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Plant Cell Reports (1998) 17: 742 – 746 © Springer-Verlag 1998

V. B. Mhaske · K. Chengalrayan · S. Hazra

Influence of osmotica and abscisic acid on triglyceride accumulation

in peanut somatic embryos

Received: 4 April 1997 / Revision received: 15 February 1998 / Accepted: 2 March 1998

Abstract Attempts were made to determine the influence and Knox 1989) and peanut (Mhaske and Hazra 1994) so-
of sucrose, mannitol, sorbitol and abscisic acid on accu- matic embryos has further strengthened this possibility.
mulation of triglycerides in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.) Moreover, it is presumed that maturation of somatic em-
somatic embryos. The results revealed that 0.584 M su- bryos might increase the accumulation of storage sub-
crose in the medium produced increased triglycerides in stances and result in improved conversion. The factors of-
the embryos compared to the control. At 0.730 M sucrose, ten associated with maturation and accumulation of stor-
embryos were necrotic although the triglyceride content age reserves in somatic embryos are the medium osmolal-
was high. Sorbitol at 0.6 M or abscisic acid at 20 µM were ity (Dutta and Appelqvist 1989; Etienne et al. 1993), con-
effective in increasing triglycerides in the embryos. The centration of abscisic acid (ABA) (Dunstan et al. 1991; Fu-
increase in triglycerides on a fresh-weight basis observed jii et al. 1990; Maquoi et al. 1993) and concentration of su-
with increasing concentration of osmoticium was not ap- crose (Avjioglu and Knox 1989; Janick 1991; Pence et al.
parent when determined in terms of dry weight. However, 1981). However, there is no report on the influence of these
an increase in triglyceride as percent fresh weight observed factors on TG accumulation in peanut somatic embryos.
in the presence of 20 µM abscisic acid remained unaltered Information generated from such studies will be needed for
when determined in terms of percent dry weight. An in- manipulation of metabolite production in vitro and for ge-
crease in storage lipid did not improve conversion of pea- netic transformation of peanut for altered TG biosynthe-
nut somatic embryos. sis. In the present investigation, attempts were made to
study the influence of these factors on peanut somatic em-
Key words Sucrose · Mannitol · Sorbitol · Osmolality · bryos. The status of the somatic embryos was assessed from
Abscisic acid the morphology, TG content, dry weight (DW) as well as
their ability to germinate and form plantlets in medium
Abbreviations ABA Abscisic acid · DW Dry weight · without growth regulators.
EDM Embryo development medium · EIM Embryo induc-
tion medium · TG Triglyceride · FW Fresh weight

Materials and methods

Introduction Embryogenesis

Pods of Arachis hypogaea L. cv. JL 24 were collected from Mahat-

Somatic embryos of oilseed crops show promise for pro- ma Phule Agricultural University, Pune, India. The pods were shelled
duction in vitro of lipids normally produced in cotyledons and somatic embryogenesis was induced in immature leaflets fol-
(Avjioglu and Knox 1989; Janick 1991; Pence et al. 1981). lowing the method described by Chengalrayan et al. (1994) (Fig. 1,
The presence of storage lipids (triglycerides; TGs) dem- steps 1, 2). These embryos were subjected to fresh embryo develop-
onstrated in cocoa (Pence et al. 1981), rapeseed (Avjioglu ment medium (EDM) with various supplements (Fig. 1, step 3). Af-
ter 4 weeks of incubation, the morphology, TG content and DW of
embryos were assessed (Fig. 1). The embryos cultured in EDM de-
void of growth regulators served as a control.
Communicated by G. Phillips
V. B. Mhaske · K. Chengalrayan · S. Hazra
Plant Tissue Culture Division, National Chemical Laboratory, Embryogenesis media and culture conditions
Pune 411008, India
Fax no: +91-212-349038 Embryo induction medium (EIM) comprised Murashige and Skoog’s
E-mail: basal medium (Murashige and Skoog 1962) supplemented with
Replicates of four to five such groups of embryos were taken for each
Immature leaflets treatment and the %DW was determined from the means of these
replicates. The data were analysed statistically using the F-test and
subsequently Student’s t-test. The values of TG %DW were deter-
mined from TG %FW and %DW.
STEP 1 4 weeks embryo induction medium

