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What claims presented in the movie tried to prove that the Christian religion is
derived from other religions?

Zeitgeist argues that Christianity originated in ancient sun-worshipping religions.

They put the image of Jesus as a personification of the sun and adore and worship
Him. It also claims that Egyptian religion is the primary foundation of the Christian
religion. Jesus is an imitation of the Egyptian son of god Horus and base from the
images at the walls in the temple of luxor in Egypt. He was part of a long line of
mythic figures including Attis, Krishna, Dionysus, and Mithra. They all have the same
general mythological structure; all born of a virgin on December 25th and also
experienced death and resurrection. In other word, Jesus is just the recent of the
solemn Messiahs. There are also a lot of claims between the similarities of the
Egyptian religion and Christian religion. Similarly, Moses is just another in a long line
of law givers that includes Manu of India, Minos of Greece, and Mises of Egpyt.
Similarly, the Ten Commandments are a derivative version of passages from the
Egyptian Book of the Dead however they just changed the first words “I have not …’’
into “Thou shall not …” It believe that the bible is an astrotheological literary hybrid.

2. Who was Acharya S. and what were her contributions to the Christ myth theory?

D. M. Murdock, also known as "Acharya S," is an American writer, an skeptic

with an interest in mythology and supporting the Christ myth theory Jesus never
existed as a historical person, but was rather a mingling of various pre-Christian
myths, Sun deities and dying-and-rising deities. She is an author of the books such
as The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold and The Suns of God:
Krishna, Buddha, and Christ Unveiled. She argues that Jesus and Christianity were
created by members of various secret societies, mystery schools and religions to
unify the Roman Empire under one state religion, and that these people drew on
numerous myths and rituals which existed previously and then constructed them into
Christianity that exists today.

3. What evidences, did the documentary film provide to claim that the 9/11 attacks
were planned by the US in order to justify their “War On Terror” Foreign Policy? 

A lot people claims that there is a loud explosion in the basement before the
airplane crashed the building, whats more confusing for the people is how comes the
building turned to dust if it was just because of an airplane. There are also at least
twelve countries warned the US about the imminent attack on America however they
ignored it and instead their president went to a vacation. At least 7 of the Hijackers
are also still alive and 5 of theme are linked with the U.S Military Institutions.The
Bush administration ordered the FBI to back off the investigation of Osama B. Laden
who directed the Hijackers and some of its family members. Laden is one of the
Americas most wanted criminal however he was still able to stay in an American
Hospital in Dubai. The government also denied the request if the Pentagon was
really hit by the airplane. And when Bush and Cheney met the 9/11 commission they
seems to be exclusive towards their statement and there is nothing in the report
which the Bush administration didn’t approve at.

4. In what way did the documentary prove that some wars, conflicts, and calamities
were planned or sustained in order for governments to continue borrowing money,
making international bankers richer?
War serves as an important thing to happen for the international bankers such as
Rockefeller, JP Morgan, Paul Warburg, and Baron Rothschild for country forces to
borrow money from the Federal Reserve Banks with an interest. The war between
America and England which was due to the plan of Colonel Edward House who has
an intimate relation to the international bankers caused the death of 323 thousand
Americans through this JD Rockefeller made two hundred million dollars of it. There
was also 30 billion war cost for America which was borrowed from the Federal
Reserve Banks with interest. On World War II, Japan attacked the Pearl Harbor in
America which triggered a war. It was also a planned of Roosevelt whose uncle is a
member of federal bank. Henry Stimson, the Secretary of War, documented their
conversation of Roosevelt with regards to their plan. Roosevelt did everything within
his power to anger the Japanese like halted all Japan’s import’s of American
Petroleum, he froze all the Japanese assets in the United Sates, etc. Three days
before the attacked Australian intelligence told Roosevelt about the Japanese tasked
forced moving around the Pearl Harbor but he ignored it. Nazi’s Germany war effort
are largely supported by two organization (1) IG Farben which one of the partners is
JD Rockfeller and (2.) U.S. Standard Oil. Another evidences was with regards to the
Union Banking Corporation in New York City and the attack on the U.S. Destroyer by
the Vietnamese which just an excuse to enter a war but actually never happened.

5. What are RFID chips and how is it being utilized by countries?

Radio-frequency identification chips uses radio frequencies which transmit data

from a tag to a reader. This chips are already now used in American passport but this
would be implanted to human bodies as well. It is utilized by countries for personal
identification use. This might/would result to a centralized world where everyone’s
moves are tracked and monitored which result to losing their rights. Because of
everything happening in the world and the social manipulation of the society, time will
come that this chip will not be force to the people rather they will demand it. Through
this chips countries could control its people population.

6. What was your reaction to the documentary film? Should one easily believe what
media feeds them? Why or why not?

The documentary film is captivating. I’m honestly not into documentaries

because sometimes it is boring but a few minutes watching this film I got interested
and a lot of ideas popped up into my mind. It is a good film to watch because it
somehow make sense and you might question yourself as well. However even
though this film make sense and there are a lot of claims with regards to the different
issues, i could say that one should not easily believe in it or anything that media
feeds them because we can not say that what it feeds us are certainly true. Medias
may still lead us to misinformation and biases. We can not guarantee that everything
in the media are credible for there are still low-credibility spreading around it. Let
must be vigilant in what to believe and must remember that we are all individually
powerful so let us not let coercion take it.

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