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Analysis of micro nutrients

[Minerals part II]

Presented by
Palupi E
Oct 2013
Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB
Why mineral analysis?
 Mandatory nutritional labeling
Nutrition Labelling and Education Act of 1990 (NLEA):
• Na, Fe, Ca  hypertension, anemia, osteoporosis
• Others  nutrient claim on the label
 Functional importance
 Bioavailability
Ex: Fresh milk vs cottage cheese (Ca)
Removing of brand layer of grain kernel (Zn, Mn, Cr, Co)
 Enrichment law of flour (Fe)
 Fortification: I into salt
 Mineral content of water used in food processing
Excessive of minerals  clouding of beverages;
Hardness and softness of water  texture of fruits and vegetables
 To analyze the effect of processing into the mineral content
 Need rapid and accurate analysis method
Sources: Belitz et al. 2009, p. 421; Miller 1996, p. 629ff; Nielsen 2010, p. 203
AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 2 2/49
1 Sample preparation
2 Methods
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration
2.2 Precipitation titration
2.3 Colorimetric methods
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes (ISE)
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS) and
atomic emission spectroscopy (AES)

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 3/49
Introduction of the technique
Basic: separation  measurement
1. Direct measurements
Specific separation  fundamental stoichiometric relationships
• Complexometric titrations
• Precipitation titrations
Non-specific separation: ashing, acid extraction
• Colorimetry
• AAS and AES
2. Surrogate measurements (diwakili)
• Absorbance of a chromogen–mineral complex

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 204

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 4/49
1 Sample preparation
Some considerations
1. Ensure a well-mixed and representative sample and to make the sample
ready for the procedure to follow
2. Interferences:
• Contamination
• Sample matrix
• Analytical methods
• Reagents, solvents
• pH: influence the reaction
• Temperature: depend on the measured mineral

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 205

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 5/49
1 Sample preparation
Major concern!  contamination during sample preparation

Some contamination sources (3):

1. Comminution
• Grinding or chopping, metallic instruments for mixing
• Add significant mineral to samples
• Should be performed using nonmetallic instruments or
instruments not composed of the sample mineral
Ex: Analysis of Fe of meat  aluminum grinder for comminution
2. Glassware used in sample preparation and analysis
• Should be scrupulously cleaned using acid washes and triple
rinsed in the purest water

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 204

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 6/49
1 Sample preparation
3. Purest reagents
• Solvents, including water, can contain significant quantities of
• Use the purest reagents available
• Constraint: cost  use reagent blank

Reagent blank
 Sample of reagents used in the sample analysis, quantitatively the
same as that used in the sample but without any of the material
being analyzed
 Representing the sum of the mineral contamination in the
reagents, is then subtracted from the sample values to more
accurately quantify the mineral

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 205

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 7/49
1 Sample preparation
Some other solutions:
• Extracting from food matrix: ashing, acid extraction
• Isolating sample mineral or remove interfering minerals: selective
precipitations or ion exchange resins
• Removing carbonates in water (case of traditional method): boiling
• Using standard curve containing interfering elements known to be in
the food sample
Ex: Ca analysis from a food sample  standard curve: a background
matrix solution of the known levels of Na, K, Mg, P should be
used to prepare the calcium standards
• Using a series of sample mineral spikes added to the food sample as
a standard curve
Spike  is a small volume of a concentrated standard that is added
to the sample

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 205

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 8/49
1 Sample preparation
Some application of preparation according to the analytical method
• Near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS 700-2500nm)
 allows for mineral estimation without destruction of the food matrix
• Traditional methods
 generally require that the minerals be freed from organic matrix
• Water samples
 minerals analysis with minimun sample preparation (just boiling)

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 205

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 9/49
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration
2.2 Precipitation titration
2.3 Colorimetric methods
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes
2.5 AAS and AES

