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I want all of you to know that I do all of this for you, and that I'm trying hard

not to discriminate on who I help. I do all of this from my love of sharing, and I
obviously don't make a dime from doing any of this, in-fact I spend money to
release this information to you guys! I can be contacted on the pirate bays
official forum under the username Medbay.

Now that has been reorganized in 2020, some of my torrents don't
show when you search my name so I'm going to give you a brief guide on how to use
the search bar.

user:medbay:1 make sure the user has a lowercase u. The 1 at the end indicates the
page number, and for some reason my page numbers don't show at the bottom of the
screen anymore after the update. To scroll through my torrents you will just change
the 1 to a 2, and then to a 3, 4, 5, 6, etc...

Stay informed and get all your news from

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