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Nama : Moh. Harits Amanda R.

NIM : 1907016091
Kelas : Psikologi 4C
Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris II

Vocabulary Log VI “Motor Vehicles : The Pros and Cons”

Excitement Kegembiraan, Kebohongan, Kegemparan


The feeling of lively and cheerfully joy; the state of being

emotionally aroused and worked up.

Expansion Excitement / Excitation (noun)

- (verb)
Exciting / Excitative / Excited (adjective)
Excitedly / Excitingly (adverb)
Synonym Emotion, Motivation, action, rage, passion
Own Sentence His Excitement mounted when he play the games
Resource Sumber daya, sumber, materi


Available source, a new or reserve supply.

Expansion Resource (noun)

- (verb)
Resourceful / Resourceless (adjective)
Resourcefully (adverb)
Synonym Source, supply, Ability, fund.
Own Sentence For farming you need resources.

Deny Membantah, menolak, menyangkal.


Declare untrue; contradict; Refuse to accept or believe.

Expansion Denial (noun)

Deny (verb)
Deniable (adjective)
Denied (adverb)
Synonym Refuse, decline, oppose, reject.
Own Sentence She did not attempt to deny it.
Harmful Berbahaya, membahayakan.


Able or likely to do harm; causing or capable of causing harm;

injurious to physical or mental health.

Expansion Harm (noun)

Harm (verb)
Harmful (adjective)
Harmfully (adverb)
Synonym Dangerous, damaging, bad, evil, risky
Own Sentence His Impatience can be Harmful.

Dispersal Pemencaran, pembubaran, penyebaran, pengusiran, bubar.


The act of dispersing or diffusing something.

Expansion Dispersal (noun)

Dispersed (verb)
Disperse / dispersed (adjective)
- (adverb)
Synonym Distribution, Scattering, Spread, Broadcast, Diffusion
Own Sentence Harry was success in his own Dispersal business.

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