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 10/49
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration
• Hexadentate ligand ethylenediaminetetraacetate (EDTA) forms
stable 1:1 complexes with numerous mineral ions  titration
• Stability of mineral–EDTA complexes increases with valence of the
ion (depend on the mineral)
• Complexation equilibrium is strongly pH dependent: must be
• Decreasing pH the chelating sites of EDTA become protonated 
decreasing its effective concentration
• Calmagite and Eriochrome Black T (EBT)  indicators that change
from blue to pink when they complex with Ca or Mg
• Endpoint is detected as the color changes from pink to blue

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 205

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 11/49
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration
• pH must be 10 or more for Ca or Mg  stable complexes with EDTA
• Sharpness of the endpoint increases with increasing pH
• Mg and Ca precipitate as their hydroxides at pH 12, and titration pH
should probably be no more than 11 to ensure their solubility
 EDTA complexometric titration of Ca and Mg is specified at pH 10 ±
0.1 using an ammonia buffer

If the ammonia buffer is pH 11.5 rather than pH 10 in the EDTA
complexometric titration to determine the hardness of water, would you
expect to overestimate or underestimate the hardness? Explain your
How if the pH is lower?

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 205

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 12/49
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration
• Testing Ca and Mg  indicator of water hardness (Method 2340)
• Ca in ash of fruits and vegetables (AOAC Method 968.31)
• Other foods that have Ca without appreciable Mg or P
• Rapid water hardness application  test strips impregnated with
Calmagite and EDTA (e.g., AquaChek, Environmental Test Systems,
Inc., a HACH Company, Elkhart, IN). The strips are dipped into the
water to test for total hardness caused by Ca and Mg. The Ca
displaces the magnesium bound to EDTA, and the released
magnesium binds to Calmagite, causing the test strip to change

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 206

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 13/49
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration
Determination of water hardness
 total of Ca and Mg in the presence of Calmagite (expressed as CaCO3 mg/L)
• Ca–Calmagite complex is not stable, and Ca alone cannot be
titrated using the Calmagite indicator
• Calmagite becomes an effective indicator  if the buffer solution (a
small amount of neutral magnesium salt) and enough EDTA is
included to bind all Mg
• Upon mixing sample into the buffer solution, Ca in the sample
replaces the magnesium bound to EDTA
• Free Mg binds to Calmagite, and the pink Mg–Calmagite complex
persists until all Ca in the sample has been titrated with EDTA
• First excess of EDTA removes Mg from Calmagite and produces a
blue endpoint
Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 206
AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 14/49
2.1 EDTA complexometric titration

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 206

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 15/49
2.2 Precipitation titration
 When at least one product of a titration reaction is an insoluble
• Long times necessary for complete precipitation
• Failure of the reaction to yield a single product of definite composition
• Lack of an endpoint indicator for the reaction
Two methods
1. Mohr method for chloride
 Direct or forward titration method
 Based on the formation of an orange-colored solid (silver chromate),
after silver from silver nitrate has complexed with all the available Cl

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 206

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 16/49
2.2 Precipitation titration
Mohr Titration of Salt in Butter (AOAC Method 960.29)
• Salt in foods may be estimated by titrating the chloride ion with silver.
• The orange endpoint in this reaction occurs only when all chloride ion is
complexed, resulting in an excess of silver to form the colored silver
• The endpoint of this reaction is therefore at the first hint of an orange
• When preparing reagents for this assay, use boiled water to avoid
interferences from carbonates in the water.

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 207

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 17/49
2.2 Precipitation titration

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 207

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 18/49
Case study
A 10-g food sample was dried, then ashed, and analyzed for salt (NaCl)
content by the Mohr titration method (AgNO3 + Cl → AgCl). The weight of the
dried sample was 2 g, and the ashed sample weight was 0.5 g. The entire
ashed sample was titrated using a standardized AgNO3 solution. It took 6.5 ml
of the AgNO3 solution to reach the endpoint, as indicated by the red color of
Ag2CO4 when K2CrO4 was used as an indicator. The AgNO3 solution was
standardized using 300mg of dried KCl as described in Fig. 12-2. The corrected
volume of AgNO3 solution used in the titration was 40.9 ml. Calculate the salt
(NaCl) content of the original food sample as percent NaCl (wt/wt).