Embryogenic Mass Germination

STEP2 4 weeks embryo development The embryos cultured in various media for 4 weeks were transferred
to germination medium (Fig. 1, step 4) composed of half-strength
medium (EDM)
basal medium with 2% sucrose and 0.25% charcoal (Chengalrayan
et al. 1994). After incubation for 4 weeks in this medium, root and
Embryo shoot development responses were recorded.

STEP 3 4 weeks EDM with and without

Osmolalities recorded
Results and discussion
(for sucrose & osmotica )

Somatic embryos developed in EDM for 4 weeks showed

an increase in the accumulation of lipids from this stage
onwards (Mhaske and Hazra 1994). Therefore this point
a b c
was chosen to test the influence of sucrose, osmotica and
ABA on TG content, %DW and on the germination beha-
Morphology Triglyceride Dry weight viour of these embryos.

STEP 4 4 weeks Germination

medium Osmotica

Rooted embryos
Although it is generally incorporated in the culture me-
Fig. 1 Flowchart of various steps involved in the experiment and dium at a concentration of 2–6% as the primary carbon
the different parameters studied source, sucrose also acts as an osmoticum (Pence et al.
1981). Incorporation of increasing amount of sucrose in
the EDM elevated the osmolality from 283 mOsm/kg H2O
20 mg/l 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid and 0.175 M sucrose. EDM in 0.175 M to 974 mOsm/kg H2O in 0.730 M sucrose
was the same as EIM except that it contained 3 mg/l 2,4-dichloro-
phenoxyacetic acid. All media were solidified using 0.55% agar (Hi (Table 1). Precocious germination of the somatic embryos
Media, India). Prior to autoclaving, the pH of the media was adjust- observed on transfer to fresh medium of the same compo-
ed to 5.8. The osmolalities of the media with sucrose, mannitol or sition with 0.175 M sucrose noted in our previous study
sorbitol were measured by determining the dew point depression us- (Mhaske and Hazra 1994) was suppressed in the presence
ing a Wescor vapour pressure osmometer (Model 5500). Cultures
were incubated in a 16-h photoperiod at 25±2°C, under white fluo- of high sucrose concentrations. This effect was partial in
rescent light, intensity 32 µE/m2 per second. embryos cultured in 0.292 M and 0.438 M sucrose, which
only showed the emergence of root primordia. In 0.584 M
and 0.730 M sucrose, emergence of root primordia was sup-
Determination of TGs
pressed completely. Compared to the embryos in 0.175 M
The chemical determination of TG was based on a colorimetric meth- sucrose, TG %FW was higher in embryos grown at higher
od used for conifer calli (Feirer et al. 1989) and peanut tissues concentrations of sucrose (Table 1). The TG concentration
(Mhaske and Hazra 1994). The amount of TG was expressed as per- in peanut somatic embryos cultured in 0.175 M sucrose was
cent fresh tissue weight (%FW). The data were analysed using 8.07%FW whereas it was 12.64%FW and 12.74%FW in
Student’s t-test. Prior to this, the data sets were subjected to an
F-test. Where the F-test showed a significant difference between var- 0.584 M and 0.730 M sucrose, respectively. FW has been
iances, a modified t-test was performed (Snedecor and Cochran employed earlier to study the accumulation of storage re-
1967). The experiments using various media supplements were car- serves in somatic embryos (Burns and Wetzstein 1994;
ried out in batches. Each treatment was repeated three times and data Feirer et al 1989).
derived from these were pooled for statistical analysis.
Percent germination of the embryos decreased from
89.5% in 0.175 M sucrose to 77.3 and 57.8% in 0.584 M
Dry weights and 0.730 M sucrose, respectively. This decrease in the
frequency of germination could be due to toxic or detri-
Embryos cultured in various media were blotted free of adherent me-
dium, wrapped in preweighed aluminium foil and weighed. Each foil mental effects of using high concentrations of a permeat-
contained two to five embryos. These embryos were then dried in an ing osmoticum like sucrose. Similar toxic or detrimen-
oven adjusted to 60°C until constant weights were attained (48–72 h). tal effects can possibly be avoided by using a non-per-
Table 1 Effect of varying su-
crose concentrations on TG Concentration Osmolality TG TG Percentage
content and germination of pea- (M) (mOsm/kg (% fresh (% dry rooting in
nut somatic embryos. TG val- H2O) weight ± SE) weight ± SE) germination
ues with different superscripts medium
are significantly different at the
5% level using Student’s t-test 0.175 283 8.07 a ± 1.2 30.34 a * ± 4.3 89.5
(* indicates a modified t-test) (control)
0.292 393 9.82 a ± 0.8 29.16 a * ± 2.3 86.8
0.438 582 10.28 a ± 1.0 20.46 b * ± 2.0 79.5
0.584 792 12.64 b* ± 0.5 24.08 a * ± 1.0 77.3
0.730 974 12.74 b ± 1.4 24.33 a * ± 0.6 57.8

