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Jimmy Rotondo

Q Sermon – Poetry Response

Prey to Predator

When you are small, you get stepped on.

When you are slow, you get trampled.
When you are weak, you get broken.
When you are soft, you get squashed.
When you are naïve, you get tricked.

Bad things happen to good people.

When you are stepped on,

When you are trampled,
When you are broken,
When you are squashed,
When you are tricked, you are a victim.

In order to stop being the victim, you become the predator.

The predator is smart.

The predator is sneaky.
The predator is powerful.
The predator is eating.
The predator feeds upon the small, slow, week, soft, and naïve.

But in the food chain there is always a larger predator who is ready for feeding.

They are massive.

They are ferocious.
They are greedy.
They don’t care about you as a person.
They just fill their stomachs and keep eating.

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