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 213

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 19/49
2.2 Precipitation titration
2. Volhard method
 indirect or back-titration method in which an excess of a standard
solution of silver nitrate is added to a chloride-containing sample
 The excess silver is then back-titrated using a standardized solution of
potassium or ammonium thiocyanate with ferric ion as an indicator.
 The amount of silver that is precipitated with chloride in the sample
solution is calculated by subtracting the excess silver from the original
silver content.

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 206f

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 20/49
2.2 Precipitation titration
Volhard Titration of Chloride in Plant Material
(AOAC Method 915.01)
• Water must be boiled to minimize errors due to interfering carbonates,
because the solubility product of silver carbonate is much less than the
solubility product of silver chloride
• Once chloride is determined by titration, the chloride weight is multiplied
by 1.648 to obtain salt weight, if salt content is desired

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 207

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 21/49
2.2 Precipitation titration

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 208

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 22/49
2.2 Precipitation titration
• Well suited for any foods that may be high in chlorides
• Added salt in processed cheeses and meats
• Automatic precipitation titrations
- Salt content of potato chips is simply doing a Mohr titration
- Quantab R chloride titration used in AOAC Method 971.19 
adaptation of the principles involved in the Mohr titration method 
allows for very rapid quantitation of salt in food products and is
accurate to ±10% over a range of 0.3–10% NaCl in food products

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 207

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 23/49
2.3 Colorimetric methods
Chromogens + compound of interest  colored product  light absorption
• Chromogens  selectively react with a wide variety of minerals
• Concentration of mineral  from a standard curve
• In some cases it is possible to directly calculate concentration based on
molar absorptivity of the chromogen–mineral complex
• Samples generally must be ashed or treated in some other manner to
isolate and/or release the minerals from organic complexes that inhibit
their reactivity with the chromogen
• Mineral of interest must be solubilized from a dry ash to prevent its
• Soluble mineral may need to be treated (reduced or oxidized) to ensure
that all mineral is in a form that reacts with the chromogen
• Ideally, the chromogen reacts rapidly to produce a stable product
• Time constraints: color development and reading of absorbance

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 208

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 24/49
2.3 Colorimetric methods
Determination of Fe in Meat
• Absorption at 562nm is converted to Fe concentration  standard curve
• Ratio of heme iron to total iron  bioavailable.
• Ferrozine reagent only reacts with ferrous iron, and not ferric.
• Addition of ascorbic acid in the second to last step is necessary to convert
all ionic iron to the detectable ferrous form
• Repeating the procedure with and without ascorbic acid allows
determination of total and ferrous ionic iron, respectively
• Ferric iron is calculated by difference

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 209

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 25/49
2.3 Colorimetric methods

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 209

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 26/49
2.3 Colorimetric methods
• Wide variety of minerals in food
• Often a viable alternative to AAS and other methods
• Colorimetric methods generally are very specific and usually can be
performed in the presence of other minerals, thereby avoiding extensive
separation to isolate the mineral of interest
• They are particularly robust and often immune to matrix effects that can
limit the usefulness of other methods for mineral analysis
• With minimal effort and expense, many colorimetric methods will perform
with precision and accuracy similar to that obtained by AAS

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 209

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 27/49
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes
• Electrodes  selective measurement of various cations & anions
• Ex: Br, Ca, Cl, F, Na, K, S
• Ion-selective sensor is placed such that it acts as a “bridging electrode”
between two reference electrodes carefully designed to produce a
constant and reproducible potential.
• Sensor  many forms: glass, single crystal, precipitate based, solvent
• Exact mechanism(s) of charge transport across the sensor is not
completely understood  analogy to the response of billiard balls to an
• Nernst equation ….

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 209

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 28/49
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 209

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 29/49
Case study
What is the original concentration of copper in a 100-ml sample that shows a
potential change of 6mV after the addition of 1 ml of 0.1M Cu(NO3)2?

