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CLA 2000

Assignment 10B
Directions: Turn in a copy of your ANSWERS to the following questions on SEPARATE paper.
Both parts of this assignment are due ___________.

PART I: [HERMES] Watch the 14:29 Video Shown at:

1. Complete an analysis (according to the method learned in #6B) of a story

involving Hermes.
2. What is an epithet of HERMES?
3. What were his parents?
4. What objects are associated with him?
5. What were his “jobs” in the universe? Why?
6. Who was his wife?
7. What is his Roman name?

Part II [DEMETER] Watch the 12:50 Video Shown at

1. What is a typical EPITHET of Demeter?

2. What are her attributes?
3. Who is the father of her daughter?
4. Who is her daughter?
5. Who is her “son-in-law” ?
6. What is her Roman name?

Part III [DIONYSUS] Watch the 17:00 Video Shown at:

1. Who were Dionysus’ parents?

2. How was he born?
3. What is his “role” in the universe (cf. “Apollonian” and Katharsis)
4. What happened between Dionysus and King Pentheus? Watch the 11:22
video at

and briefly comment on the significance of “madness” as it relates to
5. Who were the Maenads?
6. Watch this 13:21 excerpt from Euripides’ play, “Bacchae,” and briefly
comment on its value in teaching you both about ancient theater and the role
of “madness” in ancient Greek society.

Part IV [HEPHAISTOS] Watch the 13:43 Video shown at:

1. Who were Hephaestus’ parents?

2. What is his role on Mt. Olympus?
3. For whom was he an inspiration?
4. How was he born?
5. Who was his wife?
6. How did he catch her in the act of infidelity?
7. What is his disability?
8. What was his very important role in the Iliad in relation to Achilles?
9. How had H. mastered the art of robotics in the ancient world? I.e., what type
of lights and bellows did he have in his workshop?
10. What might the nature of his marriage to Aphrodite give us insight into
marital discord?
11. What tools are associated with him?
12. Identify at least 4 things he made for the gods/humans.
13. Watch the 4:06 video and briefly comment:

14. What’s a possible explanation for the existence of ancient stories of robots?

More Words to Consider


Part V: Recommended Watching/Reading

1. If you find useful videos/sources, please let me know so I can add
them to my list. "

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