point of discharge;
lowered down-gradlent
ii) Suspended solids in the discharge water are highly visible and are
a) Deep foundations
also harmful to aquatic plant, fish and insect life. Any abstraction
system should have adequate filters to avoid suspended solids in
Group of large structures
the discharge water;
r-l /' jii) Oil and petroleum products might appear in the discharge as a result
of spills or leaks from plant, vehicles or storage areas. These are
often light, non-aqueous liquids and appear as floating films or lay-
ers on the surface of lagoons or watercourses, and can be present
in solution. Water may have to be passed through proprietary inter-
ceptors - the oil products being disposed of separately; and
Large numbers of closely spaced plles may reduce the effective cross sectional
:iv) Water which is abstracted from or near a contaminated site might
area of a shallow aquifer and act as a reslrictlon to groundwater flow require treatment prior to discharge1lG)',and the cost of long-term
b ) Groups of piles treatment could be a major constraint on the feasibility of a con-
struction project.
Fig 5. Barriers to groundwater flow
Category 4.Discharge to Groundwaters Monitoring is an essential part of managing groundwater impacts from
Construction activities have the potential to create discharges to construction projects and can include (a) groundwater levels in wells and
groundwaters, with the risk of pollution and degradation of groundwater boreholes, (b) surface-water levels in wetlands and streams, (c) flow
quality. Common examples include leakages and spills of fuels and lubri- from springs and watercourses, and (d) water-quality parameters in
cants, runoff from operations such as concrete placement, and surface- springs or boreholes. The availability of simple, cheap and reliable data-
water runoff from topsoil removal and excavation. The pollution risk can logging systems enable a continuous record to be made, and has largely
be reduced by the adoption of good practices, following guidance from obviated the need for manual measurements.
environmental regulators. Streetly("' has pointed out the difficulties of establishing a true
The risk of pollution is increased if groundwater pathways (Category baseline against which to assess impacts such as changes in
2) are associated with the works (Fig. 6). Open excavations often form a groundwater level. Typically, groundwater levels vary in the short term
ready pathway for inadvertent discharges to groundwater. Good site (barometric changes, rainfall, abstraction, etc.) and in the longer term
practice should include prohibiting refuelling of plant (and storage of (variations in recharge and, ultimately perhaps, climate change), and
fuels) in or near excavations, and surface-water drainage should be this creates problems of data interpretation. Possible solutions include
arranged to reduce the risk of spills or runoff entering the excavation. the installation of 'control' monitoring points beyond the area which is
influenced by the project. Alternatively, records from bodies such as the
Open excavalions may
Environment Agency could perform this function and extend the records
Uncapped boreholes
can allow spills or allow spills or run off
10 rapidly reach the
for the site.
run-off l o reach
the aquiier
, Spills1 Run-off , The monitoring system should be designed to measure anticipated
effects, and observations should be taken in areas where no impacts are
expected, in order to verify the conceptual understanding of the
hydrogeology of the site.

Impermeable bedrock 1. Civil-engineering works penetrating aquifers can create significant
impacts on the groundwater environment. In most cases, simple
Fig 6. Potentially polluting discharges to groundwater mitigation measures are possible. However, the design of such
measures require the potential impacts to be identified at an early
Structures with deep basements or below-ground spaces can also stage in the project, which (in many instances) Is not carried out.
provide a long-term potential for discharges into the aquifer. If the 2. The five principal groundwater impacts need to be assessed at an
structure is not watertight and penetrates confining beds, leaks, early stage of a scheme. The assessment should take into account
spillages or surface water may be able to percolate more freely into the nature of the works, the presence and vulnerability of aquifers,
groundwater. Individually, such leakages can be small, but their and the proximity and sensitivity of nearby water sources. The proj-
combined effect can lead to significant regional groundwater ect design can be varied, and mitigation measures can be adopted,
contamination. if necessary.

THE JOURNAL V17 N 1 ( M A R C H 2003 63
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