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 213

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 30/49
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes
• Inside surface of sensor  negative reference electrode (anode)
• Outside surface of sensor  positive reference electrode (cathode)
• Sample ion activity of the internal solution is fixed  the potential varies
across the sensor depending solely on the activity of sample ion in the
sample solution
• Nernst equation, the potential of the outside sensor surface increases by
0.059/nV (where n is the number of electrons involved in the half reaction
of the sample ion) for each tenfold increase in activity of a mineral cation
and vice versa
• The changes have a direct effect on the overall ISE

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 210

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 31/49
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes
• Salt and nitrate in processed meats
• Salt content of butter and cheese
• Ca in milk
• Na in low-sodium ice cream
• Carbon dioxide in soft drinks
• K and Na in beverage
• Nitrate in canned vegetables.
• Foods containing <100mg Na/100 g (AOAC International 976.25)

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 211f

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 32/49
2.4 Ion-selective electrodes
• Ability to measure many anions and cations directly
• Relatively simple compared to most other analytical techniques
• Independent of sample volume when making direct measurements, while
turbidity, color, and viscosity are all of no concern

• Inability to measure below 2–3 ppm, although there are some electrodes
that are sensitive down to 1 part per billion
• At low levels of measurement (below 10−4 M), the electrode response
time is slow
• Some electrodes have had a high rate of premature failure or a short
operating life and possible excessive noise characteristics

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 212

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 33/49
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy
• All elements in periodic chart may be determined with this method
• AAS quantifies the absorption of electromagnetic radiation by well-
separated neutral atoms in the gaseous state : ground state (ions: low
energy) absorb energy from radiation  excited state
• AES measures emission of radiation from atoms excited by heat or other
means: excited state (neutral) emit energy  ground state (low)
• Well suited for analytical measurements because atomic spectra consist of
discrete lines, and every element has a unique spectrum
•  Individual elements can be identified and quantified accurately and
precisely even in the presence of atoms of other elements

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 423

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 34/49
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy
Sample preparation: Atomization
• Requires that analyzed element in the atomic state (not combined with
other elements in a compound) and well separated in space
• In foods: all elements are present as compounds or complexes
 Must be converted to neutral atoms: atomized

Stage of atomization
• Separating particles into individual molecules (vaporization)
• Breaking molecules into atoms
• Accomplished by exposing the analyte to high T (flame /plasma)
• A solution (analyte) is introduced into the flame as a fine mist
• Solvent quickly evaporates, leaving solid particles of the analyte that
vaporize and decompose to atoms that may absorb radiation or emit

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 424

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 35/49
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy
• Therefore sample preparation usually involves destroying the organic
matter by dry ashing (heating the sample to about 500◦C to burn off the
organicmatter) or wet ashing (heating the sample in nitric acid and
perchloric acid) followed by dissolution of the ash in dilute acid
• Once the sample is dissolved, it is introduced into the instrument by
aspirating the solution into a flame or plasma where it encounters very
high temperatures (1700–3000◦C for flames and 6000–7000◦C for
• Nearly all compounds or salts introduced into the flame or plasma are
decomposed to atoms
• These atoms are well separated, are in the gaseous state, and are mostly
neutral in a flame but a high fraction of them lose an electron and become

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 424ff

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 36/49
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 426

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 37/49
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy
Flame AAS
• Nebulizer–burner system  convert sample solution into an atomic vapor
• Sample must be in aqueous solution
• Sample solution  nebulized (dispersed into tiny droplets), mixed with
fuel and an oxidant, and burned in a flame (oxidation of fuel by oxidant)
• Atoms and ions are formed within the flame as analyte compounds are
decomposed by the high temperatures
• Common oxidant–fuel combinations : air-acetylene and nitrous
• Adding cesium, an element with low ionization energy, to the sample will
suppress ionization of other elements in the sample

