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story time how did i get lost?

When I was twelve years old, my family and I made a trip to

the city of Cartagena, we left from the city of Riohacha at ten
in the morning. Making a stopover in the city of Santa Marta
because it is part of the bus route to make the stop so that
people can have lunch or consume some food and then
continue. It is there that my family and I got off the bus and
went to the restaurant to order something to eat, but at that
moment I told one of my sisters that I wanted to go to the
bathroom and she told me that the bathroom was close by.
They waited for me there while the food arrived, well I went
to the bathroom there was a long line and I had to wait a
long time.
Approximately fifteen minutes passed and I was able to
enter the bathroom after leaving the bathroom. I had with me
a stuffed animal that I loved very much and I placed it under
the sink while I washed my hands with soap and water. Then
I came out of the bathroom when I got to the table where my
family was, we had lunch and from there the bus began to
beep for all the travelers to get on to continue the trip.My
mother was paying the bill for what we had consumed and at
that moment I according to my stuffed animal and I ran out
without telling anyone in my family and ran to the bathroom
and there was a line and they wouldn't let me pass because I
had to wait for my turn, meanwhile my family had already
boarded the bus, and they closed the doors from the bus
and I still had not recovered my stuffed animal, the bus
started and I was still waiting to go to the bathroom.
When I was finally able to go to the bathroom I asked the
lady who was there in the bathroom and she told me if of
course her stuffed animal is here and she gave it back to me
and I thanked her a lot and I ran again until I got to where
the bus had been parked but I am surprised when I arrive
and find no one.
At that time I began to cry inconsolably because I thought
that I would never see my family again.My sister tells me that
they realized that I was not there when they were leaving the
city of Santa Marta and they told the driver to return and
while they They were coming back I was crying and I
decided to go back to the lady in the bathroom and tell her
that I was lost and she took me to the guards at the bus
terminal and they questioned me to which I only replied that I
was afraid of not seeing my family but them They calmed me
down and made a couple of calls. About thirty minutes
passed when my family was back and I could see them
I hugged my mom very tightly and told her not to abandon
me again, it was very ugly to be alone.

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