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Honestly, all three of the listed Teacher Quality Standards have been three definite focus areas for

in my PSII. I know I am supposed to pick only one but would like to focus on TQS#3 and #4 for the
purpose of this reflection.


A focus on developing a professional body of knowledge has been an instrumental factor in the
progression of my confidence in front of the class. I have been consistently researching and learning
about the topics that I am teaching in all of my spare time (it helps that it is quite interesting). Personally,
I find it very difficult to speak with any sort of authority about any subject that I do not feel I know
enough about. This was an issue for me at the beginning of my practicum because I felt that the students
had a better understanding of some of the content than I did. With (LOTS of) help from my TA, I was
able to find resources that helped me overcome this. Luckily, my TA was very willing to help and share
his own personal books and knowledge with me. I was able to recognize that this learning is a process and
that if it were my own classroom, I would have much more time to prepare and gain that imperative
knowledge and context. My main focus on development of classroom management strategies and
instructional strategies feels like it has been very beneficial for me throughout this practicum. This, of
course, ties in with a professional body of knowledge but I also think it has been interwoven with my
personal development of TQS#4.


My PSI was different in that I did not have many students with exceptional learning needs. While
my Grade 1’s all learned differently and at different paces, there were no adapted learning materials
necessary. In my PSII, I still do not have many students with exceptional needs, but I am very grateful for
the experience I have gained in those small ways. I have a few students with adapted learning programs
and one English Language Learner. This has been an amazing learning experience for me as I have
certainly failed. It has been a process for me to figure out what works best for those students; figuring out
how to give them work according to their learning needs while also challenging them has been a
challenge for me. (This is where I wanted to talk about TQS#1, but I will refrain). Establishing
relationships with those students with exceptional learning needs, and of course with the Educational
Assistants in the school, has been instrumental in this process for me. I feel as though I am just now
finally getting comfortably assigning materials to those students that I am confident meet their learning
needs and allow them to excel and gain confidence in their own learning and capabilities.

Overall, I am pretty satisfied with my progress throughout my PSII. I know I have so much to learn yet,
however the experiences in this practicum have showed me that I am capable of the necessary learning
and growing that I initially felt I could not achieve. I have worked very hard to learn and constantly
reflect on my pedagogical practice and I am very proud of that effort.

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