Table 2 Effect of mannitol

and sorbitol on TG content and Concentration Osmolality TG TG Percentage
germination of peanut somatic (M) (mOsm/kg (% fresh (% dry rooting in
embryos. TG values with dif- H2O) weight ±SE) weight ±SE) germination
ferent superscripts are signifi- medium
cantly different at the 5% level
using Student’s t-test Control 283 6.10 a ± 0.8 22.93 a ± 2.9 89.5
(* indicates a modified t-test) 0.2 mannitol 440 7.35 a * ± 1.3 22.18 a * ± 3.8 94.2
0.6 mannitol 961 8.28 a ± 0.8 20.6a * ± 1.9 76.9
0.2 sorbitol 474 5.78 a* ± 1.2 21.7a * ± 4.7 94.9
0.6 sorbitol 959 8.39 b ± 0.7 20.11 b ± 1.8 70.3

meating osmoticum such as polyethylene glycol (Attree not restricted. Although similar in osmolality to 0.730 M
et al. 1992). sucrose, 0.6 M mannitol and sorbitol were detrimental to
In our earlier experiments (Mhaske and Hazra 1994), embryos. The embryos appeared brown, stunted and ne-
the TG level in peanut somatic embryos was 7.9%FW af- crotic in all the media with osmolalities higher than
ter 4 weeks of incubation in EDM containing 6% sucrose, 792 mOsm/kg H2O. Compared to the control, the increase
and the germination frequency was 100% (Chengalrayan in TG determined in the presence of 0.2 M mannitol or sor-
et al. 1994). In the present experiments, the embryos in the bitol was not significant. In 0.6 M sorbitol, the increase in
set of controls with 0.175 M sucrose were in EDM for 8 in- TG %FW was significant at the 5% level whereas with
stead of 4 weeks. Although there was no alteration in TG mannitol it was not.
content or morphological appearance, the germination fre- Rooting frequency in germination medium remained
quency was reduced to 89.5%. This suggests that a longer similar to the control (94%) in embryos grown in 0.2 M
exposure of embryos even in 0.175 M sucrose restricted ra- mannitol and sorbitol whereas it was reduced to 76.9%
dicle emergence. This inhibitory effect of sucrose was pre- and 70% for 0.6 M mannitol and sorbitol, respectively
dominant in embryos cultured at higher concentrations. (Table 2). None of the embryos from 0.2 M or 0.6 M of
The restriction of radicle emergence was associated with either osmoticum developed shoots. Instead, callusing was
an increase in TG %FW. Sucrose osmolalities above observed around the middle region of the embryos cultured
792 mOsm/kg H2O were deleterious, causing browning in 0.6 M mannitol or sorbitol. At 0.6 M, with osmolalities
and necrosis of peanut somatic embryos. similar to that of medium with 0.730 M sucrose, there was
a reduction in germination frequencies and dedifferentia-
tion of the embryo, suggesting that increased storage lip-
Mannitol and sorbitol ids in the embryos did not improve the conversion fre-
quency of peanut somatic embryos.
There are very few reports on the accumulation of storage
lipids in somatic embryos under the influence of osmotica
(Avjioglu and Knox 1989; Pence et al. 1981). An increase ABA
in TG in somatic embryos of carrot (Dutta and Appelqvist
1989) and pecan (Burns and Wetzstein 1994) was noted in Both ABA and osmotica are known to promote synthesis
the presence of high levels of osmoticum. In the current of storage products in developing embryos (Skriver and