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 423

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 38/49
2.5 Atomic absorption spectroscopy
• Once the sample is atomized in the flame, its quantity is measured by
determining the attenuation of a beam of radiation passing through the
• Specific measurement by selecting the radiation source  the emitted
radiation contains an emission line that corresponds to one of the most
intense lines in the atomic spectrum of the element being measured
• Usually one of the strongest spectral lines is chosen
Ex: Na  wavelength of 589.0 nm
• The amount of radiation absorbed by the sample is given by Beer’s law
• In practice: concentration is calculated from standard curve

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 423

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 39/49
Case study
Your company manufactures and markets an enriched all-purpose flour
product. You purchase a premix containing elemental iron powder, riboflavin,
niacin, thiamin, and folate which you mix with your flour during milling. You
specified to the supplier that the premix be formulated so that when added
to flour at a specified rate, the concentration of added iron is 20 mg/lb flour.
However, you have reason to believe that the iron concentration in the
premix is too low so you decide to analyze your enriched flour using your new
atomic absorption spectrometer. Current FDA guidelines for enriched flour
specify that the iron concentration should be 20 mg/lb:
37.165 (accessed 6/18/2009). You follow the following protocol to determine
the iron concentration.

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 423

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 40/49
Case study
(a) Weigh out 10.00 g of flour, in triplicate
(b) Transfer the flour to an 800-ml Kjeldahl flask
(c) Add 20 ml of deionized water, 5 ml of concentrated H2SO4, and 25 ml of
concentrated HNO3
(d) Heat on a Kjeldahl burner in a hood until white SO3 fumes form
(e) Cool, add 25 ml of deionized water, and filter quantitatively into a 100-ml
volumetric flask. Dilute to volume
(f) Prepare iron standards with concentrations of 2, 4, 6, 8, and 10 mg/l
(g) Install an iron hollow cathode lamp in your atomic absorption
spectrometer and turn on the instrument and adjust it according to
instructions in the operating manual
(h) Run your standards and each of your ashed samples and record the
Calculate the iron concentration in each of your replicates, express as mg
Fe/lb flour!
Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 423
AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 41/49
Case study

Source: Miller and Rutzke 2010, p. 423

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 42/49
Considerations for mineral analysis
1. Method performance:
• Accuracy, sensitivity, detection limit, specificity, and interferences.
• Information on method performance is available from the collaborative studies
referenced with officialmethods.
2. Cost per analysis
3. Equipment availability
4. Analytical time compared to analytical volume
• Small laboratory with skilled analytical personnel  traditional methods can be
carried out rapidly, with accuracy, and at minimal costs
• Large number of samples  AAS or AES
• The graphite furnace on AAS is capable of sensitivity in the parts per billion
range  beyond the limits of the traditional methods
• Most minerals of practical concern in the food industry, this degree of
sensitivity is not required.
• Modern instrumentation  expensive and beyond the financial resources of
many quality assurance laboratories

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 212

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 43/49
Case study
1. What is the major concern in sample preparation for specific mineral
analysis? How can this concern be addressed?
2. If the ammonia buffer is pH 11.5 rather than pH 10 in the EDTA
complexometric titration to determine the hardness of water, would you
expect to overestimate or underestimate the hardness? Explain your
3. This chapter includes descriptions of the EDTA complexometric titration
method and ISE methodology for quantifying calcium. Differentiate these
techniques with regard to the principles involved, and discuss primary
advantages and disadvantages of these two techniques.
4. The Mohr and Volhard titration methods often are used to determine the
NaCl content of foods. Compare and contrast these two methods, as you
explain the principles involved.
5. In a back-titration procedure, would overshooting the endpoint in the
titration cause an over- or underestimation of the compound being
quantified? Explain your answer.

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 212f

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 44/49
Case study
6. Describe how and why to employ standards in background matrix, spikes,
and reagent blanks.
7. Explain the principles of using an ISE to measure the concentration of a
particular inorganic element in food. List the factors to control, consider,
or eliminate for an accurate measure of concentration by the ISE method.
8. You have decided to purchase an ISE to monitor the sodium content of
foods produced by your plant. List the advantages this would have over
the Mohr/Volhard titration method. List the problems and disadvantages
of ISE that you should anticipate.
9. What factors should be considered in selecting a specific method for
mineral analysis for a food product?

