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Hyperthyroidism is more common in women than men. The overall prevalence

of hyperthyroidism, which is approximately 1.3 percent, increases to 4 to 5 percent
in older women. Hyperthyroidism is also more common in smokers. Graves' disease
is seen most often in younger women, while toxic nodular goiter is more common in
older women.


 Hyperthyroidism secondary to Graves disease or toxic multinodular goiter has an

overall, positive prognosis due to high success rates of definitive treatment and
efficacy of symptom management. As with any disease, the prognosis of
particular disease pathology is patient-oriented and reflects management,
response to therapy, and compliance with prescribed treatments.
 Hyperthyroidism is treatable. Some causes may go away without treatment.
 Hyperthyroidism caused by Graves disease usually gets worse over time. It has
many complications, some of which are severe and affect quality of life.


Lifestyle and Home Remedies

 Once you begin treatment, symptoms of hyperthyroidism should subside and

you should start feeling much better. However, your doctor may recommend
that you watch out for iodine in your diet because it can cause hyperthyroidism
or make it worse.
 Kelp, dulse and others types of seaweed contain a lot of iodine. Cough syrup and
multivitamins also may contain iodine.

Foods to eat if you have hyperthyroidism

 Low-iodine foods. The mineral iodine plays a key role in making thyroid
hormones. A low-iodine diet helps to reduce thyroid hormones. Add these foods
to your daily diet: non-iodized salt, coffee or tea (without milk or dairy- or soy-
based creamers), egg whites, etc.

 Vitamins and minerals. Several nutrients are essential for thyroid health and to
balance thyroid hormone production.

 Iron. Iron is important for many vital bodily functions, including thyroid health.
This mineral is needed for blood cells to carry oxygen to every cell in your body.

Low levels of iron are linked to hyperthyroidism. Get plenty of iron in your diet with
foods such as: dried beans, green leafy vegetables, lentils, nuts, etc.
 Zinc. Zinc helps you use food for energy. This mineral also helps keep your
immune system and thyroid healthy. Food sources of zinc include: beef,
chickpeas, cocoa powder, etc.

 Calcium and vitamin D. Hyperthyroidism causes weak and brittle bones. Bone
mass may be restored with treatment. Vitamin D and calcium are necessary for
building healthy bones.

 Spices. Some spices and herbs have anti-inflammatory properties to help protect
and balance thyroid function. Add flavor and a dose of antioxidants to your daily
meals with: turmeric, green chilies and black pepper

Foods to avoid if you have hyperthyroidism

 Excess iodine. Eating too many iodine-rich or iodine-fortified foods may lead to

hyperthyroidism or worsen it in some cases.

 Gluten. In some people, gluten may harm the thyroid by causing inflammation.

Even if you don’t have a gluten allergy or intolerance, it may be beneficial to
restrict or limit gluten.

 Caffeine. Foods and beverages that contain caffeine, such as coffee, tea, soda,
and chocolate, can exacerbate the symptoms of hyperthyroidism and lead to
increased anxiety, nervousness, irritability, and rapid heart rate.

Coping and support

If you've been diagnosed with hyperthyroidism, the most important thing is to

receive the necessary medical care. After you and your doctor have decided on a
course of action, there are some things you can do that will help you cope with the
condition and support your body during its healing process.

 Get regular exercise. Exercise in general will help you feel better and improve
your muscle tone and cardiovascular system. It also can help reduce your
appetite and increase your energy level.
 Learn relaxation techniques. Many relaxation techniques can help you maintain
a positive outlook, especially when coping with illness. It is well-documented
that in Graves' disease stress is a risk factor, so learning to relax and achieve
balance in your life can help maintain physical and mental well-being.

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