study, concentrations of 0.2 M and 0.6 M sorbitol and man- Mundy 1990; Xu and Bewley 1995). Compared to storage
nitol were chosen to obtain an osmolality within proteins, information on the accumulation of storage lip-
400–1000 mOsm/kg H2O. This is approximately the range ids (TG) in response to ABA is limited to a few studies
obtained with sucrose at different concentrations. The os- (Attree et al. 1992; Feirer et al. 1989). It is known that ABA
molalities attained with 0.2 M and 0.6 M mannitol and sor- influences the process of embryo maturation by restricting
bitol are included in Table 2. Morphological observations precocious germination and by inducing desiccation toler-
of the cultures did not reveal any marked difference in the ance (Compton and Gray 1993; Emons et al. 1993; Ooms
embryos grown in 0.2 M sorbitol or mannitol compared to et al. 1994). The present experiments with ABA were de-
the control. Moreover, the precocious germination was signed to determine the concentration at which TG accu-
Table 3 Effect of ABA on TG content and germination of peanut %DW increased significantly with an increase in sucrose
somatic embryos. TG values with different superscripts are signifi- concentration, reaching the optimum at 0.584 M sucrose.
cantly different at the 5% level using Student’s t-test (* indicates a
modified t-test) Raising the sucrose concentration to 0.730 M did not in-
crease the DW further, and morphologically the embryos
Concentration TG TG Percentage were brown and necrotic at this concentration. Similar ob-
(µM) (% fresh (% dry rooting in servations were noted for other osmotica. The %DW of
weight ± SE) weight ± SE) germination
embryos increased significantly in 0.6 M mannitol or sor-
bitol although the increase was not as large as in sucrose.
Control 8.62 a ± 0.9 32.38 a ± 3.2 89.5 At 0.6 M mannitol and sorbitol, the osmolalities were 961
1 7.72 a ± 0.8 32.28 a ± 3.4 72.1 and 959 mOsm/kg H2O. These were similar to the osmo-
10 11.14 a ± 1.2 36.58 a ± 4.0 90.2 lality of 974 mOsm/kg H2O attained with 0.730 M sucrose.
20 13.66 b ± 1.1 48.86 b ± 4.1 48.8
50 9.37 a ± 0.9 27.78 a ± 2.7 63.3 In spite of the similarities in osmolalities, the %DW of so-
100 10.95 a ± 0.9 26.14 a* ± 2.1 60.5 matic embryos cultured in 0.730 M sucrose was signifi-
cantly higher than the %DW attained with 0.6 M mannitol
or sorbitol. This observation further strengthens the hy-
mulation was altered and whether ABA helps in conver- pothesis that sucrose plays a dual role as both an osmoti-
sion of peanut embryos. The results (Table 3) indicated that cum and a carbon source in plant tissue culture (Pence
1 µM or 10 µM ABA did not significantly affect precocious et al. 1981).
germination or the TG content of peanut somatic embryos. In contrast to the response observed with increasing su-
A further increase in ABA to 20 µM restricted precocious crose concentrations, the %DW did not show a definite
germination and increased the TG content. Elevation of trend with the various concentrations of ABA (Table 4). In
ABA concentrations to 50 and 100 µM in the medium not microspore-derived embryos of Brassica (Pomeroy et al.
only restricted germination but also adversely affected TG 1994), exogenously supplied ABA enhanced oil accumu-