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 213

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 45/49
Case study
1. If a given sample of food yields 0.750 g of silver chloride in a gravimetric
analysis, what weight of chloride is present?
2. A 25-g food sample was dried, then ashed, and finally analyzed for salt
(NaCl) content by the Volhard titration method. The weight of the dried
sample was 5 g, and the ashed sample weighed 1 g. Then 30 ml of 0.1N
AgNO3 was added to the ashed sample, the resultant precipitate was
filtered out, and a small amount of ferric ammonium sulfate was added
to the filtrate. The filtrate was then titrated with 3 ml of 0.1N KSCN to a
red endpoint.
(a) What was the moisture content of the sample, expressed as percent
H2O (wt/wt)?
(b) What was the ash content of the sample, expressed as percent ash
(wt/wt) on a dry weight basis? (c) What was the salt content of the
original sample in terms of percent (wt/wt) NaCl? (molecular weight Na =
23; molecular weight Cl = 35.5)

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 213

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 46/49
Case study
3. Colorimetric analysis (a) You are using a colorimetric method to determine the
concentration of Compound A in your liquid food sample. This method allows a sample
volume of 5 ml. This volume must be held constant but can comprise diluted standard
solution and water. For this standard curve, you need standards that contain 0, 0.25,
0.50, 0.75, and 1.0mg of Compound A. Your stock standard solution contains 5 g/L of
Compound A. Devise a dilution scheme(s) for preparing the samples for this standard
curve that could be followed by a lab technician. Be specific. In preparing the dilution
scheme, use no volumes less than 0.5 ml. (b) You obtain the following absorbance
values for your standard curve:

Construct a standard curve and determine the equation of the line.

(c) A 5-ml sample is diluted to 500 ml, and 3 ml of this solution is analyzed as per the
standard samples; the absorbance of 0.50 units at 500 nm. Use the equation of the line
calculated in part (b) and information about the dilutions to calculate what the
concentration is of Compound A in your original sample in terms of g/L.

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 213

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 47/49
Case study
4. Compound X in a food sample was quantified by a colorimetric assay. Use
the following information and Beer’s law to calculate the content of
Compound X in the food sample, in terms of mg Compound X/100 g
(a) A 4-g sample was ashed.
(b) Ashed sample was dissolved with 1 ml of acid and the volume brought
to 250 ml.
(c) A 0.75-ml aliquot was used in a reaction in which the total volume of
the sample to be read in the spectrophotometer was 50 ml.
(d) Absorbance at 595nm for the sample was 0.543.
(e) The absorptivity constant for the reaction (i.e., extinction coefficient)
was known to be 1574L/M cm.
(f) Inside diameter of cuvette for spectrophotometer was 1 cm.

Source: Ward and Carpenter 2010, p. 213

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 48/49
Ward RE and Carpenter CE. 2010. Traditional methods for mineral analysis. In: Nielsen
SS. 2010. Food analysis. 4th Ed. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC: New York,
Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London.
Nielsen SS. 2010. Food analysis: Laboratory manual. 2nd Ed. Springer Science +
Business Media, LLC: New York, Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London.
Winarno FG. 1997. Kimia pangan dan gizi. PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama: Jakarta.
Belitz H-D, Grosch W, Schieberle P. 2009. Food Chemistry. 4th revised and extended
Edition. Springer-Verlag: Berlin, Heidelberg.
Miller DD. 1996. Minerals . In: Fennema OR. 1996. Food Chemistry. 3rd Ed. Marcel
Dekker, Inc. : New York, Basel, Hongkong.
AOAC International.
Miller DD and Rutzke MA. 2010. Atomic absorption spectroscopy, atomic emission
spectroscopy, and inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry. In: Nielsen SS.
2010. Food analysis. 4th Ed. Springer Science + Business Media, LLC: New York,
Dordrecht, Heidelberg, London.

AZG team – Department of Community Nutrition – Faculty of Human Ecology – IPB 49/49

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