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FAAS, _ SSSUE* No Date _____—— LIGENA GLAND CENTRAL TERMINAL V Sho LINER CoN wye334, FEB 205 Respondent Tho Umer The a common cartier operating buses “which ply Various cures fo and trom Lucena city assailed City Ordinance Nas {31 and 1178 as unconstituriond on ne ground that these constiare invalid ercise of paice power, ah uvdne faking of Plivate properh), and a vidlation of Yne- constitutional polibition agains\ motovali¢s + the ocdinances geanted tdusive franchice te +Wenhy We years, renewable fir another five years Te Lucena erand cenit) Terminds 1 SWCeGOTE in wheres « far nee constuction ae opto of one cotmwnon wus cand jeepney ferrin dl fadlity in Lucena city » 10 be incoted outsele ane city prper, were pirtessediy aimed fowavdds alestatinng the fief ungastion aleged fh have peen caused bY the existence of vations Ws and | jeepney termina] s within the city: FUCINED ane subjee cringnce prhibit te. operation af all bus and jeep: ney terminals within Lucena, induding those already eAtcting , ard aw aeration of only one commen ‘cminal Wweated sutlde the diy pnper, te Franchise fir hich was granted p the pettoner: The common carrvers Plfy ranks “ aind from [ucena cliy are tims camnpehed fp cose down their existing terminals and use tne fadlties of pettoner ~ Respondent, who had maintained a termina) within the city, was one of those affected by Tee atdinances- Whemner fre Cty of Lucena paperly With tne aim of localizing tne Source of tatfic congestion Tn tne city TH a Single \scafon, tne UUeor ordinances prohibit tue ‘aperation of all buses and jeepney terminals within Lucena, ihuding Mose alreacky exlsitg autide The city proper, tne rareise fir eeatan ey which was granted p the petitianer- The commen conte plying wunes awd om Lucena City are tus Compeed facture diwn ‘mér existing yerminals and ue {me faciities of peninioner - Tre tue ave of Constiutfondl law ic to effect ah equilibren vetween datherhy and liberty sh twat rights ane ekerclsed benKeerr within tne Taméwork of-fne law and the laws are- enacted with duc deference fightr- Scanned with CamScanner

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