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Physical Education, Sports, and Health in Africa and Asia

The reporting that was done lately talks about the value and practices of Physical Education,
Sports, and Health in Africa and Asia. It also tackles the impacts and status of the PE curriculum in
the said continents. With the report, I can say that in Africa, Physical Education was not that valued
and it has poor practices that were clearly stated with the research data.

Physical education in South Africa was embedded with the culture and tradition of the
country, with the physical power reinforced by tradition and practices like food hunting, survival,
nomadic pastoralism, etc. Some issues were raised with the Physical Education and Health status in
Africa. Some of this is the curriculum that lets teachers with limited knowledge about the subject be
taught, causing failure to give students basic physical education skills. Also, the research found out
that the country has the greatest percentage of having learners who do not participate in a physical
education class. It is sad to hear that the implementation of the program is limited, there are no
pieces of evidence that benefited the students with the subject, no intervention with the poor
participation of the students in PE and the said program only attracts students who already have the
background of PE, not with those who need it the most. There are no PE and health improvements
and clearly, there was no improvement in the academic performance of the students.

Compared to Africa, Asia’s Physical Education and Health status is quite better. Based on
the report, Physical Education in Asia provides opportunities for students to develop, learn about
their abilities, and enables them to value and take part in other cultures. PE and Sports in Asia also
established values of sports to the students, like excellence, friendship, respect, courage,
determination, inspiration, and Equality. With this being said, the improvement of Physical Education
and the academic performance of the students was visible in some aspects. Though there are Asian
countries that in terms of their Physical Education status are not that great, it is still better compared
to Africa. The reporter has mentioned that Physical Education was given importance in Asia but it's
just that there were Asian countries that had a lack of support from the government.

Overall, when Physical Education, Sports and Health was successfully implemented and it
has great impacts on the students, it also affects their academic performance. Study shows that
physically active students perform better in class. When a student was successfully engaged in
physical activities, it improved their cognitive skills which benefited them in academics. That is why,
successful implementation of Physical Education, Sports, and Health is vital and it must take
consideration because it does not just benefit students physically but it benefits them holistically.

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