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coming in going out

Column chart showing total amount coming in and total amount going out each month is in this cell. 1
my budget

$0 $0
amount over/under: $0

what I spend: $0
money coming in: $0.00


money coming in each month

item amount
income from job $0.00
other $0.00

total $0.00
what I spend each month
item amount
rent $0.00
utilities $0.00
cell phone $0.00
groceries $0.00
car payment $0.00
car insurance $0.00
gas $0.00
loans $0.00
credit cards $0.00
personal care $0.00
entertainment $0.00
dining out $0.00
emergency fund $0.00
other $0.00
Does your current budgeting help you meet your financial goals? How or how not? If not, what adjus
budget in order to meet your goal?
how not? If not, what adjustments will you make to your

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