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Manu Sharma as Developer of Kitabae app

Hello. I am Manu Sharma and I am the Developer of "Kitabae App". I must say, Kitabae is the best
initiative taken by all of our team collectively. It is commonly said that a reader lives a thousand lives.
And from this app we want to make it easier for everyone to read books. Reading strengthens the brain,
reduces stress and builds vocabulary. So we decided to make an application which can help people to
connect with the words, meaning, stories and characters of different books and their authors. To achieve
this goal it was necessary to build the backbone of the application which I did, to provide you the best
Bhavik Jain as Designer of Kitabae app
The app is designed keeping in mind about the book readers. The dark theme at night automatically
activates and can also be manually activated according to reader's choice. We have given a bookish look
to the app which will make the viewers feel that they are reading the physical books. The UI and UX has
been kept simple and clean. Colours chosen are eyes-friendly.

We have added features like highlighter, page bookmark, font size adjustment and many more. We have
designed a specific page for book launch event that would be held live and virtually on our application. In
which people can ask questions and interact with the author directly from their phone.
Books are categorised on basis on different genres in our bookshelf page which looks very similar to the
physical bookshelf that we all have. Payment page is designed with all the necessary UI/UX facilities and
Ankit Katyayan as Marketing Head of Kitabae
Hello happy faces.
Myself Ankit Katyayan and by post I am the marketing head of Kitabae

This app is created for spreading knowledge and build up a culture of reading and exploring.
So as a marketing head of Kitabae, I am not doing my job, I am doing my moral responsibility for the
Our goals are not only static to a particular state or country, we want to propagate it through out the
In this app more than 100 languages of books and writeups are available.
Sudhanshu Shukla as Financer of Kitabae app
किताबें ऐप की आज लॉन्चिंग है और मझ
ु े बेहद खश
ु ी हो रही है की मैं भी इस ऐप का एक हिस्सा हूं जो की
लोगों को किताबें पढ़ने के लिए प्रेरित करे गा और किताबों के बारे में ज्ञान भी दे गा। और मेरी हमेशा से एक
सोच रही है की पैसा वहां लगाना चाहिए जहां उसका सदप
ु योग हो तो मैंने अपना पैसा लगाकर समाज के
कल्याण के लिए एक छोटी सी पहल शरू
ु की है | यहां आज यव
ु ाओं को सोचने और समझने की क्षमता बढ़
सके और इसी बहाने यव
ु ा मोबाइल का भी सदप
ु योग कर पाएगा।
Shagun Shukla as Application Consultant
A warm welcome to all of you, here Shagun Shukla, Application Consultant of an application
"KITABAE" the main aim for this app is to increase the habit of reading amongst users.
As an application Consultant, the precise work of me is to enhance the business for our app development.
As consultant becomes the mediator between purchaser and seller so its significant for me to be reliable to
both of them.
The main function I'm playing as a consultant for this app is dependent upon the needs, priority and to the
proposal for which our initiative is all about. The consultants direct specialists to set the principles for
each component of app development.
Being a freelance consultant but with a team with great initiative meant building a long list of connections
and clients, but the new generation of consulting apps and marketplaces has taken much of the friction out
of finding and retaining freelancing clients. Here are three such platforms and an assessment of which
ones work best for different goals.
Aswathy Damodar as Brand Ambassador of Kitabae app
Hello everyone and thank you all for joining us today. I feel glad to be the brand ambassador for this app.
I enjoy writing. I have written 3 books till now. I have a keen interest in reading books. Reading new
authors, new perspective. Through this app, I can read more books. Also, the Kitabae app helps the
students who want to read and cannot afford many books by giving them free books to read. This was the
prominent point that attracted me more to the app. Even I have agreed to donate a certain amount from
my pay for the same cause. They are working for a great initiative. I feel happy to be part of it.

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