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Holiday and celebration

Presentado por:
Martin Junior Quiroz Bermúdez


Mercy Casas


I.E.D Karl Parrish

The Barranquilla Carnival

The Barranquilla Carnival is the most

important folk and cultural festival in
Colombia. Every year this Caribbean city
becomes the meeting point for folkloric,
dance and musical expressions that
unleash the joy of locals and visitors.
This celebration brings together
emblematic expressions of the memory
and identity of the people of Barranquilla,
the Colombian Caribbean and the Rio
Grande de La Magdalena. Its mixture of
cultures that sustain who we are as a nation, its capacity for social mobilization that overcomes all
kinds of differences and its power of convocation is in the hearts of the people who make diversity a
reason for celebration and celebration that encourages art. popular and keep our past alive.

Great moments of Carnival

In the four days that the Barranquilla Carnival lasts, there are moments expected by all, such as the
Battle of Flowers, which consists of a parade of floats, comparsas, groups of dances and costumes.
All this is presided over by the Carnival
Queen, who dances and throws flowers at
the spectators, while she is accompanied
by a court of princes and princesses.
Something that makes the Battle of the
Flowers very special is that it is animated
by the most traditional characters of the
Carnival mythology, such as King Momo,
María Moñitos and the Caimán Man, who
put flavor and rhythm so that you enjoy
the most of this event.
Another key moment of the Barranquilla
Carnival is, of course, its closing, in which Joselito Carnaval, the most representative character of
the party and the joy of the Caribbean coast, is symbolically buried.
At his funeral, Joselito is mourned and symbolically buried by happy widows who celebrated the
best of Carnival with him. This impressive culmination ends a four-day celebration that has taken
place every year since the 19th century and that has made Barranquilla a destination for all lovers of
rhythm, dance, color and culture.
So don't miss the impressive Barranquilla Carnival, because, as its motto says, "Whoever lives it is
who enjoys it!"
Lectura del bando
It is the event that officially starts the Carnival. In
medieval times, the kings to modify or create a new
law, went to the city squares and took out a scroll
calling bando, which was read aloud so that the
citizens would find out about the new rules that were
going to begin govern. La Lectura del Bando in
Barranquilla is a symbolic act in which the
Barranquilleros meet in the Plaza de la Paz and the
Queen reads a scroll with the decrees that declare
free access to enjoy, dance, party and enjoy the festivities. There is a previous choreographic show
in which the queen and her dancers make a sample of the main folkloric rhythms and then there are
invited artists and singers to the delight of the attendees.

Batalla de flores
It is the main parade of the Carnival and the
oldest. It is always done on Carnival
Saturday. It was born from the idea of
celebrating the end of The Thousand Day
War in 1903. The first flower battle is
described as a game in which two groups of
people faced off "shooting" streamers,
natural flowers and perfumes as a
Currently, floats made by artisans from the department parade, and celebrities, artists, singers, etc.
gather. to parade on via 40 which is the place where the parade passes. The folkloric groups that
parade in the Battle of Flores, are the winners of the gold Congo of the previous year, that is, in this
2016, they will parade in the Battle of Flores, the best groups of 2015.

Joselito Carnival
Fantastic character that represents the carnival spirit.
It is said that Joselito is a barranquillero, womanizer,
drinker, who enjoys and enjoys the events of pre-
carnivals and carnivals. In fact, there is so much
celebration that because it takes so much, Shrove
Tuesday - the last day of the party - dies to represent
that the carnival has ended and only reappears the
following year when the festival begins again.

Joselito leaves with the ashes

Final parade of the Barranquilla Carnival. Theater groups represent the death of Joselito, he has
many women who mourn his departure, but his main widow is the queen of the carnival. Folk
groups parade and dance to say goodbye to one more carnival. It is called this because it is the
Tuesday before Ash Wednesday.

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