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Jalan Sei Sesayap Rt. 01 Kampung Empat Telp. (0551) 2038523 email :


Mata Pelajaran : Bahasa Inggris Hari/Tanggal : Senin , 15 Maret 2021
Kelas/Semester : VIII/Genap Alokasi Waktu : 60 menit

a. Berdoalah terlebih dahulu sebelum dan sesudah mengerjakan soal
b. Kerjakan terlebih dahulu soal yang dianggap mudah
c. Bekerjalah dengan teliti dan percaya diri sendiri dalam mengerjakan soal
d. Total nilai Pilihan Ganda 100

A. Pilihlah jawaban pada A, B, C dan D yang paling tepat!

Read the text below. Questions for number 1 – 5.

1. What does the text talk about? It talks about …

A. Trunk
B. Eat grass and plants
C. Elephants
D. Carnivore animals
2. Where do most of them live? Most of them live in …
A. Africa and Europe
B. Asia and Africa
C. Asia and Australia
D. Africa and America
3. What do they use their long trunk for?
A. To put food and water in their mouths
B. To camouflage
C. To hang on the tree
D. To swim in the water
4. Which fact is TRUE about elephants based on the text?
A. Elephants can swim
B. Elephants have good memories
C. Most of elephants live in Australia

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D. They don’t have long trunk to put food and water in their mouth
5. “They are also intelligent and have good memories”.
The underlined word has the similar meaning with …
A. Brilliant
B. Silly
C. Unintelligent
D. Dull
Read the text below. Questions for number 6 – 10.

6. A: …
B: No, they don’t.
Based on the text, Which is the best answer to complete the question?
A. Do they live in northern parts of the world?
B. Do bears eat honey?
C. Do bears find a snug place to hibernate in summer?
D. Do bears have thick fur coats to protect them from the cold
7. Why do bears find a snug place in winter?
A. To hibernate
B. To eat meat and honey
C. To protect them from the sun
D. To hunt
8. What do bears have to protect them from the cold?
A. Good sense
B. Stripped coat
C. Good smell
D. Thick fur
9. Which fact is NOT TRUE about bears based on the text?
A. They are large and powerful
B. They have good sense of smell
C. Some of them eat meat and honey
D. Most of them live in southeast parts of the world
10. “ … bears have to protect them from the cold”.
The underlined word has the opposite meaning with …
A. Defend
B. Harm
C. Safe

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D. Secure
Read the text below. Questions for number 11 – 14.

11. What does Rahmat always wear to protect his head?

A. Warm clothes
B. Snowboard
C. A helmet
D. All the answers are wrong
12. The text above describes about …
A. Snowboard
B. Rahmat’s favorite sport
C. Sport accident
D. Rahmat
13. What will happen if Rahmat doesn’t wear a helmet?
A. He will get hurt
B. He will be fine
C. He will go faster
D. He will feel warm
14. Why does Rahmat like snowboarding?
A. Because he can get hurt
B. Because it’s dangerous sport
C. Because it’s not exciting sport
D. Because he can go faster and go in between the trees on his snowboard

15. Tania loves skateboard. She … to play skateboard on Sunday afternoon.

A. like
B. likes
C. liked
D. alike
16. We … go to school everyday because of Covid 19.
A. don’t
B. doesn’t
C. didn’t
D. must
17. … you always recite Surah Al Kahf on Friday?
A. Do
B. Does
C. Did

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D. Is
18. Rearrange the jumbled words below into a good sentence.
Every – she – morning – food – animals – drink – and – prepares – for the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A. 2-8-9-5-4-7-6-1-3
B. 9-5-2-8-4-7-6-1-3
C. 2-8-4-7-6-9-5-1-3
D. 9-5-1-3-2-8-4-7-6
19. Rearrange the jumbled words below into a good sentence.
Takes – sick – he – care – animals – of – regularly
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
A. 7-3-6-2-5-1-4
B. 3-1-4-6-5-2-7
C. 7-1-4-2-5-6-3
D. 3-1-4-6-2-5-7
20. Complete the blank with the appropriate word.
We … do research about Koalas . We do research about Pandas.
A. don’t
B. practice
C. come
D. visit
21. Complete the blank with the appropriate word.
Vania and Nissa always … to speak English after school.
A. come
B. don’t
C. visit
D. practice
22. Look at the picture about taking care of animal. The best answer to describe the picture is …
A. He disturbs the animals everyday
B. He feeds the animals everyday
C. He scares the animals everyday
D. He speaks to the animals everyday

23. Look at the picture. The best answer to describe the picture is …
A. They repair the animals cages regularly
B. They take care of sick animals
C. They wash the animals everyday
D. They feed the animals
24. Tigers … eat grass because they are carnivore animal.
A. always
B. sometimes
C. usually
D. never
25. Farhan is discipline and loves praying at the mosque. He … attend a Friday Prayer at the mosque near his house on
A. always
B. sometimes
C. usually

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D. never

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