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Dhaka, Bangladesh

School of Business
MBA Program: Spring Semester 2021
MKT 543 (Brand Management)

The Power of Brand in economy and Society

1. Identify three brands from three different product categories. Name your favorite brands and why? Discuss how
your perceptions of brands might differ from those of others.

2. Pick a category basically dominated by two main brands. Evaluate the positioning of each brand. Who are their
target markets? What are their main points-of-parity and points-of difference? Have they defined their positioning
correctly? How might it be improved?

3. Pick a brand. Attempt to identify its sources of brand equity. Assess its level of brand awareness and the strength,
favorability, and uniqueness of its associations.

4. Pick a brand. Assess the extent to which the brand is achieving the various benefits of brand equity.

5. As a brand manager how would you select a brand name for your product.

1. Students are asked to complete and submit this task independently.
2. Form of Submission: Hand written.
3. Last Date of Submission: March 14, 2021 Sunday.
4. Must have a cover page (provided by the course instructor) following the university style.

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