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John Buchan Middle School

Science Test Revision

3B Helping Plants Grow Well

0 min
0 marks

Level 4

1. Seedlings

(a) Nadif is growing some plants from seeds.

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He takes a seed tray and fills it with damp soil. He plants some
seeds. Then he puts a transparent lid over the top.

Nadif checks his seeds each day.

He notices that drops of water appear on the inside of the lid.

transparent lid water droplets

seed tray

damp soil seed

What is the scientific name for the process where water vapour changes into

1 mark

(b) First, the small seedling uses food in the seed to help it grow.
As it grows, the food in the seed is used up.
Then the young plant makes new food for growth.

In what part of the plant is new food made for growth?

1 mark

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(c) Why is important for the young plant that the lid of the seed tray is transparent?

1 mark

(d) The root of the young plant anchors it into the soil.

Give ONE other way the root helps the young plant grow.


1 mark

2. Space station

(a) Class 6F has been watching a programme about the International Space Station.

Astronauts live in the space station for many months. Each day they spend two
hours on exercise machines.

(This photograph has been reproduced by kind permission of NASA.)

Why do astronauts need to exercise while they are in the space station?

1 mark

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(b) The astronauts are not allowed to eat bread or crackers because the crumbs float
around the space station.
On Earth, crumbs fall down.

Why do crumbs fall down to the ground on Earth?

Write about a force in your answer.


1 mark

(c) Food that astronauts take into space has been dried to remove air and
water. This stops micro-organisms growing on the food.

Write true or false next to each statement about their food.

Dried food is better than fresh food to take into space

because it... True or false?

weighs more. ......................

decays more slowly. ......................

1 mark

(d) The astronauts investigate plants in the space station.

The plants grow in a special jelly instead of soil.
The jelly contains the things plants need to grow.

What things from the jelly do the plants need to take in through the roots?

Tick ONE box.

water and light nutrient and air

water and nutrients air and water

1 mark

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(e) The roots of plants take in some things the plants need to grow.

Describe another function of the roots.

1 mark

3. Trees

(a) The thick woody stem of a tree is called a trunk.


Give ONE function of the trunk for the tree.

1 mark

(b) Trees make food for growth.

Which part of the tree makes food for growth?


1 mark

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(c) Trees do not grow quickly during the winter. One reason trees do not grow
quickly in the winter is because it is cold.

Give a different reason to explain why trees do not grow quickly in the winter.


1 mark

(d) Class 6 collects leaves that have fallen from some trees.

They write a key which identifies the leaves they collected.

Key to identify leaves

Leaf has a smooth edge...........................go to 2

Leaf has a bumpy or jagged edge............go to 3

Leaf is long and thin.................................Weeping willow

Leaf is not long and thin...........................Alder buckthorn

Leaf is heart shaped.................................Silver lime

Leaf is not heart shaped...........................go to 4

Leaf is round............................................Aspen
Leaf is not round......................................Norway maple

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Use the key to identify the two leaves below.

(i) ...................................... (ii) ......................................

2 marks

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Level 5

4. Flowers

(a) Some children set up an investigation as shown below.

They split part of a They put one half in water

plant in half. and the other half in water mixed
with blue dye.

After some time, half of the flower turns blue.

What part of the plant did the dye travel through to get to the flower?

1 mark

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(b) Predict what would happen if the children put a bunch of white flowers
into red dye.


1 mark

(c) For which life process is the flower important to the plant?

Tick ONE box.

reproduction growth

nutrition movement
1 mark

(d) Draw three lines to match each part of the flower to its function.

Flower part Function

stamen seeds are made here

ovary produces the pollen

stigma pollen collects here

1 mark

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5. Trees and other plants

(a) Different parts of a tree have different functions.

Draw THREE lines below to match each part of the tree to its function.

leaf trunk root

carries water from uses water when

takes in water one part to another making food
1 mark

(b) Germination, pollination, fertilisation and seed dispersal are all stages in the life
cycle of plants.

Draw THREE lines below to join each stage in the life cycle to the correct picture.

One has been done for you.

1 mark

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