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Classroom Management Plan

1. Sit in body basics!... The student’s eyes are directed at the teacher, ears are listening,
lips are closed, hands are folded on top of the desk, and feet are quiet.
2. Keep your hands, feet, and objects to yourself
3. Listen when others are speaking
4. Be respectful of school and other’s property
5. Be kind and courteous

1. Lunch with the teacher: Students can earn lunch with the teacher where they come to
the cafeteria and sit with the student.
2. Fidget toys: Students can earn a fidget toy to keep in their desk and use during
independent work.
3. Extra time tickets: Students can earn a ticket that gives them extra time to turn in
assignments. If an assignment is late, they can attach one of these tickets and not lose
late points.
4. Open mic: Students can share a poem, toy, story, or any other thing with the class.
5. Sit with a friend: Students can move seats to sit near a friend for the day.
6. Choose fun Friday game: Students can choose a class game for fun Friday.

1. Lose 5 minutes of recess: The entire class can lose five minutes off of recess.
2. Sit out of fun activity: A student can sit out of a fun Friday or extra activity due to
behavior issues.
3. Move seats: If students are not behaving, they can move seats to sit away from their
friends. They will either be moved to the front of the class or near the teacher’s desk.
4. Note home: The teacher will write a note home to the parents explaining the student’s

Classroom-wide rewards:
1. Extra 5 minutes of recess: The entire class can earn extra recess time due to overall
behavior and work ethic.
2. Music time: The class can listen to music during independent work.
3. Comfy day: Students can bring in a blanket and wear PJs for the day.
4. Escape room: The class can do an escape room on the smartboard at the end of the day.
5. Kahoot: The class can play a Kahoot game at the end of the day.
6. 5-minute social time: The class can earn 5 minutes to chat with their friends.
7. Choose the teacher’s outfit: The teacher will select 3 shirt options, 3 bottom options, 3
shoe options, and 3 accessory options for students to choose from. The class will vote
on the outfit the teacher will wear on Friday. Choose a couple crazy options to make it
Quieting a class:
1. Doorbell: Buy a wireless doorbell and place at the front of the classroom. Teacher rings
the doorbell for students to quiet down and bring their attention to the front.
2. Call & Response: Teacher will call out different sayings and the students will respond
followed by a silence.
a. Example 1: “1, 2, 3 eyes on me! – 1, 2 eyes on you!”
b. Example 2: “Alright stop! – Collaborate and listen!”
c. Example 3: “Class, class, class – yes, yes, yes” The students respond in the exact
way the teacher said it.
3. Pop a marshmallow in: The teacher calls out to students to pop a marshmallow into
their mouth. The students will puff up their cheeks as if they had a marshmallow in their
mouths. When teaching students this, bring in marshmallows for them to see how
difficult it would be to talk with a marshmallow in your mouth!
4. Quiet Spray: Fill an empty spray bottle with lavender mineral oil. Label the bottle as
quiet spray. Spray the room with the spray to alert students to quiet down.

How students should ask for help:

1. Questions marks: Each student will have a laminated question mark card. The cards will
have a Velcro strip on the back and one on the front of their desk. These cards will be
kept in their pencil boxes. When a student has a question, they will take the question
card out of their pencil box and stick it to the front of their desk. They will continue
working until the teacher can get to their desk and answer their question.
2. Ask 3 before me: Students should ask 3 classmates their question(s) before asking the
teacher. This teaches students that there are multiple resources as well as creates
relationships between students. The teacher will not always be available and cannot
stop class constantly to answer questions.

How students should pass in papers:

1. Homework bins: There will be a turn-in bin by the door of the classroom. Students will
come into the class in the morning and turn their assignments into the bin.

A few ways to transition:

1. Clapping: When working at centers, the teacher will do a series of claps and the
students will repeat the claps to signal switching of centers. Once the centers are
finished, the teacher will clap three times and students will follow with two claps.
2. Beat the timer: The teacher will set a kitchen timer at the end of a subject. The students
will have to put those materials away and get the next subject’s materials out before the
timer goes off. If students beat the timer, the class will get a point represented by a tally
on the board. If the students are not quick enough, the teacher will get a point. If the
teacher wins at the end of the day, the students will have extra homework. If the
students win, they will have less homework for the evening.
3. Sing a song: The teacher will begin singing the song “Heigh-Ho” when transitioning from
schoolwork to the end of the day. It begins “Heigh-Ho! Heigh-Ho!” then students will
respond “It’s home from school we go!” This will be followed by whistling.
A few ways to begin the day:
1. Morning Music: Students will come in the classroom to soft, piano music playing. The
students are to quietly go about their morning routines.
2. Turn in homework: Students will turn in any assignments from the day before into the
bin near the door.
3. Reading: While the students are waiting for the entire class to come in and sit down,
they can read a book from their bins next to their desk.
4. Morning Yoga: The teacher will lead the students in breathing exercises and a few
stretches to prepare them for the day.

A few ways to end the day:

1. Read a chapter: The teacher will read a chapter from a chapter book at the end of each
2. Reflection: Students will take a few minutes to write in their journals about the day.
These are their personal journals where they can write how they were feeling that day,
something they struggled with, or something they enjoyed. It is a free write time that
gives them practice with writing as well as a release of the day’s emotions and events.
3. Plan for tomorrow: The teacher will go over the following day’s agenda with the
students to prepare them for what they will learn the next day.
4. Watch a video: The students will watch a video from National Geographic, Bill Nye,
BrainPOP, or a GoNoodle to end the day.

I will use a clip chart. Clip charts work for students who need to see their behaviors compared
to other students. Sometimes a student needs to realize they are the only one not performing
good behaviors in order for change to happen. The clip chart will have five colors. All students
will begin on green which will say “You’re having a good day!” The blue will be right above
green saying “You’re having a great day!” with purple as the highest saying “You’re having a
fantastic day!” Below green, orange will say “Don’t stop now. Turn your day around!” Red will
say “Tomorrow is a new day to start over.” Students who are on purple can earn a reward at
the end of the day. Students who end the day on red will have a letter sent home to the

I lean more towards the teacher being in charge of the classroom. I tend to be more passive
towards students and I need to be firm yet fair. I want to set expectations for my classroom at
the beginning of the year, so students are aware of how the room is run. On page 48, Wong
writes that clear rules for a classroom will promote consistency. I personally prefer a consistent
and organized routine and structure when working. I will begin the year with more specific rules
as defined by Wong. This way I can prevent disruptive behaviors that may occur during
teaching. Later in the year I will be able to move these specific rules to more general rules once
students understand the expected behaviors.
The Lord has placed laws and rules for his followers. Several of these rules are very specific with
consequences in place. Even with these rules, God is forgiving and just. He loves us and offers
us the opportunity to ask for forgiveness. I want to exemplify this in my classroom. I want there
to be rules in place with consequences if they are broken, but I want my students to know that
they can be forgiven. I want to be fair and just within my own classroom as God is with
humanity. I want to teach my students to be respectful of others and compassionate. I want to
model the fruits of the Spirit for my students so they can adapt those qualities and take them
into the world. Most importantly, I want to create relationships with my students where they
feel comfortable and cared for. I want to support and encourage them in and out of my

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