accumulation and the morphology of the embryos. Thus, lation on a DW basis although accumulation of dry matter
among the concentrations tested, 20 µM ABA was most ef- per embryo was markedly inhibited. Presumably accumu-
fective in stimulating maximum TG accumulation in pea- lation of seed reserves is subject to multiple regulatory
nut somatic embryos. The increase in TG was significant mechanisms, not all of which are affected by ABA (Fin-
compared to the control at the 5% level. kelstein and Somerville 1989).
On transfer to germination medium, the frequency of root The values of TG %DW were determined from TG
emergence of peanut somatic embryos precultured in the %FW and the %DW of the embryos. This was necessary
presence of 1 µM and 10 µM ABA remained unaffected, because TGs were estimated in fresh tissues using a de-
whereas in embryos cultured at higher concentrations it was structive method (Feirer et al. 1989). The data are presented
suppressed (Table 3). However, none of these embryos de- in Tables 1–3. Analysis of the data in Tables 1–4 indicates
veloped shoots to form plantlets. Even in the presence of that sucrose, osmotica and ABA influenced the accumula-
20 µM ABA, when the increase in TG content was signifi- tion of metabolic products in peanut somatic embryos in
cantly high, the embryos failed to give rise to plantlets. The different ways. In the presence of sucrose, although there
inability of high-TG-containing somatic embryos to convert was an increase in TG %FW (Table 1) and %DW (Table 4),
into plantlets could be attributed to inadequate desiccation. the proportion of TG %DW was reduced at 0.438 M,
As embryo quality improves, embryos require desiccation 0.584 M and 0.730 M concentrations. However, these dif-
to complete maturation and thereby germinate normally. ferences were not statistically significant except at
0.438 M, where TG %DW was significantly lower than in
the control. Therefore, whether the increase in %DW was
Embryo DWs due to accumulation of other metabolic products needs to
be investigated as sucrose is recognized as a metabolic
Comparison of the DW data of the embryos cultured in in- intermediate (Pence et al. 1981). The presence of alterna-
creasing concentrations of sucrose (Table 4) showed that tive osmotica increased the %DW of the peanut embryos

Table 4 Influence of various

treatments on %DW of peanut Sucrose %DW ± SE Osmoticum %DW ± SE ABA %DW ± SE
somatic embryos. Values with (M) (M) (µM)
different superscripts are signif-
icantly different at the 5% level 0.175 26.6 a ± 0.9 Control 26.6 a ± 0.9 Control 26.6 a ± 0.9
using Student’s t-test (control)
0.292 33.7 b ± 2.2 Mannitol 1 23.9 a ± 2.0
0.438 50.2 b ± 2.2 0.2 33.2 b ± 0.5 10 30.4 b ± 1.1
0.584 52.5 b ± 1.9 0.6 40.1 b ± 0.6 20 28.0 a ± 0.5
0.730 52.4 b ± 1.1 50 33.7 b ± 1.5
Sorbitol 100 41.9 b ± 1.2
0.2 26.6 a ± 0.9
0.6 38.7 b ± 1.5

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Acknowledgements We acknowledge C. S. I. R. (India) for grant- American Oil Chemists Society, Champaign, Ill, pp 76–103
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S. A. Paranjape, Department of Statistics, University of Pune, for her Mhaske VB, Hazra S (1994) Appearance of storage lipids (triglyce-
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