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“Advantages: Having a instruction materials when teaching is important to the student because they can

imagine exactly what is it and how it works.

Disadvantages: Some materials are expensive that cost more money.

(Hitchcock, Meyer & Rose, 2006)

According to: Hitchcock, Meyer & Rose(2006) The materials will be used to give students multiple means
of representation of concepts, multiple means of engaging in learning the concepts, and multiple means
of expression for students to demonstrate what they have learned. In classroom, instruction is more
flexible and provides accessibility for all students. Materials in classroom should be designed to follow
the basic tenets providing student with multiple means of representation, engagement, and expression.
It is equally important to select materials that help students retain the information. Having materials will
help the students to understand and imagine what the teacher explaining and the materials of
instruction or the tangible items that are used to support instruction and create outcomes for our
students. When teaching a mechanic students like Aircraft mechanic, if you have equipment that
represent to the students when you explaining they can easily understand what it is and they can
imagine how it works. The benefits for students when the teacher have a materials/tools that they
represent is the student can understand exactly the topic that teacher discussed. In PATTS College of
Aeronautics some student didn’t know what the teacher discussed because they cannot imagine what
the teacher’s talking about. Some student in PATTS have no idea about the airplane and how to repair it,
so that having a complete materials/equipment can help the students easily to understand the topic and
they can imagine how it work. There are many benefits for students when the teacher is teaching with
complete materials like student can easily get the topic that discussed. I think having a complete
materials on PATTS College of Aeronautics can help many students that didn’t know about the aircraft.

“Advantages: Teaching with materials can increase the student learning and student successs.

Disadvantages: Some of the materials can expend a lot of money.

(Right, 2008)

According to: (Right, 2008) Teaching materials is a generic term used to describe the resources teachers
use to deliver instruction. Teaching materials can support student learning and increase student success.
Ideally, the teaching materials will be tailored to the content in which they’re being used, to the
students in whose class they are being used, and the teacher. Teaching materials come in many shapes
and sizes, but they all have in common the ability to support student learning. Teaching materials can
refer to a number of teacher resources; however, the term usually refers to concrete examples, such as
worksheets or manipulatives, learning tools that students can handle to help them gain and practice
facility with new knowledge. Learning materials are important because they can significantly increase
student achievement by supporting student learning. Learning materials also include the use of tools
and equipment, example Aircraft maintenance student didn’t know how to use the tools, so that having
a materials for teaching is good for student because teacher can demonstrate the tools/materials that
use to avoid any damage can cause by using the tools not exact. The benefits of learning materials is
that student can use the materials/ tools exactly. Having a complete materials on PATTS can help the
students to understand about the aircraft. Some classroom on PATTS don’t have a materials and the
students can’t get the topic and the teacher cant explain exactly what it is mean. The benefits of
complete materials is that the students can easily get the topic and they can imagine how it works.

Hitchcock, Meyer & Rose.(2006): Connecting Teachers, Students, and Standard. Retrieved July 12, 2007

Right, Jocelyn.(2008): The Importance of Learning Materials in Teaching. Retrieved March 08, 2010

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