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Chapter 1: Addition

Character: Joe
Problem: How much does a bag Doritos weigh?
Equation: C + 65 = 93 Check:
- 65 -65 28 + 65 = 93
C = 28 93 = 93
Balance Object: Scale

One day Joe was hungry, so he grabbed a bag of his favorite chips, Doritos. When he
picked the bag up, it seemed heavier then before. So he decided to use a scale to find out how
much his bag of Doritos weighed. He put 93 pounds on one side, and on the other side he put
the bag of Doritos. The bag of chips wasn’t heavy enough to keep the scale balanced, so he
started adding weight to the side with the bag of Doritos until the Scale was balanced. He had to
add 65 pounds to the side with the chips before the scale was balanced. The scale now had 93
pounds on one side, and the bag of chips plus 65 pounds. To find the weight of the chips he
would have to remove 65 pounds from each side of the scale. He did this and when it was just
the bag of Doritos on the one side, the amount of weight on the other side was 28 pounds. The
bag of Doritos weighed 28 pounds.

Chapter 2: Subtract
Problem: What time is it?
Equation: t - 3 = 8 Check:
+3 +3 11 - 3 = 8
t = 11 8=8

Joe was watching TV while eating his bag of Doritos. When he got up to go to the
bathroom, he looked outside and saw it was dark. He wanted to know what time it was, but he
didn’t have a clock or a watch. He knew that he had been watching TV for 3 hours and that it
was 8:00 when he started watching TV. He wrote down an equation; t - 3 = 8. t represented the
current time of day and the - 3 showed three hours ago it was 8. He Knew if he did the inverse
operation, he would find what time it was. So he did t - 3 = 8
+3 +3
t = 11 t equaled 11, which
meant it was 11:00.

Chapter 3: 1 Step Multiplication

Problem: How much do Doritos cost?
Equation: C x 4 = 32 Check:
/4 /4 8 x 4 = 32
C=8 32 = 32

The next day Joe went to his pantry to grab another bag of Doritos. When he got there,
he realized there were no Doritos left! He was craving Doritos so he got in his car and drove to
the grocery store to buy a bag of Doritos. He went to the chip isle and saw Doritos were on sale.
He decided since they were on sale, he would buy 4 bags instead of one. When he got home he
wanted to see how much each individual bag costed, but he had lost the receipt. He
remembered it had costed 32 dollars for 4 bags of Doritos, so he divided 32 by 4. That equaled
8, which ment each bag had costed 8 dollars.

Chapter 4: 1 Step Division

Problem: How much weight has Joe gained in last Month?
Equation: 2(e/2) = (28)2 Check:
e = 56 56/2 = 28
28 = 28

It was almost the end of July so Joe decided to weigh himself to see if he had gained
any weight in the last month. When he stepped the scale he realized he was a lot heavier than
he was in June. His doctor told him to eat less Doritos last month so he had kept track of how
many pounds of Doritos he had eaten, but hadn’t kept track of the total weight of all the food he
was eating. He knew he eat the same amount of Doritos as other foods each time he eat. He
also knew he had eaten about 28 pounds of Doritos. He wrote an equation; e/2 = 28. e
represented the total amount of food he had eaten, and half of that amount equaled 28; the
amount of Doritos he had eaten. All he had to do was times the amount of Doritos he had eaten
by two to get the full amount of weight he gained from eating food. He did this and found out he
had gained 56 pounds of weight from eating.

Chapter 5: Two Step Multiplication

Problem: How much does half of Joe weigh?
Equation: 2h -10 = 212 Check:
+10 +10 2(111) -10 = 212
2h=222 222 -10 = 212
/2 /2 212=212
h = 111
Joe was mad that he had gained weight in July so he visited the Doctor’s office. When
he got to the doctor’s office he told the doctor he had gained too much weight and he wanted
him to saw some of it off. The Doctor said it would be against some heath rules but he could do
it. So the Doctor lead Joe to the Surgery room and grabbed his medical saw. He started sawing
Joe but then accidentally cut Joe in half! The Doctor was horrified, but knew what he needed to
do. To file a report that stated he had cut Joe in half, he needed half his weight. He dropped
Joe’s halves on the scale then remembered that he had sawed 10 pounds of weight off before
he cut him in half. So he knew he would have to add 10 pounds to get a accurate weight. He
wrote down his weight and then an equation; 2h-10 = 212. h represented half of his weight, and
the -10 shows how much the doctor sawed off before he cut him in half. The first thing he
needed to do was add 10 for the weight he had cut off. After he had done that he needed to
divide his full weight, 222, by 2 in order to get the weight of half of him. He did this and found
half of Joe’s body weighed 111 pounds.

Chapter 6: Two Step Division

Problem: How much does the new doctor cost?
Equation: C/2 +100 = 200 Check:
-100 -100 200/2 +100 = 200
2(C/2) = (100)2 100 +100 = 200
C = 200 200 = 200

After sawing Joe in half, the doctor started putting Joe back together. After an hour, Joe
was put back together. Joe drove back to his house, disappointed the doctor couldn’t remove
any weight. He grabbed a bag of Doritos and turned on the TV. When he turned it on there was
a commercial for a new Doctor’s office that was located close to Joe’s house. Joe thought
maybe this doctor is better than the doctor he has right now. He decided to visit it and see how
much it costed.

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