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Hard work is more important than talent

“Are you talented or hard working?” Or, “Are you both?” If I ask you these questions, “How
long will you take to answer?” “5 seconds? 10Seconds? Or more? “Well, you might answer, “I
am both talented and hardworking. “Or, you can prefer just one of these. Now if I ask you for an
explanation of your answer, you might get lost in your thoughts for a minute as you might not
know the proper definition of these terms. Well, in general, talent is a natural gift that helps to
make you a skillful person in different fields. On the other hand, hard work illustrates your
patience and your efforts you put to do a certain task and of course this is not a natural gift. By
reading so far you must have got the real meaning of these two terms along with a question in
your mind. “Is Hard work important or Talent? “Or vice versa. Life is just a summation of some
moments and we all want to be recognized by people around us. In this long run, we try to
develop ourselves through working in different fields, such as –healthcare, music, astronomy and
so on. But in order to excel in these fields, we need education as, this helps us to gain proper
knowledge of any field we want to work in.Since ““Education is the most powerful weapon
which you can use to change the world” according to Nelson Mandela, it is important to know
how we can progress in this field. It might be your talent or your hard work which can provide
you the power to succeed in this field of education. Well, generally, in order to be academically
successful, hard work is more important than talent as hard work itself creates talent, makes a
student victorious in academic life and helps them to be proactive and learn new
things.Though,in the end, It is up to the student, which one he or she would prefer the most.

At first, as we all know, life is full of opportunities and in order to grab them, education plays the
pioneer role. As mentioned before, through those words from Nelson Mandela, it is a “powerful
weapon” which supports you to change the world. Now in this field, all you need is to gain
proper understanding of each fact and act accordingly in real life. In order to proceed, you need
to do hard work as well as you need talent. But the ratio of these two, might differ. According to
Derek Jeter, ““There may be people that have more talent than you, but there's no excuse for
anyone to work harder than you do. “Talent is needed to reach the top of the education sector and
there is no doubt in it. But, hard work itself creates talent. The more you work, the more you get
better in a particular field and that’s what makes you talented.Also,in academic life, a student
does find a lot of other students who are way more talented than them. But to beat those talented
ones, hard work is the most praiseworthy action. The more a student studies, the more they want
to know and it helps them to gain information on that particular subject. Thus, it becomes easier
for them to beat any talented student and this makes them talented as well. In short, hard work
paves the way of becoming a talented student and makes that student a talented one.

Secondly,talent is an inborn natural gift of a person in one or many fields. Having talent on a
certain skill gives a head start on that particular field.Thus, it becomes much easier to acquire
good results in that particular field. Moreover, talent gives confidence to a person.A student
might think that they are qualified to complete that task because they are talented. It is true that a
talented person can shine brighter than a normal person but only if they work hard.According to
Robert Half- “Hard work without talent is a shame,but talent without hard work is a tragedy.”
This defines how important hard work is.On the other hand, talent makes a person lazy and
ignorant about others because of the system that we live in, people tend to think that a talented
person is superior and they prioritize talent over anything else. However, hard work makes
students eager to learn new things. Whereas a talented person never tries to learn new things
because he/she thinks that they know enough. Hard working students tend to become more
proactive because they know how to utilize their time rather than wasting it. To sum up,it can be
said that academically talented people might do well but without hard work they would not be
able to enhance their talent.

Thirdly, talent helps a student develop abilities on certain skills. They would obviously find that
particular subject easy because he would be able to develop their skills faster. In different sectors
talented people can shine but if they do not work hard to develop their skill furthermore then
they would never be able to succeed. This can be seen in academic institutions where many types
of students are seen. A talented student would understand a topic better than anybody else but in
the end if he does not work hard to understand better, to enhance his skills more then he/she
would fall behind. For example, a story known to us all is the story of hare and the tortoise. The
hare was talented but as he rested thinking he would win without trying the tortoise kept on
going and he kept on working hard in the end he won the race.To conclude, we can learn one
thing which is,talent might give us a boost but if we do not work hard then we cannot become
more successful

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